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We already broke the news earlier in the week, but Simon Furman has posted more information on the the appearance that he, Geoff Senior and Steve White will be making at the London Film and Comic Con on Saturday 1st September, along with the Bumblebee Carmero.
Though the San Diego Comicon is next on this year’s round of convention appearances and signings, the next (UK) outing has now been confirmed.
I’ll be appearing at the London Film and Comic Con at Earl’s Court on Saturday September 1st, along with Geoff Senior, Steve White and…
Yep, the Chevy Camaro from the movie will be upstaging us
all. But if you want to get your copies of the new Titan Transformers
comic/magazine signed, do pop along. Click on the link below for more
information or visit the convention website here.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th July 2007 at 20:25:30 BST
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Our revolutionary
Transformers In The News page, where you can find the latest Transformers news from 29 Transformers related sites, is now back working after a week of bugs.
Category: Website Bug Fixes
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th July 2007 at 20:22:28 BST
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Our Ultimate Transformers competition is now closed, and I'm very pleased to announce that we have drawn a winner (Number 27 for those interested) who was ....
Steven Cox
Congratulations Steven, you're the winner of :-
- Transformers The Ultimate Guide Updated Edition
- Transformers Movie Guide
- Transformers Movie Fun Facts
- How to Draw Transformers
- Deception logo t-shirt
- Autobot logo light-up t-shirt
- Transformers Movie UK press pack (I've not been able to find the colour logo version still, which has me confussed)
- Target BotCon 2007 pack (comic + Giftcardimus Prime)
- Transformers The Album soundtrack
The Transformers The Album soundtrack will be sent of later (once they arrive). We're expecting a few copies (should be around 5), so we'll be drawing 4 runners-up once they are with us.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th July 2007 at 18:45:30 BST
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Paul Hitchens, well known UK Transformers collector and dealer (The Spacebridge) has
posted images of some new UK Transformers releases on TFWorld2005's board. The images include the Transformers TECH toys (PDS cross bow etc) as well as more tac ... I mean Transformers merchandise.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th July 2007 at 08:27:56 BST
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The missing gallery from this mornings website update is now online. It's
Transformers Movie Ironhide. This completes the toy image gallery updates for the week, a day ahead of schedule. Tomorrow we'll be focusing on the winner of our
Ultimate Transformers Competition.
Speaking of that Transformers competition,
Warner Brother Records have confirmed the copies of the Transformers The Album have now been sent of to us direct from the US.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 19:07:18 BST
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Fan to Fan have updated their website with various images and order pages for several Transformers toys. They have also posted the following information on a Japanese exclusive Micron figure called Wedge-Type, a recoloured version of
Transformers Classics Dreadwind.
Electrical appliance chain stores are also having some sort of micron giveaway campaign as well, the exclusive Micron is WedgeShape, though label as a Decepticon (Destron), the figure somehow has a Maximal insignia.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 18:43:05 BST
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The Titan Magazines Transformers comic is now out, so when you get the chance go and buy it.
If I get the chance to pop-to the shops today, then I get a review onto the website tonight.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 08:57:16 BST
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 08:55:32 BST
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The have another news
story of interest, this time covering The Times' exclusive offer for people who buy their newspaper, on
20th July,of a offering a free Transformers DVD. The DVD features "
material including film clips, director’s interview, robot profiles of
the characters and a sneak glimpse of Optimus Prime".
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 08:35:12 BST
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The have a
story regarding the release of Transformers The Movie on Blu-Ray disc. Make sure you don't confuse Transformers, the new movie, with Transformers The Movie (the original 1986 one).
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 19th July 2007 at 08:32:51 BST
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visited by the lead illustrator on the Transformers Movie, Ben Procter, letting them know that he has updated his
website with information on the Transformers Movie. Unfortunately Ben did not realise how many Transformers fans there are, and his website has exceeded it's allowed bandwidth. Keep track of this link though, as it's worth having a look at a later date.
Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 21:32:04 BST
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The folks over at Transfans have an interview with Marvel UK Transformers Comics artist
Stewart "Staz" Johnson. With several "names from the past" making a return in the Titan Transformers comic, maybe Staz will be the next name to re-join the Transformers team?
Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 21:28:02 BST
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As I can't wait to put the updates live, you will now find new images of the following
Transformers Movie toys.
- Transformers Movie Decepticon Brawl
- Transformers Movie Autobot Jazz
I've also added a Preview Image for Giftcardimus Prime, the transforming Target Transformers Movie Optimus Prime giftcard
EDIT: I've also removed the Transformers Alternators Meister and Side Swipe galleries, as we had it confirmed that the submissions were actually of the Binaltech toys.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 20:57:27 BST
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Ten years ago the first Transformers Convention 2-pack was featured at BotCon, consisting of the set of
Packrat and
Fractyl, along with a comic written by Simon Furman. The toys used the Beast Wars
Rattrap and
Terrorsaur toy molds, and have since become quiet hard to track down.
Ten years on we finally got a set at BotCon 2007, so we're very pleased to bring you this retro look at the BotCon 1997 exclusive toys of
Packrat and
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 20:20:33 BST
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In a slight change to the Transformers toy gallery for Masterpiece Megatron, we have now created a new gallery for
Kremzeek, along with a new association of his character. This is because there are two Kremzeek toys available now on the Transformers brand, so we felt he should have his own character in our database. This now takes us to 1,750 toy galleries, although it does not contain any new images, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of this one.
I've also corrected the mold for the
European Exclusive Spittor toy as well as moved several images from the
UK Exclusive Transformers Action Master Rumbler to fellow
UK Exclusive Transformers Action Master Circuit (who's images where misplace during the website update).
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th July 2007 at 19:35:21 BST
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