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We have updated our AcToys August mirror with comparison pictures of the e-Hobby Shop exclusive Clear Rijie (Mirage) toy with all the other Alternator, Binaltech and Kiss-Play Transformers toys which use the same mold.
You can see the images in our Chinese Transformers Site Mirror section for
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 30th August 2007 at 17:10:00 BST
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Fan to Fan have news and images of the latest Takara-Tomy releases which include Transformers Sports Lable Nike Free Marine Convoy and Masterpiece Skywarp. An interesting thing to note is that Fan to Fan state that Marine Convoy had a limited production run.
You can see a full list of releases
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 30th August 2007 at 16:24:39 BST
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Thanks go to Franco Villa for letting the Trans-Europe Express Group that the following Transformers Movie toys have been released in Italy.
- Arcee
- Bumblebee (2007 Camaro)
- Dreadwing
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 30th August 2007 at 11:13:57 BST
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A little bit ago,
G4TV and
Jumpcut held a contest allowing fans to remix select Transformers clips for a chance to win several prizes. Well the final winner of the competition was James Zahn, and he has sent TFWorld2005 pictures of his one-of-a-kind Transformers figure, which you can see
here. The Hasbro Design team made the toy specifically for the competition. Included were 2
versions (robot and vehicle forms) with a custom base and case.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 30th August 2007 at 08:27:54 BST
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Transformers collector, fan, dealer and fountain of knowledge Paul "Hitch" Hitchens has a special Transformers Movie promotional giveaway, in association with Paramount Pictures UK, at the London Film and Comic-con.
You can read Paul's post on our
Transformers Forum. Prizes
are limited (less then 10) and include Transformers Merchandise which you can't buy in stores.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 21:12:24 BST
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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 20:48:52 BST
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Transformers At The Moon had the extremely rare opportunity recently (back on the 13th June 2007) to ask some questions to Hasbro UK regarding it's plans for the Transformers line. Here's what they had to say.
Transformers At The Moon: Which Transformers Movie toys do Hasbro UK plan on releasing?
Hasbro UK: Quiet a few:
- Movie Deluxe
- Movie Voyager
- Move Leader
- Fast Action Battlers
- Unleashed Bumblebee
- Cyber Stompin Robots
- Arm Blasters, Optimus and Star Scream
- Optimus Voice Changer Helmet
- Ultimate Bumblebee
- Robot Heroes
- Cyber Slammers
- Real Gear
- TransTech Role Play
- Movie Scene Battle Pack (probably the Bumblee / Towline 2-pack)
- Various Retailer Exclusives
Transformers At The Moon: Which Transformers Robot Heroes toys are you planing for release in the UK?
Hasbro UK: There are three planned waves for the Robot Heroes toys.
- Optimus Prime vs. Ravage
- Rodimus vs. Insecticon
- Grimlock vs. Shockwave
- Mirage vs. Starscream
- Ultra Magnus vs. Megatron
- Bumblebee vs. Soundwave
- Optimus Prime V2 vs. Unicron
- Autobot Jazz vs. Thundercracker (Starscream redeco)
- Galactic Bumblebee vs. Barricade
- Galactic Optimus vs. Blackout
- Galactic Autobot Jazz vs. Frenzy
- Galactic Ratchet vs. Megatron
Transformers At The Moon: Do you have any confirmed plans on Transformers Animated, as to when we can expect the toys / show?
Hasbro UK: No confirmed plans as yet for the UK, more information on this will follow later this year
Transformers At The Moon: Will the Transformers Classics line continue in the UK after the release of the Transformers Movie toys?
Hasbro UK: Classics are still on sale but will not carry forward into 2008.
Transformers At The Moon: Are there any plans on releaseing the Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary toys in the UK? (Beast Wars ran from 1997 in the UK)
Hasbro UK: There are currently no plans as yet for this release.
Please note that Hasbro have stated that all details contained within their answers are subject to change without notice.
We'd like to thank Hasbro UK for their time, and for speaking to the UK Transformers fan community. We'd also like to personally pay thanks to Gareth Lucy for all his help.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 19:02:42 BST
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On ebay at the moment is a very rare auction indeed, a prototype concept of a Jungle Attack Starscream figure. The toy, black and green camoflague, is similar to the un-produced "Death Starscream" figure we have seen.
The toy may well have been a concept for a Generation Two colour scheme, which was abandoned. The toy has a high reserve but is well worth looking at.
You can see the auction
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 18:38:19 BST
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WizardUniverse have put up an interview with Voice Actor Phil LaMarr who is best known for playing Samurai Jack in the series of the same name, and who will be voice Jazz, a guest star in the upcoming
Transformers Animated series.
WIZARD: Changing subjects, you are set to play Jazz in the new Transformers show. It’s a great role with a lot of history, so are you going to follow the footsteps of the old series, the movie, or should we expect something new?
LAMARR: There’s no way to follow in the footsteps Scatman Crothers [Jazz’s original voice from the old series]. I mean, those are just shoes that are too big to fill. So, yeah, we’ve gone a different direction. Obviously the “cool” element is still there, that’s never going to go away with Jazz, and in my head I always hear Scatman but it’s a different sound. It’s a new sound.
WIZARD: I’m glad you brought up Scatman Crothers, because it must just be cool to pick up after such a legend. What is that like?
LAMARR: It’s an honor to be able to play something that somebody so talented originated. Even though they’re revamping the story, you know and the fans know that that’s where it came from and it’s nice to be connected to that kind of history.
WIZARD: So, by the technical and scientific laws of acting does this make you the best choice for the role if they ever redo Hong Kong Phooey?
LAMARR: [Laughs] I’d say so.
WIZARD: What is it like to be doing the voice of Jazz for a whole new generation of Transformers fans?
LAMARR: Well, it’s been interesting for me because I was not really familiar with much Transformers stuff. It sort of fell in between my kid years and my adult years. So, I missed it the first time around. So, I’ve been doing a lot of research actually. [I’ve been] looking at the old cartoons and reading the old comics just because I’d be reading the scripts and going, “My gosh, what an intricate world!” And it just got me more and more interested in what’s going on. How much of this is new? How much of this is original? So, I’ve been getting into it.
WIZARD: I’m sure fans will love hearing that you are doing your research of the source material. Is that something that you might have picked up from doing your voice work on “Justice League”?
LAMARR: I’m sort of a comic and cartoon geek myself, so most of the stuff I know coming into it. “Transformers” just happened to be one of those few that I was unfamiliar with and it was just really interesting to see that for the first time, to look into that world. Especially a world that so many people are already a big part of. I’m like, “God, how did I miss this?”
Remember, for all of the latest on
Transformers Animated, head over to, your one stop website for all the
Transformers Animated goodness
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 16:09:29 BST
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IDW comics Optimus Prime spotlight is released today in the US, and on the 31st in the UK (due to the bank holiday). As a preview Simon Furman has updated his blog with some information on the strip.
You can read Simon's comments
here as well as some details regarding his London Film and Comic-Con appearance
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 13:03:36 BST
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Skywarpantulas has posted a variety of spoilers for the Transformers Animated series on TFWorld2005's message board. He doesn't say what his source is, only that he has fast forwarded through various episodes. Some of the information is different to what has been shown thus far (but then there is no way to tell from which episodes the footage used at BotCon / Comiccon were sliced from).
Below you'll find a basic round-up, but you can go
here for the original thread.
Please note these are unconfirmed.
Episode Names:
Ep.1 - Transform and Roll Out (or Transformers and Roll Out)
Ep.? - Nanotech (features the human supervillian with the whip).
Ep.? - Blast from the Past (introduces the Dinobots)
Episode Synopsis
- Episode 1 features the footage from the second video available at Transformers Animated.
- The Autobots are on the Ark watching old episodes of the G1 cartoon series.
- Megatron (VTOL Plane) on Cybertron leaves the Decepticons (and Starscream in charge) in the first episode. He is later seen on Earth (100 years in the future), as a head being worked on by scientists. The scientists create the Dinobots from Megatron. (note this would tie into the Transformers Movie theory of all technological advances stem from "Megaman". It also ties in with the original Hasbro press release "..Robots are common-place on Earth, but they hold a hidden secret
- The first episodes focus on characters, mainly Bumblebee and Ratchet. (Again this sounds plausible with Bumblebee the focus character in the Transformers Movie).
- The Decepticon's come to Earth in search of the Allspark. (Again this ties into the information Hasbro gave at the BotCon panel).
- In the first episode Optimus is injured. He turns black (like in Transformers The Movie) and his spark (Matrix) is shown in his chest. (This part is new, nothing shown so-far would indicate this, but it could be the reason for choosing a new form).
- Megatron's head is very damaged on Earth, and looks very "cyborg like". (note the only image of Megatron from the cartoon have been of the silhouette. It could well be that is his "Cybertronian form", however Hasbro stated the Decepticon's aren't in it at the start).
- Slag and Swoop did not talk in the first episode.
As mentioned these should remain as
rumours until more evidence is bought to prove / disprove them. Most of them fit in nicely to information we have previously learned. Remember to check out
Transformers Animated for all your Transformers Animated news and information.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 08:53:28 BST
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With the figures in for the weekend and start of this week, Transformers has now moved up the highest grossing worldwide tables to 29th, ahead of Six Sense.
Figures are from
However TheNumbers (another Worldwide Box Office website) report Transformers as number 30 still. The reason is they have Jurassic Park II (The Lost World) as taking a lot more money than BoxOffice Mojo. There are also a few other films which they differ on.
Which is right? Well we're not sure, but what we do know is that BoxOfficeMojo is not accurate, as they miss out on certain countries (Sri Lanka), but their figures for international countries has also been inaccurate in the past.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 28th August 2007 at 22:52:52 BST
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Just to show how many there are, the fourth Transformers Animated Bulkhead testshot, made of entirely red plastic, has appeared on ebay. This time it's a different seller, No_CD, and the first for sale outside of Singapore (this one is from China).
You can see the auction
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 28th August 2007 at 21:54:02 BST
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Transformers artist Andrew Wildman will now be joining the talent for the Transformers comic signing this Saturday 1st Sept at London Film and Comic Convention.
Steve White - Transformers comic editor
Simon Furman - Transformers comic writer
Geoff Senior - Transformers comic Artist
Andrew Wildman - Transformers comic Artist
Info on signing:
London Film and Comic Convention
Earls Court 1
Old Brompton road
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 28th August 2007 at 16:59:37 BST
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with comments on Beast Wars Ascending Issue 4. The information on the blog, which contains partial spoilers (though not in too much detail), includes the news that several characters will be killed off by the end of the issue. Benson Yee (Simon's go-to-guy) has likened it to the end of Generation Two.
here to read the full post.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 28th August 2007 at 08:55:37 BST
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