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Here's an update for those people who ordered the e-Hobby exclusive Kiss-Play Cassettes from us. e-Hobby have now taken payment for the toys, due at the end of March, so we'll be sending out payment requests for the orders over the next few days. We were expecting the payment to be taken in February, so we appologise for the earlier payment request.
We have been experiencing problems with emailing to HotMail accounts due to it's filter not liking the configuration of our email server, due to it's age. If you use a Hotmail account we urge you to get in touch with us with a different email address.
We still have 12 sets of these toys avaliable for Pre-Order, as we increased the order at the last moment. If you would like to order a set or the toys, which were extremely limited in their sale period (of only a few days) on the e-Hobby site, then please let us know.
I have registered a Google Mail account for Transformers @ The Moon so we can contact users who use MSN. You will recognise the display name, as well as the regular typos :-)
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th January 2007 at 19:25:07 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 11th January 2007 at 08:58:50 GMT
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TFW2005 member Fort Max has
pictured his new Alternator Ravage, new Jaguar mold, on their message board. The images confirm the news report we had on the
19th December from Rich, who stated the toy would feature in the new Argos catelogue. If you look at Fort Max's pictures you'll notice the Argos receipt.
Not all Argos' have the toy in their store rooms yet.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 10th January 2007 at 20:34:08 GMT
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Two more images of Transformers characters from the new
Transformers Movie has appeared on the web. The first was of the Decepticon Barricade, hosted on
Jalopnik and the second of Megatron, on
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 10th January 2007 at 08:25:34 GMT
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Thanks go to Nevermore for letting the
Trans-Europe Express group know that the sales of Transformers Cybertron toys in Germany are off to a great start. Several members of The have reported that the toys are selling well in Toys R Us and that Cybertron will be debuting on Germany TV on the 4th April on Kabel 1.
View the original report
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 18:41:08 GMT
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Credit once again to CycloneX for lettting the
Trans-Europe Express group know that both the
Belgian and Dutch trailers for Transformers Movie can now be found online. The Belgian trailer is of the very first teaser
trailer, where as the Dutch one is the 2nd teaser
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 18:37:47 GMT
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Thanks to CycloneX of
BTFA for letting the
Trans-Europe Express group know that the following Transformers: Classics have been released in the Netherlands
* Starscream
* Bumblebee
* Rodimus
* Megatron 19.99 euro
* Optimus
Prime 19.99 euro
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 18:35:34 GMT
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The USPTO have updated the trademark for
STEAMHAMMER, serial number 76663880, to show that the mark has now been published for opposition.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 16:36:41 GMT
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ProtoformX has posted a list of new products listed in the computers of Toys R Us Canada, along with the SKUs. You can view the original thread
here. Al prices are Canadian Dollars
Cyber Stompin Robot Asst. Sku 470767 $29.99
Transtech Roleplay Asst. Sku 4707329 $19.99
TF Movie Unleashed Asst. Sku 470988 $29.99
Ultimate Bumblebee Sku 470686
Unicron Moive Statue Sku 468363
Movie Helmet Roleplay Asst. Sku 470791 $39.99
Prime Arm Blaster Sku 470848 $39.99
Articulated Keychain Asst. Sku 453536 $4.99
Cyber Slammers Asst. Sku 470821 $12.99
Fast Action Battlers Asst. Sku 471003 $14.99
Movie Action Figures Asst. Sku 470392 $14.99
movie DLX Asst. Sku 470708 $14.99
Movie Leader Asst. Sku 471046 $69.99
Movie Legends Asst. Sku 470961 $5.99
Movie Plush Asst. Sku 470864 $14.99
Movie Robot Heroes Asst. Sku 470902 $7.99
Movie Voyager Asst. Sku 470716 $29.99
Real Gear Robots Asst. Sku 470651 $9.99
Starscream Blaster Sku 470856 $39.99
Undercover Boxset Asst Sku 453447 $24.99
Opimus Prime Mini Head Sku 467839 $39.99
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 08:50:37 GMT
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According to this article on, the casting decision for who will voice Megatron in the live action Transformers Movie is just days away. IESB report that sources inform them that its down to two names, fan favourite and voice of the Original Megatron, Frank Welker and Hugo Weaving.
Take this article with a pinch of salt, as it it still just rumours at this stage
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 9th January 2007 at 08:47:56 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 8th January 2007 at 23:42:01 GMT
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In their latest press release on, Hasbor have published the first official images of the Transformers Movie preview toys. This is the text
"Inspired in design, by the Protoform characters in the upcoming
Transformers live-action movie, these preview figures feature
Starscream and Optimus Prime in their Cybertronian forms."
here for the images on the official site
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 8th January 2007 at 18:23:20 GMT
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There have been several auctions of the Transformers Classics: Skywarp and Ultra Magnus 2-pack in recent months, with an ever increasing amount over the last few days. This increase in visibility has lead to speculation by Western Transformers fans that the latest Transformers Classics toys have been officially released in Hong Kong. We can confirm that this is indeed the case and have a photograph of the
Transformers: Classics Skywarp & Ultra Magnus 2-pack fresh from Hong Kong with the price tag clearly visible.
The image comes thanks to
Talk Transformers and although unclear, the price looks around HKD 399.00. Usually we do not mirror images, but as their site is running very slowly, we have decided to in this case.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 7th January 2007 at 19:18:36 GMT
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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 7th January 2007 at 10:13:40 GMT
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Teletran-1 reports that the Microchange Eggbots, that were released during Beast Wars II as the
EggBeasts, will be re-released under the Kiss-Play banner later this year as a three set. They assume that the toys will be a e-Hobby exlcusive, though they could turn out to be convention toys or normal releases.
Credit to
The Allspark for the news.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 7th January 2007 at 10:04:06 GMT
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