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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 22:21:05 BST
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The first update for Lucky Draw Transformers since it's relaunch yesterday are some special ones. First up is a gallery of the Chrome Gold Lio Convoy toy which Tempting Toys placed on eBay a few months ago. The figure is different from the Gold Lio Convoy Lucky Draw Transformers toy which we own.
The second is a first, images of Lucky Draw Transformers Beast Wars Neo Gold Big Convoy! The toy we'd been waiting for years to be able to prove finally gets some images. Go take a look at this ever so impressive figure.
We have some more mini-galleries and information pages planned for the Beast Wars II Colouring Competiton toys, which were on the old version of Lucky Draw Transformers, but are currently missing. Two brand new full galleries will be added later this month ... only we're not telling on who they will be.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 22:16:53 BST
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We have updated our Generation Two Groove gallery, removing the mirrored images from previous ebay auctions, to now include images of the Unreleased Generation Two Groove toy which we own.
Groove joins Streetwise, Blades and our two BotCon Breakdowns (along with the Arialbots) as part of our Generation Two Combiner collection.
In addition to that gallery, you can also find Preview Galleries for the Unreleased Generation Two Megatron ATB and Unreleased Starscream toys. These galleries feature a sneak peek at one of our favorite molds, which we now own every different version of (including a testshot). Full galleries of both toys, with comparisons to G2 Dreadwing / Smokescreen, BW2 BB / Starscream, RID Dreadwing / Smokejumper, Sky Blue Testshot of RID Dreadwing / Smokejumper and Robot Master Gigant Bomb / Smoke Sniper.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 22:04:57 BST
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I was wondering if anyone saved the image of the Generation One Lucky Draw Silver Chromedome statue which was featured on Lucky Draw Transformers? We've lost the image in the move from the old look to the new one, and it was the only copy of the image we had.
If you took a copy of the image, could you please email us, as we really want to add it back to the information page for that piece on Lucky Draw Transformers.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 21:18:47 BST
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In his latest blog update, Simon Furman has given a few pointers as to the direction that in which the UK exclusive Transformers comic, from Titan Books, will be heading. After issue 6, the story will switch to take place just at the end of the Transformers movie and will revolve around Starscream’s Militia.
"‘Starscream’s Militia’ picks up directly (moments) after Megatron’s
final downfall, and has a distinctly ‘Night of the Living Dead’ type
vibe, as Starscream makes decidedly unconventional use of such
downed/deactivated Decepticons as Barricade, Blackout and Devastator.
‘Starscream’s Militia’ is written by me, with art from a relative
newcomer to TF-strip work (apart, I believe, from a back-up strip in
Panini’s Transformers Armada #9) Simon Williams. " Posts Simon (Fuman).
Also the article acts as a reminder that Issue 4 was released within the UK today. If, like us, your local stockist are not selling the comic, remember that you can subscribe online.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 18:47:29 BST
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By Jay A. Fernandez, Special to The Times
October 10, 2007
Well, DreamWorks and Paramount are finally moving forward with their inevitable "Transformers" sequel, and they've done it by putting an enormous down payment on a unique, blockbuster screenwriting crew. In a deal that could ultimately pay out more than $8 million, the studios have hired Ehren Kruger ("The Ring," "Scream 3") to write the film's screenplay with original "Transformers" scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, whose four credited films have produced $1.4 billion in worldwide box office.
DreamWorks' willingness to agree to a combined team of A-listers, especially at such lofty rates, speaks to the studio's faith in the writers' ability to deliver (it also, one insider notes, effectively discourages the studio from spending more money to hire someone to rewrite their work).
Producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and DreamWorks executives had been inviting writers to propose takes on the sequel as early as May, two months before the first film's Independence Day opening. The studio has been looking at the "Transformers" property as an extended saga, with an expansive mythology built into at least two more films.
But Kurtzman and Orci have been jammed with high-profile writing and producing assignments ("Star Trek," "Eagle Eye") and originally passed on writing the sequel to avoid overextending themselves. With returning director Michael Bay looking to keep them involved and no killer pitches forthcoming, last month the studio finally persuaded them by suggesting they team with another writer (for the second film only; Bay has not committed to a third either.)
As producers, Kurtzman and Orci had hired Kruger to pen another DreamWorks project, "Nightlife," and apparently enjoyed the relationship enough to collaborate with him as writers. (Kruger had recently adapted Stephen King's "The Talisman" for Steven Spielberg, a "Transformers" executive producer.)
Even with the added partner, the logistics should prove complicated. The new "Star Trek," which Kurtzman and Orci are producing and writing for Paramount, and "Eagle Eye," which they're producing for DreamWorks, start shooting on the same day next month. And "Fringe," the sci-fi series Kurtzman and Orci sold to Fox TV last week, starts shooting by year's end.
So Kurtzman and Orci will somehow be writing their part of the "Transformers" script while bouncing around three sets. (At least "Fringe" is co-written and co-executive-produced by "Trek" director J.J. Abrams, so lunch breaks on the "Trek" set should prove productive.)
No deadline has been set for the screenplay, though the film does have a release date: June 26, 2009. So the hiring of several writers was less about trying to complete a script before the potential Writers Guild walkout on Nov. 1 than about having access to numerous voices to address the inevitable changes as this behemoth progresses through its years-long development and production process.
Just the same, the three writers are already pooling their ideas to nail down the detailed story line while Bay has begun pulling together some digital pre-visualization robot designs that didn't make it into the first film. An added benefit lost on no one is that with a CGI-heavy film like this, the preliminary work provides an effective cushion if the writers (or directors and actors next summer) do strike -- effects crews can work ahead and compile action sequences during any stoppage.
Nelson admin of
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 09:36:51 BST
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Having finished a short time ago, we decided it was about time to give Lucky Draw Transformers some attention. The result is a brand new, much fresher, look to the website. We decided to remove the blog functionality and go back to the original plan of having a dedicated Lucky Draw resource website that was fully integrated into Transformers At The Moon. This means that the site is a lot easier for us to update and maintain.
We decided to stick to a simple layout to make the navigation as quick and easy as possible. This means that the information that you are after can be found straight away, without having to search. We've updated the Lucky Draw toy list with more accurate information, new confirmations of some previously unconfirmed toys, and lots more images. We have further updates planned for Lucky Draw Transformers in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for the only dedicate Lucky Draw website over at
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 10th October 2007 at 20:47:22 BST
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eToyshuntert has another
auction for
Transformers Animated Starscream, a testshot in final release colours on ebay. It only has a few hours to run at the moment, and the images look very much like those shown previously.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 10th October 2007 at 18:48:33 BST
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The Toy Retailers Association have released the official "Dream Toys 2007" which lists the "top toys for Christmas" and, for the first time in many years, Transformers products make the list. The list is a prediction of expected sales over the holiday period and the Toy Retailers Association represent 75% of UK based toy retailers.
In the Dream Dozen, Transformers Movie Leader: Optimus Prime comes in at number 12 (keep reading for the full listing) whilst in the Boys Toys there are three Transformers listings. Leader class Optimus Prime is number 9, the Optimus Prime Voice Changer Mask is number 10 and Ultimate Bumblebee is number 11 (despite the 79.95 RRP).
Dream Dozen
Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old?, Hasbro (RRP 19.99)
Baby Annabell New V4, Zapf Creation (RRP 39.99)
Barbie Girls, Mattel (RRP 49.99)
Doctor Who Dalek Sec Hybrid Voice Changer Mask, Character Options (RRP
Flytech Dragonfly, Character Options (RRP 34.87)
Golden Balls, Vivid Imaginations (RRP 19.99)
Art Bindeez Super Deluxe Studio Centre, Character Options (RRP 19.95)
The Night Garden – Blanket Time Igglepiggle, Hasbro (RRP 34.99)
Puppy Grows and Knows Your Name, Mattel (RRP 44.99)
Roary R/C Car, Vivid Imaginations (RRP 24.99)
Say What?, Radica (RRP 24.99)
Transformers Movie Leader:Optimus Prime, Hasbro (RRP 39.99)
Gary Grant, Chairman of the TRA, comments: “This year’s Dream Dozen once again demonstrates the versatility of the toy industry. The technological advancements used in many of the toys we reviewed this year were quite amazing, and demonstrate how forward thinking manufacturers can be. Responding to the ever2changing demands of children is what makes this industry so innovative. The result is a truly eclectic mix of toys that will appeal to young and old alike.”
Boys Toys
Ben 10 Alien Laboratory Bandai RRP 24.95
Ben 10 Omnitrix F/X Bandai RRP 12.95
Cars Mega Mack Playtown Mattel RRP 39.95
Creator – Monster Dino Lego RRP 69.95
Dr Who Dalek Sec Hybrid Voice Changer Mask Character Options RRP 29.95
Dr Who Figures Assortment Character Options RRP 6.95
Spider-Man Ultimate Web Blaster Hasbro RRP 39.99
Stretch Power Ranger Character Options RRP 14.95
Transformers Movie Leader: Optimus Prime Hasbro RRP 39.99
Transformers Optimus Prime Voice Changer Mask Hasbro RRP 29.99
Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee Hasbro RRP 79.95
WWE Money In The Bank Ladder Match Playset Vivid Imaginations RRP 19.99
Visit the Toy Retailers Association website here.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 10th October 2007 at 13:35:04 BST
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The Allspark have two nice little news stories rounding up some information / speculation regarding the Transformers 2 movie. The first covered information from Steven Spielburg, the second regarding a story document (called a Treatment) which had been leaked.
As with the first Transformers Movie, we'll only be printing official images / stories concerning the production of the Transformers Movie, and not reproducing any leaked images / documents.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 10th October 2007 at 08:29:54 BST
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This has nothing to do with Transformers really, but it's interesting to see an auction on Yahoo Japan at the moment for a 1974 Camaro, in Bumblebee colours (complete with dodgy bodywork) listed in the Transformers section of the Japanese auction website.
You can see the auction here, if you fancy a giggle. The auction is around 2,700, which probably isn't bad for the car.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 9th October 2007 at 20:57:48 BST
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Just a quick reminder that the 25% off sale at the Hasbro Toy Shop ends in two days. To qualify for the discount, simply quote: 0601:Welcome at the checkout when prompted.
The Transformers section of the website can be found here.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 9th October 2007 at 12:48:39 BST
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Simon Furman has posted an update on his blog with some details, and cover image, for the Titan Magazine Transformers Issue 4. Here's what he had to say :-
It’s out this week, Thursday 11th October to be precise, the fourth
issue of Titan’s superlative Transformers comic/magazine. And this
issue is extra-special, as it features all-new art from the one and
only Don Figueroa (Transformers Movie Prequel, Beast Wars The
Movie Devastator comes under the spotlight in a new 10-page
comic strip, written by me and drawn by Don. Is he as dumb as his G1
counterpart? Well, yes. But he’s also equally as brutal and
destructive, and when he finds himself with no easy prey to crush,
watch out!
As always with these solo but interlinked stories, there are
guest appearances aplenty from other characters from the new TF-movie.
Plus, more strip, a profile for Blackout and a titanic, expanded
head-to-head smackdown between Optimus Prime and Megatron! Oh, and free
pin badges! What more could you ask for.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 9th October 2007 at 09:09:10 BST
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Over on the IDW message board, Chris Ryall has responded to some of the negative feedback that IDW have received over last weeks release of the Beast Wars Sourcebook issue 1. Here's what Chris had to say
Hey, everyone--
In the time we've been doing Transformers comics, there have been highs
and lows for the fans, I know. As there's going to be on anything --
some projects work better than others, for various reasons.
This one seems to be ranking somewhere near the first issue of the
TF Animated Series for most of you, from the responses I've seen.
Which sucks all around--the last thing we want to do is release
product that doesn't work for you. Especially since this particular
book took so long to finally arrive. And because so many artists and
colorists labored over it. And because Simon and Ben Yee did the same,
and then waited patiently for the book to finally be assembled and
So for the person who just e-mailed me very angry and said "once
again, IDW screws its fans," well, that's hardly true and hardly a
sound approach to business, I would think. And nothing we would ever
set out to do.
So what happened?
That's a good question. But there's really no need for me to make
excuses or air any beasty-smelling laundry, so I'll just say that the
book is, like everything we publish, ultimately my responsibility. This
book was one that sort of slipped through the crack while I was dealing
with an editorial shift, and it went out with some errors. Book Two was
completed during this same period. But Andrew is here as the TF Editor
now, and is extremely competent and he and I will do what we can to
ensure the rest of the books are produced as they should be. As many
errors are able to be corrected in the collected version will be fixed,
I know that this book was a bit of a disappointment for fans who
waited so long. Transition with art teams or editorial teams can cause
hiccups that are evidenced in the finished product, but certainly not
on purpose.
So know that I share your pain on this--maybe moreso, since so many
people have shared their pain with me--but also know that putting out
something you don't love is never our intent. We'll get 'em next time.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 9th October 2007 at 08:20:01 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 8th October 2007 at 21:02:18 BST
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