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Snakas' had an update regarding Hasbro's Transformers site earlier. As we don't live in the US, we get redirected to the European version of the site, which features far less details (although you can manually navigate back). Now Seibertron have a
report detailing that the
Hasbro Toy Shop is now stocking Transformers MovieProtoform Optimus Prime and Protoform Starscream.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 1st April 2007 at 20:28:53 BST
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We've recieved confirmation from Brian Savage that the BotCon non-attendees package is indeed open worldwide and not just for US residents. Like previous years, they seeemed to be a little confusion over this due to the layout of the form, but it is indeed open to everyone.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 1st April 2007 at 10:06:15 BST
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The Botcon website has been updated with the registration forms. You can find the
attendees form here and the
dealers form here. They have also published
information on the event, confirming that there will be a special limited showing of the new Transformers Movie. They have also confirmed that 500 attendees will get the chance of visiting Hasbro's offices. The 500 are the first 400 people to register and 100 via a raffle.
The convention toys are:-
Classics Thrust
Classics Thundercracker
Classics Dirge
Classics Dreadwind
Classics Bugbite.
You can safely assume the toys will be re-coloured Classic Starscream molds for the Strike planes, with Bugbyte probably a White Classics Bumblebee, based on the e-Hobby Bugbite minibot. Deadwind
could be a recoloured Jetfire, though that is unclear.
David Kaye has also been annouced as the first official guest.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 31st March 2007 at 19:12:05 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 31st March 2007 at 17:16:33 BST
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Last night saw the launching of two new Transformers Movie TV trailers. The first is called hidden and the 2nd is unnamed. You can download the trailers direct from our website.
Hidden trailer2nd TV trailer.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 31st March 2007 at 09:32:38 BST
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Hasbro have filed for two new
trademark applications with the USPTO and they are certainly interesting ones.
The first application number 76674443 for
ELITA-1! A character that was introduced in the original cartoon series and was only released as a statue in Japan by Axis.
The second is application 76674442 for
SLAG. This is interesting as it was previously thought that Hasbro would not file for trademarks of dictionary words as these can be hard to get registered. Both marks are in the toy category, so it will be interesting to see if and where they are used.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 30th March 2007 at 19:00:23 BST
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First off we would like to thank Paramount for
inviting us to their exclusive Transformers Movie footage screening
which took place today at the Oden West End in Leicester Square.
The event was organised by Paramount for key press and licensing
partners and attendance was invitation only. A lot of security
was in place to make sure that no footage was leaked out. This
including removing of all cameras and phones, metal detectors as well
as the event being filmed by at least two cameras.
The screening, consisted of the four uncut scene
previous shown in America at ShowWest and after the US Toy Fair.
The screening was kicked off with a few comments
by Lorenzo di Bonaventura, one of the producers on the Transformers
Movie, this seemed to come as a nice surprise to those in
attendance. Lorenzo joked that the movie was "not just
about the US military" although they would feature heavily in
the featured footage. He wanted to make it clear that the
scenes were still un-finished, some including non-rendered CGI
animation, they used raw footage and temporary music.
Interestingly though, he made no direct mention to the sound effects
specifically during Blackout's transformation sequence, during which
the original Generation One sound effect was used (although only in
mid-transformation). Although this was quiet cool to hear, it
really didn't seem to fit.
Lorenzo also noted that the four scene which would
be shown had not been picked because they were "there favourite
scenes" or "the most important", but purely as they
were the most complete.
We would estimate that there were over 400 people
in attendance ranging from Paramount employees, Hasbro UK, Titan
Books / Magazines, various journalist and other Transformers Movie
license holders. Simon Furman was also in attendance, as was
Steve White, one of Titans representative at the event. We'll
come back to product licensing at the end of the report.
Possible Spoilers - Scroll down quickly if
you do not want to read, there is more non-spoiler information at the
As far as the the footage goes, it was the same
four scenes shown in America. Blackout's attack on the Qatar
base including him releasing Scorponok.
Sam Witwicky's light-hearted character building
scene with Mikaela in Bumblebee. This scene got a few laughs
showing Bumblebee changing the radio and breaking down. The
Bee-otch air freshener got a few 'pops' from the UK audience.
The third scene, another light-hearted scene,
focused around the Witwicky residence, with the Autobots larking
around in their back garden. This scene is where you first hear
the Autobots speak (in order - Optimus Prime, Iron Hide and Ratchet.
Bumblebee just beeped). The voices were partly synthesised and
reminded us a bit of Small Soldiers. It will be interesting to
see how the BBFC react to the sexual references and language in this
scene when it comes to the final rating of the film.
The fourth and final scene returned back to Qatar
and the aftermath of Blackout's attack. This is the famous
Scorponok vs the Marines scene, in which Scorponok looses the end of
his tail right at the end.
How Scorponok appears in this scene, and how he is
'ejected' by Blackout, is very reminiscent of the G1 cassettes, and
adds more fuel to the thoughts that Blackout was originally intended
to be Soundwave.
End of Spoilers
Back to licensing. We didn't get a
chance to speak to most of the people in attendance, as everyone ran
out at soon as the screening was over, however we do have a few bits
of new licensing information to report.
First up, Top Trumps have purchased a Transformers
Movie license and you can expect these to hit the shelves in the
summer. It will be interesting to see who appears on the cards,
as there are not enough on screen Transformers to make up a set.
On the Transformers apparel side, there are new
Transformers Movie tie-in T-shirts on the way, but with a
difference. These t-shirts have a light up panel on the front
which use different transitions to display the name of a Transformer
(we saw the Bumblebee and Barricade ones) or an image, such as the
outline of Optimus Prime's header the Autobot symbol. These
t-shirts got a lot of interested, most noticeably from Titan Book so
it could be that they will feature as prizes in a competition in the
new Transformers comic. The T-shirts will go on sale
on the 20th June, although we are not sure on the price point or who
will be selling them.
Don't forget to visit the official website at and that you can view all of the official movie images in our Transformers Movie official image gallery.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 30th March 2007 at 16:17:34 BST
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TFWorld 2005 have once again gotten their hands on another Transformers Movie rendersheet, this time of Bonecrusher. You can see both renders on their
Message Board.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 30th March 2007 at 12:51:23 BST
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Thanks to Omega for posting the new password of FWIFFO on our
Transformers Forum, to access the latest desktop on the Sector Seven website.
You can see the previous desktops at the following links, with no need for a password.
For more information on Sector Seven you may like to look at
The Sector Seven Wiki, and
Bewarned, once you start to look into this you could be there for some time.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 29th March 2007 at 19:35:02 BST
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e-Hobby have announced their next exclusive and its a bit of a suprise. The toy will be BT-18 clear Rijyu (Mirage). The toy will most likely be a clear version of the Alternator since that version was all plastic. You can view the listing
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 29th March 2007 at 18:26:25 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 29th March 2007 at 12:40:01 BST
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We've updated our
Transformers Movie offical images gallery with the three latest posters whihc have been made publically available. These are the Optimus Prime poster, the Megatron poster and the hi-res head to head poster
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 28th March 2007 at 21:55:25 BST
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It makes a nice change to be able to report some UK trademark news for once, and that news is that the Hasbro UK trademark for TRANSFORMERS was renewed on the 16th March. The renewal will be next due on the 27th March 2017.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 28th March 2007 at 19:10:04 BST
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Hasbro have recently submitted a
new application to the USPTO for the mark
TRANSFORMERS. The mark has been submitted into the category "
toy action figures, toy vehicles and toy robots convertible into other visual toy forms and accessories for use therewith". You can view the application details here in our
Transformers Trademark area.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 28th March 2007 at 18:56:33 BST
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Following on from yesterdays' story concerning Masterpiece Megatron, and online stores shipping the item from Thursday, it has now been confirmed that Toys R Us in Japan started selling the item from today.
Have a look on out
Transformers In The News Page for links to all the galleries online so far.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 28th March 2007 at 08:21:21 BST
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