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Visit to take advantage of their buy two get one free which appears to be across their entire on-line range of TransFormers. Hopefully this offer will migrate instore soon! Direct link:
Toys R Us UK TransFormers offer.
Thanks to
Sven from the AA crew for letting us know
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Sven Harvey -
on: Monday, 12th March 2007 at 23:34:34 GMT
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A picture has turned up on a myspace site for a
Shia which people seem to think is Shia Labeouf. The image (below) shows Frank Welker next to Peter Cullen in a roow with images from the Turtles cartoon. There is no information on where or when the image was taken. There is, however, another account for a Shia Labeouf with information about him that appears to be much more accurate. The image does not appear on that myspace site though.No doubt some sort of statement or comment will be made in the next couple of days, most likely on Michael Bay's blog, clearing up any meaning that the image has.
Credit to TFW2005 for the link to the original image.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 12th March 2007 at 21:16:36 GMT
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Though there have been no further
Transformers related trademark submissions by Hasbro since the
Incinerator one in early feb, three more marks have been updated this eveing by the USPTO. They are.
- Application 78909815 TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE - Paper recieved, this is in response to them (the USPTO) filling a non-final action (which can be either a request for additional information and/or them making an initial refusal of the application).
- Application 78909808 - TRANSFORMERS - The same update as the above.
- Application 76665019 - DECEPTICON FRENZY - Also the same as the above.
Don't forget you can view all of the
Transformers Trademark related information in our
Trademarks area, whihc now contains over 380 trademark applications. If a trademark gets filled or updasted, you'll hear about in here at
Transformers @ The Moon first.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 12th March 2007 at 20:58:08 GMT
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Thanks to Xaviu sending us, via the
Trans-Europe Express group, a list of the latest batch of Spanish Transformers Releases. They were all sighted in Feb.
- Optimus 20th anniversary: 59 euros
- Optimus vs Megatron pack classic: 22 euros
- Rodimus classic: 18 euros
- Bumblebee classic: 18 euros
- Starscream classic: 18 euros
Category: Trans-Europe Express Group News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 12th March 2007 at 20:45:50 GMT
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You may have noticed that we did not report on the recent news story of the
Transformers film being downgraded from a rating R to a PG-13, this is because we were waiting for confirmation as the film is still unfinished, it doesn't even have all the VA work yet, so we found it a bit strange that the MPAA would have rated it already. Now, thanks to Nelson, the admin over at Michael Bay's site and forum, its been confirmed that
Transformers Movie is still unrated, and has yet to be submitted to the MPAA. It seems that IESB have mixed up Transformers with another one of Steven's films, Destrubia. To quote Nelson
"Destrubia got an R rating, and Steven got it lowered. Bay & Spileberg have not applied for their rating yet."You can view the original report
Those sites which originally reported the inaccurate information will probably update their stories once they read this.
Update: Since his original post in that thread there have been a few replied, one asked if Shia was "misinformed", as he was the person being quoted by IESB, Nelsons replied was simply that he was probably confusing the two films (Transformers and Desturbia)
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 12th March 2007 at 18:32:49 GMT
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The following is the latest press release by Metrodome concerning their Transformers: The Movie Ultimate Edition set.
Hi all!
As you are no doubt aware, murmurings of Metrodome's re-release of
Transformers have been circulating within the Transformers fan base
over the past year and fan sites have been rife with speculation. We
announced just before Christmas, that Transformers the Movie - The Ultimate Edition
will be released in June 2007 and we wanted to take this opportunity to
update the fans and answer a few questions that we have seen crop up
over the past few months.
First and foremost the Ultimate Edition will boast a widescreen picture
that has been fully remastered with a progressive PAL to PAL conversion
from the original negative and put through a rigorous colour correction
process to ensure that the movie is the best it has ever looked. To see
comparisons of the Ultimate Edition screenshots against older versions
of the movie please log on to and view them in the Download Section.
In addition to a stunning picture, we have created a brand new 5.1
soundtrack for the movie. After the release of Reconstructed a few
issues were raised by fans objecting to the extraneous sound effects
that were introduced into the soundtrack and we have taken this into
full consideration for the new audio. Chris McFeely, Transformers
expert has painstakingly gone through Reconstructed and picked apart
the soundtrack, highlighting the offending sounds and his report has
helped us to create a 5.1 mix far more in tune with the original audio
of the movie.
At this point in time the Ultimate Edition's extra feature plans are
still ongoing, but we can reveal that we are currently in talks with
Nelson Shin (Director) Flint Dille, (Story Consultant) and Peter Cullen
(the voice of Optimus Prime). A single disc and double disc edition
will be released containing commentaries, interviews, alternate/deleted
footage, DVD Rom material and much, much more.
Finally, we can reveal that Scramble City, the "lost" Japanese Takara
episode will be featured on the Ultimate Edition. Scramble City was
only broadcast in Japan to bridge the gap between the first and second
series of Generation One and we are pleased to be able to present it
for the first time on DVD in its original form.
With everything falling into place for this Ultimate Edition, we'll be
sure to keep you updated on news and extras in future newsletters. In
the meantime, remember to preorder Transformers the Movie - The
Ultimate Edition.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 11th March 2007 at 21:27:22 GMT
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You've seen a few comparison images and possible read the translated Binaltech story. Now you can feast your eyes on the first full image gallery of the
Winter Wonderfest 2007 exclusive BT-17 Black Convoy toy.
The images include some groupshots with Alternator Optimus Prime, THS-02 Convoy, THS-02B Black Convoy and various close-up images of the inside of the cab of Black Convoy, like you've never seen them before.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 11th March 2007 at 19:29:19 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 11th March 2007 at 09:33:08 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 10th March 2007 at 23:46:03 GMT
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TFWorld2005 have received
images of the Transformers Movie Megatron toy. Although this is not the first time the toy has been seen, it is the first time the toy has been seen in what appears could be finalised colours.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 10th March 2007 at 21:03:47 GMT
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Three Japanese websites have put up their pre-orders for the Transformers Movie toys, reports Snakas. The first two have listings and images of Ultimate Bumblebee, they are
rakuten and
mamegyorai. Rakuten also have
listing for the other toys but no individual pages at this time
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 10th March 2007 at 09:36:35 GMT
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The BotCon website was updated yesterday with the first details of some of the events planned for the convnetion. First up were details of the pre-convention tour, Woods Hole & Whale Watching and and Fabolus Newport. The second covers the Custom Classes and 3D displays.
The tours are on Wednesday and Thursday and the displays and customisation classes are on Thursday. Both of the classes are limited to the 25 people.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 10th March 2007 at 09:29:16 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 9th March 2007 at 23:46:04 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 9th March 2007 at 20:37:11 GMT
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The "Transformers International Trailer C" has been added to the film
previews on Disc 1 of the forthcoming DreamGirls DVD by Paramount. The
trailer has been rated as PG and last 1 minute and 57 seconds.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 9th March 2007 at 19:08:03 GMT
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