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We have updated out
Talk Transformers site mirror with images from the Transformers Collection 2007 book, alongside the Transformers Kiss-Play book.
The images show concepts designs for some Transformers Binaltech and Transformers Binaltek Asterik figures as well as the
Transformers Sports Label Nike Free Convoy toy, finalising in another picture of the Marine version (still referred to as Sports Label Ultra Magnus on some sites).
Category: Transformers Merchandise
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 17:51:56 BST
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Talk Transformers are currently featuring a fantastic looking Transformers Cybertron Unicron custom repaint. The toy has been painted up in metallic colours, as well as gaining a few more weapons.
You can see the custom Transformers figure
here, more
here, robot mode
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 17:46:51 BST
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Thanks to e-Hobby Shop and
Big Bad Toy Store, we now know that Takara-Tomy's next Transformers Encore figures will be Ratchet and Ironhide. The toys have featured in Japanese re-issue Transformers lines in the past.
Meanwhile, Big Bad Toy Store have also updated their website with the first
images of the Black Transformers Music Label Soundwave toy (which fans have dubbed Soundblaster).
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 17:39:30 BST
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 09:32:16 BST
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It's been confirmed that Paramount Pictures, alongside Hasbro, are set to release a live action GI-Joe movie (scheduled for 2009) with the director Stephen Summers (The Mummy, Van Helsing) and Producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura (Transformers).
A full press release was sent out 2 hours ago with the following information:
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) -
Call it "G.I. Go."
Paramount Pictures finally has mobilized "G.I. Joe," hiring the
director of the "Mummy" movies to shoot a live-action film
based on the popular Hasbro military action figures.
"G.I. Joe" had long been in development at Paramount,
though it gained traction thanks in part to "Transformers," the
hit summer movie based on another Hasbro toy line.
While G.I. Joe toys have been around for decades, the movie
will be based on the toy line launched in the 1980s, which also
was tied to a Saturday morning cartoon and comic book series.
Director Stephen Sommers' take was inspired by a trip to
Hasbro's headquarters in Rhode Island, where he learned in
depth about the world of G.I. Joe. Sommers then met with
Paramount brass, who sparked to his ideas. The studio is eyeing
a summer 2009 release.
The film will see soldiers from all branches of the
military fighting a terrorist group called Cobra, led by the
Cobra Commander and featuring such villains as the Baroness,
metal-faced arms dealer Destro, master of disguise Zartan and
biker gang Dreadnoks.
On the good guys' side were heroes such as the mute ninja
Snake Eyes and the fetching heroine Scarlett, who were led by a
Joe named Duke.
The full name of the '80s toy line was G.I. Joe: A Real
American Hero, but in a reflection of the global nature of
tentpoles and current geopolitical climate, the Yankee nature
of the strike force is being dropped, with the team now having
an international flavor.
Category: G.I. Joe
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 08:55:31 BST
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Following on from the news story we covered yesterday, Andy Wildman has updated his blog, WildWords, with colour images from the Titan Transformers issue 3 comic (out next month).
You can see the two pages
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 08:48:39 BST
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IDW artist Don Figueroa has posted images of a Transformers Titanium War Within Grimlock six inch figure on the TFWorld2005 message board
Don states that he is unsure if the figure will be released or not.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 08:47:04 BST
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eBay seller EToysHunter has put an auction online of a testshot of Transformers Animated Bulkhead, made out of red plastic.
You can see the second auction
here and the first auction (ended)
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th August 2007 at 08:44:32 BST
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To show how high-profile Michael Bay, and Transformers, has got, even the mainstream media picked up on his HD-DVD comments, with the BBC reporting it today.
You can read the BBC story
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 23rd August 2007 at 08:55:12 BST
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Andy Wildman has given his blog, Wild Words, a major update in the looks department, adding the contents from into one central location.
In his
Comics page, you can see two pencil drawings from an upcoming issue of the new UK Transformers comic, by Titan Magazine.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 23rd August 2007 at 08:39:39 BST
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Talk Transformers has been updated with an images from a new Japanaese Transformers collectors book, called Transformers Collection 2007. The book features Masterpiece Convoy and Transformers Movie Optimus Prime (leader class) on the front cover.
You can see the cover
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 23rd August 2007 at 08:36:03 BST
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Hasbro have updated the US part of with a
video on how to transform Ultimate Bumblebee. Non-US residents will need to manually pick the US site from the International sites list, after they are redirected to their local Transformers website.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 22nd August 2007 at 15:05:52 BST
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Chinese Transformers forum,
Talk Transformers, has an image of the latest Transformers Movie 2-pack to appear. Called Towed to Safety, this two-pack consists of Transformers Movie Towline and Bumblebee (78 Camaro).

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 22nd August 2007 at 08:34:00 BST
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An auction for a Fast Action Battlers Optimus Prime testshot, on eBay, which included two pictures of a blue testshot of
Transformers Animated Megatron. This is the first time any
Transformers Animated figure has been leaked from a TakaraTomy factory in Hong Kong into the secondary market.
The images have already been removed from the auction but we have managed to
mirror a copy for you.

Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 22nd August 2007 at 08:28:15 BST
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In a new topic on Shoot for the Edit, Nelson has clarified what Michael Bay meant when he said:
I want people to see my movies in the best formats possible. For them
to deny people who have Blu-ray sucks! They were progressive by having
two formats. No Transformers 2 for me! "
Nelson has assured people that Mr Bay purely wanted to stress that he wants his films to be available to the widest possible audience. Nelson also jokes that Michael Bay quit Pearl Harbor four times, before making the film (so not to worry too much).
You can see the thread
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 21st August 2007 at 18:35:27 BST
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