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We have updated our Lucky Draw Blue Big Convoy mini-gallery with another image, this time something you are not likely to see again, three Blue Big Convoys together, one in robot mode and two others in animal mode. You can expect a full image gallery and review (including comparison images) of Blue Big Convoy, along with some other rare and special toys, in the coming weeks as we celebrate the 8th anniversary of Transformers At The Moon at the end of this month.
Don't forget, if you are after Lucky Draw information, drop by our sister site, Lucky Draw
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 8th October 2007 at 11:07:04 BST
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Remy has updated his site with a gallery of the Transformers Music Label Convoy toy. You can see the images here.
The figure has a new head sculpt as well as a new trailer.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 7th October 2007 at 10:29:16 BST
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We've bought 12 new Transformers toys over the last week, one of which is the Japanese Beast Wars Re-issue figure Bolfang. Bolfang is the (so far) only new character in the Japanese Beast Wars re-issue line, and only the third Japanese exclusive Beast Wars charcter (after Shadow Panther and Jaguar / Ravage). Note: This excludes Beast Wars II and Neo.
The toy is a recoloured version of Wolfang (known as Howlinger in Japan) and features far more detail than any other version of that mold.
You can find 81 new images of the Bolfang toy, including comparisons with Howlinger and K-9, in our exclusive Transformers toy image gallery.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th October 2007 at 17:00:30 BST
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TFWorld2005 have received word from Toyz and Games (a UK based collectors store - who often import toys) that the following Transformers will be released in the UK.
Movie Deluxe
Movie Leader
Movie Voyager
Helmet Asst
Prime/Starscream Blasters
Legends All Spark Battle Packs
TF Animated Deluxe
TF Animated Voyager
TF Animated Battle Pack W/DVD
TF Movie Snap Shot Roleplay Asst
TF Movie Cinema Scene Asst
TF Movie Robot Replicas.
Unleashed Turnaround
Movie TECH Role Play Asst
Movie Cyber Slammer Asst
Movie Robot Heroes
Titanium 3" Robot Masters
Movie Legends
There is no listing for Transformers Universe (Classics 2.0), which mirrors what
Hasbro UK told Transformers At The Moon a few months ago.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th October 2007 at 16:31:45 BST
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IGN have an article entitled ILM on Transformers Effects where they talk to Scott Farrar regarding the effected on the live action Transformers movie. You can read the article here.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th October 2007 at 10:08:41 BST
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Comics Continuum has a obtained a first look at the DVD menus for the Transformers movie DVD. You can view their report here (be warned the site contains popups) or you can directly access the images using the following links.
here - here - here - here - here - here - here
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th October 2007 at 10:06:43 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 18:21:32 BST
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Thanks to Neurie for sending us word on some of the contents of the next Woolworths "Big Red Book"
"Hey there just saw the range Woolworths will be stocking, the usual stuff with the addition of Ultimate Bumblebee (£79.99) and an exclusive real gear 3 pack for £19.99.
They also will be stocking the Darth Vader Death star toy and some exclusive starwars figures (non transformer)."
If anyone can provide images of the listing, please get in touch with us by using the email address on our contact us page or via the Submit News page
Category: Transformers Rumours
| Submitted by: Neurie -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 14:35:37 BST
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with a post Dublin Sub-Con entry that contains a little bit more infomration on Transformers Mosaic as well as a few comments on future entries to his blog.
On Transformers Mosaic's Simon comments "the news finally broke while I was away that I’ll be
contributing a one-page story to the fan project Transformers Mosaic
(go here
for the full Newsarama interview with Josh Van Reyk and Shaun Knowler,
the driving force behind Mosaic), which showcases new (one-page) strips
by budding writers and artists, and is well worth your time to check
out. The stories can be from any era or incarnation of Transformers and
the one-page format makes for some pithy and unique storytelling.
Anyway, I’m writing (or actually, have written) a story called ‘Hail
and Farewell’ which sits very much in the current IDW/TF continuity.
It’s set a year or two ahead of where we are now (in Devastation) and
features Hunter O’Nion and Sunstreaker. Can’t tell you any more, as
it’s very difficult to tease here without giving too much away. But it
touches on stuff that the main series will expand on big time. It’s
being drawn by two guys who are new to Transformers but have comics
careers that span a decade or more (and also happen to be good friends
of mine, which is always handy when there’s no money involved!), Steve Buccellato and Don Hudson."
Simon also comments that Death’s Head vol 2, Transformers
Devastation #1, Beast Wars The Ascending #1 and Beast Wars Sourcebook
#1 are all out now with Titan’s Transformers #4 coming out next week. Speaking on Titans Transformers Issue 4, Simon mentions that he will have a full trailer next week
Future posts will include a report on the Dublin Sub-Con event, more on the Forbidden Planet London signing (Thursday
October 25th from 6PM) and a Script Wrap on Transformers (UK) #7, the first full
in-movie continuity issue.
To read the post in full, visit Simon's blog.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 13:32:53 BST
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Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 12:51:51 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 08:44:49 BST
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Massive news for Nordic fans, and pretty darn big for the rest of us, as report that the first episode of the brand new Transformers Animated cartoon will make its worldwide debut at the NTFA Mini-Con ( a fan convention) in Arlöv, Sweden which runs from November 3rd to November 4th 2007. You can view the original announcement here.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th October 2007 at 08:38:53 BST
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Thanks to Talk Transformers for posting a few images from the Transformers Beast Wars Source comic from IDW Publications. You can see the images here.
I'm not sure why BB is coloured in Orange, but puhaps if someone owns the comic they could shed some light on this?
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 4th October 2007 at 18:40:54 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th October 2007 at 09:14:07 BST
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The Hollywood reporter reports that screenwriter Ehren Kruger and the writing team of Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are currently in talks with Paramount Pictures / Dreamworks to write the screenplay for the second live action Transformers Movie. Director Michael Bay, star Shia LaBeouf and producers Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Don Murphy and executive producer Steven Spielberg are also reported to be back on board.
The report states that the teaming of -"A-listed writers to write such a huge project" is an industry first, and points to the fact that Kurtzman and Orci are busy writing the new Star Trek movie as one of the main reasons for the collaboration. The three writers are not strangers, as they are working together on the DreamWorks picture Nightlife.
Kruger met with Michael Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner, impressing both with his knowledge of the Transformers mythos.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th October 2007 at 09:00:24 BST
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