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Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 22nd November 2013 at 09:20:53 GMT
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Here is a quick catchup on the Transformers: Age of Extinction news from the last few days.
The Facebook page of have posted a series of images of the TF4 crew member's hoodie which appear to revealed the robot mode for Grimlock on the back. The design for the robot mode of Grimlock is in keeping with the more medieval look that Transformers 4 is going for which is a theme, we are told, will carry over into the action sequences of the film.

Entertainment Tonight have posted two videos relating to Transformers 4 that reveal the name of one of the new characters as well as some hints at possible plot devices. You can view the first video here and the second video here.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 22nd November 2013 at 09:13:23 GMT
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For anyone interested in watching the live broadcast by TakaraTomy of the Fans Choice Masterpiece announcement then you will be please to hear that you can watch the live stream using the plugin below. Once the broadcast finishes, you should find that the stream will be replaced by a recorded version of the event.
Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th November 2013 at 09:27:12 GMT
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The official announcement of the winner of the Fans Choice Masterpiece competition will be announced live via YouTube in a little over 2 hours and 20 minutes but the results have already been confirmed in the latest issue of Figure King magazine (via taghobby). 86.9% of the votes made up the top 5 positions. The end results were:
- 1.STAR SABER - 31.2% of the vote
- 2.CONVOY(Micron Legend AKA Armada) - 24.3% of the votes
- 3.SUPER GINRAI - 18.5% of the votes
- 4.DAI ATLAS - 8% of the vote
- 5.SUPER FIRE CONVOY( R.I.D Optimus Prime) - 4.9%
- 6.CONVOY(Beast War Optimus Primal)
- 7.GALAXY CONVOY (Cybertron Optimus Prime)
- 10.GRAND CONVOY (ENERGON Optimus Prime)
So it looks like fans of Transformers Victory will be their wish of a Masterpiece. With Star Saber winning this does increase the chances of a Victory Leo Masterpiece figure also being made.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th November 2013 at 08:41:42 GMT
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e-Hobby have updated their website with more information on their Transformers Cloud partnership with TakaraTomy Mall as they announce a new "Guardians of Time" fiction that will become the new banner underwhich the Generations figures are released.
The first two toys within the line will be redcos of previous figures, first up Transformers Cloud Optimus Prime is a recolour of the Classics / Henkei Optmius Prime wihlst Cloud Megatron is a recolour of the GDO Megatron figure in Generation One colours.
You can view a the preview comic image below.

The figure will be released with one (Optimus Prime) available from the TakaraTomy Mall (their online store) whilst the Megatron will be an e-Hobby exclusive. Both figures retail at 5940yen with more information due later today.
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 15th November 2013 at 09:33:38 GMT
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The Miyazawa Fall exhibition is taking place in Japan at the moment and along with the various licensed model kits which the company has been producing for a long time the CM Corp licensed PVC Exo-Suit with Spike and Daniel as well as a tiny PVC Unicron / Galvatron hybrid which based "Grand Galvatron" from the Headmasters 2010 series which combined Galvatron's limbs onto Unicron's planet mode.

You can view more images from the event over on the AmiAmi Blog, though some images may NSFW (Not Safe For Work) depending on the policies at your work. There is no nudity but suggestive and provocatively created models.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 12th November 2013 at 11:09:03 GMT
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TakaraTomy have announced that their live Masterpiece Fans Choice broadcast will take place on Tuesday 19th November at 20:00 - 21:00 (local Japanese time) and will be broadcast live on their YouTube Channel. Their will be guest appearances during the show as well as build up throughout the day via Twitter from what they are calling the "Transformers Information Bureau" (@tf_PR).
The broadcast will, most likely, be done via Google Hangouts On Air, though this has not been confirmed at this time.
For those in other timezones the announcement will be at:
3am PST, 4am MST, 5AM CST, 6AM EST UTC-5, 9am BRST or 11am GMT.
You can view the time in your timezone by using this link to
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 11th November 2013 at 10:27:51 GMT
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News has come in via Snakas's Autobase Aichi and via the Hobby Ark Toy Store covering the Year of the Horse Optimus Prime and Year of the Horse Supreme Starscream.
Optimus Prime will be the MP-10 mold will feature gold smokestacks, grill, and windows, metallic paints applications, and special Year of the Horse faction symbol for the price of 106 Singapore Dollars
Starscream will use the Cybertron Supreme Class Starscream mold and will feature metallic paint applications. Both come in the special collectors packaging for the price of 135 Singapore Dollars
The toys are also listed as Platinum MP10 Optimus Prime and Platinum Starscream
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 10th November 2013 at 10:23:38 GMT
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ACToys have posted some in-hand images of the upcoming Transformers 30th Anniiversary Rhinox figure, showing the rhino and robot mode, transformation sequence and size comparison with Transformers Generations /Universe Cheetor and Dinobot。
The figure is a sure fire hit with Beast Wars Fans and will be followed up by more later in the year (though yet to be announced, we receive confirmation of this from Emiliano Santalucia (the designer behind this version of Rhinox).
We have mirrored some of the images which you can see below this story (or by clicking on the headline link).

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 10th November 2013 at 10:19:17 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on have posted an photograph recently taken at a trade show which shows Optimus Prime "riding" Grimlock, in his dinosaur mode, from Transformers: Age of Extinction. It has been widely reported that a scene is to take place within the 4th live action movie where some of the Autobots ride the Dinobots into a city, which would appear to be where this image is from.
Whether the image is of how the final renders of the character will appear, or whether this is just a concept of the scene is not known, but it does show the size difference between Prime and Grimlock's T-rex form.

Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 9th November 2013 at 09:59:28 GMT
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The TF Expo team have issued the following release announcing the location, dates and first guest for their 2014 show
NOVEMBER 8, 2013
TFExpo is proud to announce our fourth Transformers convention in Wichita, Kansas coming next summer! TFExpo 2014 will be held at the Holiday Inn at Kellogg and Rock Road August 1st-3rd. That’s right, in celebration of thirty years of our favorite transforming robots, TFExpo 2014 will be a full weekend show!
To help us celebrate, we’re bringing in fan favorite voice actor Neil Ross as our first guest! Fans of Transformers Generation 1 (and many other 80’s cartoons) will remember Neil’s many distinctive voices. Neil performed the roles of Springer, Slag, Bonecrusher, and Hook in Transformers, as well as Dusty and Shipwreck in the original G.I.Joe cartoon. And he voiced both Keith and Pidge in Voltron! But that’s only scratching the surface of Neil’s long and varied career. For a complete list of credits, head to IMDb - Movies, TV and Celebrities.
There will be many more exciting announcements in the months ahead, so stay tuned! Our website will be renovated soon for TFExpo 2014, and then we’ll open pre-registration for the show. In the meantime, like TFExpo on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for all the latest updates.
We’ll see you at TFExpo 2014!
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 9th November 2013 at 09:51:37 GMT
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eHobby have sent out an e-mail announcing a new partnership with TakaraTomy mall and the launch of a new Transformers project called "Transformers Cloud". More information will be available on the 15th of November so until then start speculating on what this could be.
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 8th November 2013 at 10:31:28 GMT
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TakaraTomy have updated their website with the latest issues of their Kreo web comic which features Bruticus, Scorponok (in city mode), an appearance by Cobra Commander and various other cameos as has become a feature of the comic series. You can check it out below.

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 8th November 2013 at 10:17:40 GMT
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Whilst not Transformers related it seems the ties between Michael Bay and Hasbro are set to grow. Acting Auditions have posted an article talking about how Michael Bay's production company Platinum Dunes and Blumhouse Productions are currently looking for actors to play the lead roles in a film based on Hasbro's Ouija board game. The film is reported to be a thriller from Universal Pictures that will follow a group of teens who attempt to make contact with a recently deceased classmate. It was originally planned to be a "big budget family adventure" before Universal Pictures pulled the project in August 2011 due to budgetary concerns. The project is now back on with a streamlined budget, a new screenplay and is set to be directed by Stiles White (Knowing and The Possession) with Insidious, Paranormal Activity and The Purge producer Jason Blum also involved.
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 6th November 2013 at 09:26:03 GMT
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Hasbro Inc have now issued their 10K results for Q3 which, on paper, saw year-on-year growth of 2% on net revenue for the group to $1.37 billion dollars. This had a knock on affect of increasing the valuation of their share prices by 5% to $1.31 from $1.24. However, the 10-K was filed before the recent legal ruling against the company which resulted in a $75.5 million legal settlement that was reported on this site last month. This settlement reversed the overall value of the companies stock price from the 5% increase to a 22.5% decrease to a share price of $0.96. The share price is expected to recover especially over 2014 with the release of more movie tie-in products.
Despite solid international growth as well as strong results in their "Girls Toys" market, the Boys Toy section which makes up 1/3rd of Hasbro's revenue suffered a 17% year-on-year loss to $392 million despite good performances in both the Transformers and Star Wars products.
Source: Hasbro Inc via Via Yahoo! Finance
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 6th November 2013 at 09:01:20 GMT
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