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Shoot for the Edit (Michael Bay's blog) Admin Nelson has uploaded the images from the Press Kit CD for all to see. Have a look at
this thread on the board.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th June 2007 at 08:29:44 BST
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Canadian National Post has a review of Transformers where it describes it as
"Transformers as the rock 'n' roll equivalent of heavy metal thunder."
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th June 2007 at 08:28:43 BST
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Movies online has a new interview with Transformers director Michael Bay. You can see the whole article
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th June 2007 at 08:27:09 BST
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The first
image from Transformers Animated, the 2007/08 Transformers Cartoon, produced in the US, has appeared on the web thanks to The Allspark. Alongside the image is a short write-up of the series.
The style of drawing won't be to everyone's tastes, as it has a more arty look.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th June 2007 at 08:25:11 BST
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Daniel Ross has been added as the second confirmed guest for BotCon 2007, which takes place next week. Daniel Ross will provide the voice for Starscream on all console
versions of Transformers: The Game available this summer, and Mixmaster
and Hound on the PSP version.
Thanks to
TFWorld2005 for the original report.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 20th June 2007 at 08:22:41 BST
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The Wildman himself, Andy Wildman, has updated his blog,
WildWords, with some more information on the Titan Magazines Transformers Issue 3. He says it's a bit odd working with several of the "old guard" from the original Transformers days.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 19:10:42 BST
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We have recieved scans of two sets of tickets for the FDA Multimedia Press Screening of Transformers which takes place on Friday. The tickets contain the artwork of the
Protect and Destroy posters, which is what Paramount had intended. Not everyone attending the event will be sent tickets, many people have been added to a "door list". The images have been added into out
Transformers Movie Advertising gallery which as well as containing all of the posters also included the advertisements and invitations for the March 2007 Press only 4 scene preview of the Transformers Movie that we were invited to by Paramount Pictures as well as the press invitation to the FDA screening. This is the first time that these images are being made available to the public and are exclusive to Transformers At The Moon, so if you see them else where they have been taken.
Thanks go to Juan Carlos for the large scans of the FDA tickets and to Caroline Booth for the smaller scans that show the ticket numbers.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 18:59:02 BST
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We've received confirmation from Hasbro that Transformers Movie Arcee and Transformers Movie Dreadwing will be released in the UK .. and pretty soon. We've received a copy of each toy directly from them, which was a suprise this morning. I'm not sure when they will be released, but it's good to get confimation on a couple of the Transformers Movie toys.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 18:56:45 BST
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I spoke to Paramount Pictures today and the person who will be contacting all of the winners was out of the office today, she told me that she will be contact the winners tomorrow though, when she is back at work.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 18:45:06 BST
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Back in March 2007, Hasbro Inc applied for two new "mark only" trademark applications. These were for the
Autobot and
Decepticon insignia. These applications have now been updated to a status of "Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam)" which means that they should become registered marks shortly.
Remember that you can view all
388 Hasbro Trademark applications that we have in our database in our
Transformers trademark application area.
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 16:24:13 BST
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BBFC have now rated the final version of the Transformers Movie and have given it a 12 certificate (as expected). No cuts needed to be made. The film is 143 minutes, 15 seconds long, thats 2 hours 23 minutes 15 seconds. based on the measured length of 12892 feet plus 15 frames.
Though an embargo has been placed on any review of the film before June 28th, we have a Transformers Movie spoiler section in our message board where people can post their comments on the film after the Press Screening which takes place on Friday evening.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 12:28:44 BST
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New magazine launch Transformers Comic
This 4-weekly, 52 page comic reunites some of the biggest names in the
business to bring the eternal struggle between Autobots and Decepticons to
audiences old and new. Whether you remember Megatron as a smoking Walther
P-38, or your Transformers adventure begins with their war on our world, the
publication of Transformers Comic heralds a triumphant return for the robots
in disguise...
Legendary Transformers writer Simon Furman brings his dark materials to the
first issue, and many more to come, with all-new self contained stories
tying straight in to the IDW prequels. He teams up with the prolific and
iconic artist Geoff Senior, whos wielding his pencils and inks for the new
Transformers generation.
Once those shapeshifting robots have you hooked, it seems theres no escape:
Transformers Comic editor Steve White started life as a humble colourist on
Marvels Transformers title way back in 86. Now hes transformed into the
driving force behind this title.
Steve White, Editor of Transformers Comic said:
"Its been kind of weird to be returning to Transformers after 20 years,
especially as its with all the same faces I worked with originally Simon,
Geoff, Andy Wildman, Robin Smith, Richard Starkings. Feels like Ive slipped
back in time. But then you take one look at the movie and you realize just
how false that assumption is! Even the comics represent a quantum jump in
technology, and I think well find we have a whole new generation of fans
wholl go see the movie and pick up the comic and have no idea about the
longevity of the franchise and how its evolved! Most of them probably wont
have been born when I first worked on Transformers but the talent of the
artists and writer are still there and its going to be brilliant!"
Kids can catch up with the Transformers characters every four weeks with
Transformers Comic, on sale at all good retailers from 19 July, priced �2.60.
For more information visit

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 09:19:55 BST
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The Official FDA Multimedia Screening of Transformers will take place at Empire in Leicester Square. I have not seen the tickets which were sent out to some attendees over the weekend and just as Paramount Pictures told me they contain the Protect and Destroy poster art (one ticket with Optimus Prime the other ticket with Megatron) and details of the event on the back.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th June 2007 at 09:00:58 BST
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Simon Furman has updated his
blog with the following article (less the punctuation).
Two Script (W)raps to come this week, this one (being Transformers-UK #5) and Transformers Devastation #3.
As it stands, I'm only script-(w)rapping the TF stuff (hey, I know my demographic), skipping the likes of Terminator 2 - Infinity, A.T.O.M., TMNT, etc, but if people out there want it, I can include those too. Let me know.
Right, Titan's Transformers (UK) #5. Ironhide. Having scattered my cast far and wide at the end of issue #2, it's now a matter of starting to bring them together again, and #5 is our first story not set on another world. We open in deep space, as Ironhide (in protoform 'meteor' mode) is caught by… ah, but that'd be telling. Suffice to say that I'm just starting here to explore the possible origins of The Allspark. No one, not even the Cybertronians themselves (including Optimus Prime and Megatron), seem to know exactly where it came from and how/why it found its way to Cybertron, which begs the question (to me at least), where did it come from (and whose was it before)?
Actually, Ironhide's solo outing is a story-within-a-story kind of affair (in ten pages!). We flash back to Cybertron, intro-ing some of the movie toy characters, and get a good look at Ironhide (a sort of more gung-ho, military-minded version of his original, classic incarnation) in full on battle action.
No word yet on the artist for this one. Possibly Guido Guidi, possibly Lee Sullivan (both names that have been floated recently). But there's still a chance (editor) Steve (White) will throw me an artistic curveball here.
Keep watching this space for updates.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 18th June 2007 at 20:54:25 BST
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In a follow-up to a
news article, board member Break has
confirmed that Transformers Movie Voyager Wave 2 figures Starscream and Ironhide have now been released at Toys R Us here within the UK. A couple of days ago new board member, Oddsey reported seeing the case that the wave 2 figures come in laying on the floor. According to Break, the deluxe toys should be out by the end of the month.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 18th June 2007 at 20:18:58 BST
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