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Transformers News: Category - "All News Stories"

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This area of the website is dedicated to Transformers news. Currently this website contains 11223 news stories divided over 749 pages. You can submit a news story by using our news submission page.

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  2. G.I. Joe - We are also fans of G.I-Joe and so on occasionally we run news stories related to that Hasbro line, primarily related to the live action films.
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  8. Trans-Europe Express Group News - The Trans-Europe Express was a Yahoo! Group where a few people collaboration to share information on what was going in within Europe relating to Transformers as well as promoting a united European fan community.
  9. Transformer Toy Sightings - This is where you will find toy sighting related news stories.
  10. Transformers Animated - Transformers Animated was the cartoon / comic / toy form that the Transformers took from late 2007 until 2010. These news stories are published on Transformers as well as on Transformers At The Moon
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  18. Transformers Product Listings
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  20. Transformers Toy News
  21. Transformers Trademark News - News stories relating to trademark applications that Hasbro Inc have made with the USPTO. These stories are always broken here first.
  22. Transformers: Prime - Transformers: Prime is the name of the 2010 CGI Transformers cartoon which aired on the Hasbro-Discovery joint TV channel The Hub in the fall of 2010 within the US.
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Transformers Movie News

The National Movie Awards are on TV tonight, on ITV 1 at 9:30, where Transformers is amongst various films which are battling it out to win awards including Best Action film.

If you're not planning on watching the show, then you may be interested in who won. If you are watching it, then don't read any further until after the show airs.


Harry Potter has worked his magic - taking three prizes at the first National Movie Awards in the UK. Daniel Radcliffe picked up best male performance for the Order of the Phoenix. His co-star Emma Watson won best female for her role as Hermione Granger in the same film, the fifth in the series.

It also won best family film title at the ceremony, at the Royal Festival Hall in central London.

Other winners include:

Casino Royale

The Simpsons Movie

Hot Fuzz

James Bond Genre

The latest 007 film beat off competition from Die Hard 4.0, 300 and Transformers to take home the Best Action Film gong at the ceremony.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th September 2007 at 20:55:40 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The International Auto Show, taking place at the Northwood University in Michigan USA, have sent us the following press release regarding the event. Why, you may ask, well because four "stars" of the Transformers Movie will be in attendance, and we're not talking about the humans. Yes this is your chance to see the Bumblebee (2009 Camaro concept), Jazz (Pontiac Solstice), Ironhide (GMC TopKick) and Barricade (Saleen Mustang) up close and personal. Here is the press release in full.

International Auto Show Introduces Latest Concept Vehicles, Including Cars from the Transformers Movie

Never-before-seen concept cars and "Transformers" cars, including the Camaro Bumblebee, are unveiled to the public at Northwood University in Michigan

WHAT: Concept and new model cars never-before-seen by the general public are featured at Northwood University's 44th Annual International Auto Show. The vehicles include:
Four cars from Paramount's blockbuster hit Transformers:
* Bumblebee, Chevy's 2009 Camaro concept car
* Jazz, the Pontiac Solstice
* Ironhide, the GMC TopKick
* Barricade, the Saleen Mustang
The latest GM hybrid:
* Chevy Tahoe, the brand new GM Sport Utility Vehicle
WHEN: September 28-30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 29, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 30, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Northwood University, 4000 Whiting Drive, Midland, Michigan, USA

The 44th International Auto Show is organized and managed by Northwood University students, with more than 800 students from all curriculums and numerous businesses from across Michigan and beyond the state participating in the event. Other show highlights include: More than 500 new domestic and import vehicles; an extensive aftermarket exhibit; Sunday Classic Car Show, featuring more than 75 historic vehicles; concept cars; and a classicAirstream trailer offering a unique multi-media experience focused on the latest innovations from Scion.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th September 2007 at 12:16:37 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Below you will find a new clearer image of the soon to be released TM-SP DX Megatron and TM-SP DX Convoy toys that will be released in Japan. The toys are recolours of the Beast Wars Megatron and Beast Wars Optimus Primal (Convoy) leader moulds. The toys are not the same as the US Beast Wars reborn figures as they use the original scuplts (not the new head molds).

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th September 2007 at 11:06:43 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News have put up a video preview of one of the extras on the Transformers movie, Transformers: Inside The Allspark. You can view the video here.

Credit to for the report.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th September 2007 at 10:56:02 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Maz, webmaster of, and fountain of Transformers knowledge, as posted an article on a Generation Two Desert Camouflage Ramjet toy. The toy is the third un-produced Generation Two seeker jet seen in as many months, and would fit really nicely with the Desert Camouflage Runiation from Transformers Universe and the Jungle Attack Starscream toy.

The unreleased Generation 2 desert-camouflage Ramjet mock-up, this one really speaks for itself.


All the best

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th September 2007 at 10:44:13 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Category: Website Updates | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 22:59:28 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Comic News

Simon Furman has posted the following update on his blog

The news is out, the next Transformers Spotlight (the first in what is effectively vol 3) is to feature… Blaster. Now already there's been speculation (on various website forums) as to exactly which Blaster this will be.

The rock 'n' roll fixated, amped-up version from the cartoon series or the harder edged but compassionate warrior from Bob Budiansky's Marvel Comics run.

The answer is neither, or maybe an amalgam of the two with a new twist, however you want to look at it. The whole point with these character Spotlights (and the IDW TF-verse in general) is that you don't ever get quite what you were expecting. If it's been done before, the rule of thumb is, don't do it again (or don't do it the same way). So in Spotlight Blaster we meet not one but two new versions of Blaster, a before and after.

Before/after what, you might ask. Well, let's just say there's an element of murder/mystery (without the murder per se) about this particular Spotlight, as a killer (and perhaps even a traitor) stalks the Autobot Command Hub, out finish something they started a while ago. But what about Blaster himself? Well, he's certainly loud and bombastic, and his 'voice' is pretty much what defines him and his role in the larger scheme of things. But, as the story opens, circumstances have left him a shellshocked shadow of his former self, initiating an exploration of who, once you strip away the larger-than-life bluff and bluster, the real Blaster is.

Expect a host of cool cameos, a link to one of the other existing Spotlights and a dramatic new direction for the focal character that will (eventually) affect the 'ongoing.' For those of you who felt Galvatron and Optimus Prime maybe weren't self-contained enough for the Spotlight format, hopefully Blaster will fulfil all the criteria. Transformers Spotlight Blaster ships in January 08, and you can check out some advance art (cover and interior pages) in this thread on the IDW forums.

Category: Transformers Comic News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 19:10:37 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Animated

Transformers Animated Deluxe Ast: SKN#493859
Transformers Animated Voyager Set SKN#494440

Those are the first Transformers Animated SKN numbers to be reported from the US.

TFWorld2005 posted them earlier today

See the links above for references on what several of these assortments will be. At this time, there is no confirmation on what the "TF Allspark Blaster" will be. Also, please note that the Animated Voyager-size class listing is described as a "set" instead of "assortment". Anything at this time is speculation, but a "set" typically describes a mutli-pack collection of figures as opposed to an indivudual figure.

Category: Transformers Animated | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 19:08:59 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Website Updates

Transformers At The Moon today passes the 1,850th Transformers toy to be featured in one of our Transformers toy galleries. As we approach the 8th anniversary of Transformers At The Moon's inception, we're rapidly approaching the landmark figure of 2,000 Transformers toy galleries (which we should complete this year).

The new updates include 5 new galleries and 2 updates.

  1. Transformers Energon - Tidal Wave
  2. Transformers Energon - Ramjet
  3. Transformers Energon - Demolisher
  4. Transformers Energon - Snowcat
  5. Transformers Collectors Edition - Pepsi Convoy
  6. Transformers Collectors Edition - Shining Magnus (update)
  7. Transformers Beast Wars Neo - Black Big Convoy (update)
There are 388 new pictures for you to look through.

Category: Website Updates | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 09:24:21 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Toys R Us (US) have announced their "Fabulous 15" list of hot new toys for the 2007 holiday season, report the Reuters news agency and its good news for Transformers fans as a Transformers figure finally makes the list at number 14. Who is this figure? Why Ultimate Bumblebee. Though a little surprising, due to his price tag (though it is considerable lower in the US as almost half the UK retail cost), Bumblebee, from the Transformers Movie, has indeed proven to be a smash hit with kids with all forms of the toy selling well.

Below you will find the complete top 15.

  1. Aqua Dots Super Studio from Spin Master
  2. Clickstart My First Computer from LeapFrog
  3. Daisy Pocket Mod from Razor
  4. EyeClops from Jakks Pacific
  5. GeoTrax Rail & Road System from Mattel's Fisher-Price
  6. Grand Walk-In Kitchen from Step 2
  7. Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock Game from Activision
  8. Hannah Montana In Concert Collection Doll from Play Along
  9. Made for Me MP3 Music Player from Hasbro's Playskool
  10. Monopoly: Boutique Edition from Hasbro
  11. Shining Stars from Russ Berrie & Co
  12. Smart Cycle from Mattel's Fisher-Price
  13. T.M.X. Friends from Mattel's Fisher-Price
  14. Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee from Hasbro
  15. XPV R.A.D. Robotic Air Defense from Jakks Pacific

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 09:02:04 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Comic News

Simon Furman has updated his blog with the following information on Beast Wars Ascending.


Next week (lots of advance stuff this week, as I'm travelling next) sees the release of issue #1 of (Transformers) Beast Wars The Ascending. If you've read The Gathering (and if not, why not?), then the cast of Razorbeast, Magmatron, Grimlock, Ravage and so on will be familiar to you, and need no introduction. But just in case you haven't, here's what's what (so far). Predacon general Magmatron travels back to Earth's past (circa 10,000 B.C.) to snag himself an army in the shape of the discarded protoforms left strewn around the prehistoric past in stasis pods by Optimus Primal and the crew of the Axalon (in the Beast Wars TV series).

With me so far? Good. His intention is to reformat the occupants of said stasis pods as Predacons and return to the future to take Cybertron by force. But among his chronally displaced crew is Razorbeast, a Maximal deep cover agent, who throws an epic spanner in the works by diluting the reactivation signal. The net result is an almost equal mix of Maximals and Predacons, who then begin their own series of timelost Beast Wars.

Ultimately, Razorbeast triumphs and condemns Magmatron to a temporal limbo (by sabotaging his in-progress Transwarp jump… stay with me here). The Predacons, now under the loose command of former Decepticon Ravage, are put to flight. So that's where we are.

What happens next (in The Ascending)? Well, for a start, Ravage has not abandoned his fervent wish to return to Cybertron (and the future), and to do so he has to interface directly with the other in-progress Beast Wars (Optimus Primal, Megatron et al from the TV show). Cue a major assault on the Maximal base, his ultimate goal the appropriation of the chronal phase armbands (from the The Gathering). Meanwhile, Magmatron (in temporal limbo) has seen the future of Cybertron, and, well, there isn't one. Unable to directly affect the coming Armageddon and the rise of an ancient evil, he turns to his once and former enemy Razorbeast! And that… is all I'm going to tell you here.

Beast Wars The Ascending #1 is on stores next week (Oct 3 in the US, the 4th in the UK). Keep an eye on the IDW website for news of all upcoming Transformers releases.

Category: Transformers Comic News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 08:41:35 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Comic News

Reports are flooding in that the latest Transformers Club Magazine contained news concerning when BotCon 2008 is likely to take place. The organisers (Fun Publications) are targeting Spring (April/May) for the convention, though there is no information on a possible location.

Category: Transformers Comic News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 28th September 2007 at 08:38:53 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Website Updates

Following on from the website update a few hours ago, we can now bring you an additional 4 new Transformers Micron Legend image galleries. Theses Japanese Transformers are :-

  1. Transformers Micron Legend - Megatron Super Mode
  2. Transformers Micron Legend - Spark Barrel
  3. Transformers Micron Legend - Shockwave
  4. Transformers Micron Legend - Sonic
The four galleries add another 191 images to our ever expanding Transformers toy image gallery area, and take us only 2 toys away from the 1850 mark.

Category: Website Updates | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 27th September 2007 at 21:33:55 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Thanks to for pointing out the BBFC rating page for the Transformers 2-disc boxset. The page lists previously unannounced features, including the 10 deleted scenes which are included in the IMAX showing.

The inclusion of the features goes against previous reports from Michael Bay regarding the DVD and IMAX footage.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 27th September 2007 at 19:33:38 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Website Updates

This is a bit of a mini update for you tonight, but you can now find 161 new images in 2 new toy galleries and 1 updated toy gallery. The Transformer toy galleries with the new images are:-

  1. BotCon Exclusive - Beast Wars Shokaract (updated)
  2. BotCon Exclusive - MegaZarak
  3. BotCon Exclusive - Caliburn
This takes our total Transformers toy image galleries to 1,844

Category: Website Updates | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 27th September 2007 at 19:31:18 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

News Page Navigation

Jump to page 1 ... 398 | 399 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | ... 749 ... of 749 pages.

Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to.

Transformers Toy Galleries
Insecticon Insecticon
Click the link or image above to view the Insecticon toy gallery. The gallery contains 1 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for OMEGA SUPREME with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 18th September 1985. The mark was submitted within the category TOY ROBOTS CONVERTIBLE INTO OTHER VISUAL FORMS and currently has as status of Registration cancelled because registrant did not file an acceptable declaration under Section 8. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page..
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 18: Optimus Vs Headmaster Ep 18: Optimus Vs Headmaster
In this clip, Optimus Prime battle against Headmaster who has taken control of Sentinel Prime's body. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
Transformers At The Moon Members Only
Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
Right Now on eBay
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Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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