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Credit to eMouse of
During the trailer for the
Transformers Movie, a website for appears during the sequence with the sound display. Along with the URL is the login of takara83. If you to and enter this username then you wil gain access to paramounts flash
experince with an in-character "video report".
Quiet a cool spot an addition, we look forward to seeing what else they put on that site.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 21:32:08 GMT
| Share:
| Discuss: Read on, the official movie website, has been updated with a new flash menu and general layout. The Fan Art area is now live, though no fan art has been added as well as more videos.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 19:35:47 GMT
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Thanks to Sideways for posting this on our
message board this morning, following on from Moonbug's story earlier in the day.
Yahoo UK have put up the full UK trailer for the
Transformers Movie which you can find
here. Notice the lack of a release date on the actual trailer itself, with only July mentioned, even though the main page keeps to the 24th July UK release. So there is still hope that the UK release will be bought forward to be inline with many of the other European countries, though more likely the trailer will be re-used in most other countries.
Yahoo's US site will upload the US trailer later this evening.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 13:00:11 GMT
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Hasbro's trademark application for
Soundbite has now been published for oppoisition. This is the time where other companies / individuals can challenge Hasbro's application for the mark. Based on the normal timeframe, if unchallenged, Soundbite is still on course to become a registered mark before the movie is released.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 12:53:16 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on is well renowned for it's fantastically in-depth, well presented, and well written look into the world of the wonderfully, rare, old and bizarre Transformers toys. Well the webmaster of TF-1, Maz, has posted an new article, an in-depth look into the
Generation One Strike Planes - with comparisons of the pre-transformers, 1st releases, 2nd releases and hardcopy / prototype images.
The article is a fantastic read, and be sure to leave your
feedback for Maz to read
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 08:39:36 GMT
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You can find the official
Transformers Movie Trailer, released in the cinema this week, at
Yahoo Movies (previously
The trailer goes live at 12:00 PM EST, which is in 9hrs 30 mins from the time of writing this (18:00 GMT)
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th December 2006 at 08:24:46 GMT
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Rich subbmitted the following news :-
The stock lists for the January Argos catalogue include the following;
- Transformers Jaguar (cat no 369 7788) - Alt Ravage II
- Transformers Optimus and Megatron (cat 369 8938) - Classics
- Cybertron Heroes (cat 369 5319) - (Titanium Soundwave / Rodimus)
- Star Wars TFs
- Alternator Optimus Prime
- Alternator Grimlock
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Rich -
on: Tuesday, 19th December 2006 at 22:35:24 GMT
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Seibertron have the following news story on their website.
forum member spooie, reports that Nintendo Power Magazine has confirmed
that there is both a Wii and Nintendo DS game in the works for the up
coming Transformers Movie. The gameplay style is unknown at the time, but the developer is Activision.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th December 2006 at 18:22:51 GMT
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Hasbro's trademark for
Beast Wars, filed with the USPTO, had an update to it's status on the 18th December. The new status for this mark is
Current Status:
Section 8 and 15 affidavits have been accepted and acknowledged.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th December 2006 at 08:16:21 GMT
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TFSource have information on the Just Love Toys Christmas special re-colour. The figure is a Blue Commander (Generation Two Grimlock) with a santa hat. As a bonus, there are 10 chrome-gold chase versions of the toys.
You can see more information
here at TFWorld 2005
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 18th December 2006 at 08:26:53 GMT
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Paul Cannon has updated the
Transforce 2007 website with an update on the Transforce 2007 convention. The update explains why things had been pretty quiet from them recently.
Unfortunately I have had to postpone Transforce 2007. This is mainly due to financial considerations. I hope very much to be able to announce a new date either late in 2007 or in early 2008.
I hope this does not cause too much inconvenience, and as always thank you all for your continued support.
Don't forget there is still Auto Assembly 2007!
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 18th December 2006 at 08:21:24 GMT
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TFWorld2005 have mirrored
images from Talk-Transformers and ToysDaily websites of the Titanium Soundwave figure.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 17th December 2006 at 10:49:14 GMT
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Don Murphy has posted what he says will be his final post of 2006 on his
Message Board.
"Come gather ye Stooges and Hear a New Tale.
This will likely be the last posting of 2006. I am basically gonna miss
Christmas this year, since Susan and I are knee deep in WHILE SHE WAS
OUT, prepping in Vancouver for a February shoot. We hope to go right
from that into FACES OF DEATH, and then who knows what next year will
bring. (WE 3 ? Yes Please!) If it is a year like 2006, then please,
more, more!
SHOOT-EM-UP is now tentatively scheduled for September 7, 2007. The
film is amazing, exciting and funny as shit. Can't wait to show you the
new trailer.
The TRANSFORMERS trailer comes out December 20th online. I'm not going
to hype it. If it doesn't silence the haters, nothing will. The reality
is that this film comes out July 4th, 2007, and the producers and the
studio are already talking sequel. We know what we have is an exciting
and amazing summer blockbuster.
The Don Murphy Message Board was set up by a fan of mine to discuss my
movies. Soon, certainly by the new year, there will be a banner on top
of the page advising that Transformers discussion should be moved to . I mean, you can post whatever you want
wherever you want I guessexcept there is no point anymore. The film is
shot. The first director's cut comes in next week. ILM is rendering the
film. We all think that the film kicks ass. But, no matter what you
post, it isn't changing. All the polls in the world no longer make a
difference. It seems to make more sense to discuss the movie on the
movie site.
I know that from the beginning of this board, I have done my utmost
best to make the fan base as happy as I possibly could. You guys
demanded Cullen and despite resistance from some quarters he is in
there. I feel Welker will hopefully come in there as well. There were
things you wanted that frankly made no sense in a live action movie.
And there were things I could not deliver, because I was only one voice
among many. I think the board served its purpose and along the way
created a community and for that I am most grateful.
I hope you'll all have a great Holiday Season and be good to one
another out there. Make the internet a little less hatefilled. Enjoy
movies that look good. Enjoy your families and take care, and hang
tight, Stooges, hang tight."
Credit to for spotting the post
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 17th December 2006 at 10:45:13 GMT
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Thanks to Nevermore for letting the
Trans-Europe Express group know about the latest set of German Transformers sightings over on The sightings were
Scout Class (&eruo;10.99): Ransack GTS, Scrapmetal (yellow), Brakedown GTS
Deluxe Class (&eruo;17.99): Unicron, Thundercracker
Voyager Class (&eruo;27.99): Galaxy Force Vector Prime, Quickmix
Plus some unspecified "Mini-Con three-packs".
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 16th December 2006 at 10:32:20 GMT
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I-Primus posted the following on
TF @ The Moon - Sake CommentsFor what it's worth, Sainsbury's are offering 25% off Cybertron basics taking them down to £4.99 each. They might also be offering them off large classes but my local on stocks basics.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 16th December 2006 at 10:28:40 GMT
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