The Botcon 2014 website has been updated with a placeholder page where the official images of this year set will be revealed confirming that the set will contain 3 "pirates" and 2 "knights".
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The Botcon 2014 website has been updated with a placeholder page where the official images of this year set will be revealed confirming that the set will contain 3 "pirates" and 2 "knights".
Autobase Aichi have published details on the May 2014 issue of Hyper Hobby Magazine. Below you will find a list of the main features of this months issue
Both Alfes2010 and Autobase Aichi have posted images from the final episode from the Transformers Go! DVDs. For those of you who have forgotten, the show is split into two parts, the Samurai Team and the Shinobi Tea, and have been available exclusively as free cover discs with the Japanese hobby magazines TV Magazine and TV Boy. The series consists of 8 episodes, for for each branch, with the final part seeing the combination of Optimus Prime, Kenzan and Gekisomaru.
For those following the Fan-subs by TV-Nihon, they remained stalled having subbed the four Samurai team episodes and the first two Shinobi team episodes.
Jagex have posted some Vine videos introducing characters from their upcoming Transformers Universe video game.
First up is Duststorm, a new female Decepticon character who carries three weapons, the Mesh Smasher, Electro Nova and Dyna Pelter.
Next, via YouTube, is Meltdown. Meltdown is a new character who's three weapons are the Boraya Beam Gun, Starscream Beam Gun and Protex Rocket Launcher
TFYuki has tweeted out a new image of the upcoming TakaraTomy Transformers Generations Thundercracker figure. You can see a copy of the tweet below
2月も今日で終了。今月「ファイヤーブラストグリムロック」を紹介しておいて、「サンダークラッカー」を紹介するのを忘れていました。来月発売予定の限定品になりますので、要チェックです! http://t.co/pJc2HkNaWP
— TF YUKI (@TFYUKI) February 28, 2014
The Third Party Transformers company Mech Ideas, who made the Auto Assembly exclusive toys, have posted images of their take on Transformers Animated Pipes and Huffer (Toon Titans Buster and Trench).
Following on from their Transformers Animated enspired figures, Mech Ideas have also shown off new images of their take on Ironfist (or Fisitron as modern fans know him as). The design of the character is based on the IDW Wreckers comics by Nick Roche and James Roberts.
Third Party Transformers news took over the internet last night as not to be beaten by Mech Ideas TFC Toys showed off the first colour image of their Transformers Generations SixGun figure
Takara-Tomy have sent a marketing email to point out their lottery sales of a thres set of Transformers Generations toys, Miraga (Riji), Hound and Ironhide TRANSFORMERS SPECIALIST AUTOBOTS listing
The three pack is excluisive to Japan and the details are below.
200 lottery sales limit of Tomy mall limited. ¥ 11,800.
From February 25, lottery, accepting up to 13:00 on March 25.
The winner, there is a contact until March 28, release of the product talk of June 25.
At the bottom of the link, there is the application form of lottery sales.
The toys are very close to the Asia exclusive versions, with subtle colouring differences. There is currently no mention of a Decepticon set, though that is liktley to change.
Snakas has a summary of the latest issue of Figure Oh (Figure King)
◆ 1 page Transformers cloud-related products (Starscream / Brawn)
◆ Introduction of Masterpiece MP-13B Sound Blaster. Included are images of Masterpiece Ratbat and some of the accessories due with the figure which include a red Megatron gun (strangely) and red energon cubes
◆ Introduction of the March releases of Transformers Generations Minicons Assault Team, Armada Starscream.
◆ Optimus Prime Premier Edition with comparisons to the standards toy
◆ iPhone 5/5s Transformers case
◆Winter WOnderfest coverage
◆ interview of Hasui AkiraSatoru Mr. TF developer of Takara Tommy Page 1.
The contents includes information on Transformers Masterpiece Wheeljack.
* When transforming Wheeljack you do not need to remove the wings
* Negotiations with car manufactures are easier due to another Tomy toy range, similar to Matchbox
* Color of the car mode is closer to the actual vehicle.
* Thanks to sales of MP Prowl / Streak, Wheeljack's mold may not have to be reused in order to break even
* The first three MPs were meant to be super cars
Thanks to Snakas for pointing out he new information and images of the Transformers Cloud toys which were annouced yesterday, Brawn and Starscream.
Releelease Informmation
TakaraTomy have published a image of the next two Transformers Cloudo figures and they do not include the expected Rodimus toy. Instead the image has revealed the 2nd and 3rd release for Transformers Cloud to be Starscream, a remold from Generations Blitzwing, and Brawn a remold from the First Edition Transformers Prime Bulkhead figure.
Brawn will be released exclusively through the TakaraTomy Mall with Starscream being an e-Hobby exclusive