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Thanks to T4E for posting this on our message board .
"Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but was in ASDA in Cardiff yesterday and they had the Prime talking helmet's but they were packed with one of those TransTech figures on the side. Can't remember the name of it, but it was the cell phone transformer.
I'm assuming it'll be in other ASDA stores so maybe worth checking out."
We apologies if this has been seen before, but we do not remember seeing it ourselves
Yahoo! blogger ambroseyin has posted an entry on his blog containing several pictures of the Transformers Movie Black Arcee figure and feature an appearance by the Dark Knight himself. Its well worth checking out the images, and to wet your appetite, here's a preview.
Dixon's have announced their top tech toy wish-list, which is based on its latest online pre-orders and sales data. Toy robots dominate the top 10, with Transformers making the list, but Dixon's report that video games favourites such as the Nintendo DS are remaining popular.
"Toys are not stuffed with cotton wool anymore, they are stuffed with technology," said Pat Foley, head of marketing and operations at Dixons.co.uk.
"There is a whole generation of tech-savvy kids out there, and toy makers have tapped into this to make this a truly hi-tech Christmas.
"Robots will be very popular this Christmas as are toys relating to the big blockbuster movies out this year such as Spiderman, Transformers and High School Musical," he said.
Here is their top 10
1. Sakura Robot £49.99
2. Spidersapien Robot £69.99
3. Transformers Voice Changer Helmet £29.99
4. Disney's High School Musical Dance Mat £24.99
5. Furreal Friends Parrot £69.99
6. Bladerunner Infrared Indoor Helicopter £29.99
7. Spiderman Laptop £24.99
8. Nintendo DS Lite £99.99
9. Barbie Laptop £19.99
10. Teksta Robotic Puppy £39.99
From The Hollywood Reporter:
Bay's robots in disguise boost GM profile
Survey: 'Transformers' car characters more popular than film's stars
From the outset, GM was thrilled with the starring roles that director Michael Bay orchestrated for four of its vehicles in his summer blockbuster "Transformers" despite some media and blogger criticism that the integrations went too far and basically served as commercials for the carmaker.
Now with the release of market research data from GM on the impact of its placement in the film, it appears there was indeed little consumer backlash against the integrations, which were widely considered among the highest profile and most significant film roles for an auto manufacturer, or any advertiser, for that matter.
According to the market research, Autobot Bumblebee, who spent much of the film as a Chevy Camaro, was the film's favorite character, beating out real-life stars Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox and even Autobot leader Optimus Prime. Ninety-four% of moviegoers surveyed rated their opinion of Bumblebee as excellent or very good, compared with 91% for Optimus Prime, 83% for LeBeouf, 82% for Fox and 69% for Jazz, Ratchet and Ironhide -- played by a Pontiac Solstice, a Hummer H2 and a GMC Topkick, respectively, that transform into Autobots.
"This is one of those rare instances when our product was actually a key character in a movie," said Dino Bernacchi, associate director of marketing alliances and branded entertainment at GM. "When 94% of all moviegoers questioned said their favorite character in the film was Bumblebee, I think that just shows the power of what this movie was and what it did for us."
The data, compiled by an independent market research firm based on interviews with 1,350 U.S. moviegoers before and after seeing the film in theaters, demonstrated that respondents were 70%-90% more likely to consider purchasing the Camaro, Solstice, Hummer H2 and GMC Topkick after seeing "Transformers." And moviegoers' opinions of the GM vehicles also shot up drastically, with a 144% improvement in their opinions of the Solstice -- which has only been on the market since 2005 -- and a 72% improvement in audience views of the Camaro. Opinions of the Hummer H2 and the GMC Topkick improved by 65% or greater.
eBay seller etoyshunter has placed some auctions on eBay for the three Transformers Animated Prowl and Bumblebee figures. He also has, or had, several Optimus Primes. You can view all of the images used in the auctions here on his photobucket account.
Simon Furman has posted the following information on a new Top Trumps style set from Haynes Publishing for the Transformers Movie.
Out now, published by Haynes Publishing, is an brand-spanking-new guide to the live-action Transformers movie (featuring ALL the Autobots and Decepticons and a goodly number of the human cast too!).
Top Trumps Transformers draws its inspiration from the recent Top Trumps deck of Transformers battle cards, but goes much, much further. For the in-depth lowdown on everyone from Optimus Prime to Starscream to Agent Simmons, Top Trumps Transformers really does have it all.
This pocket-sized book is packed to rafters with illustrations, profiles, and detailed specs, making it the first truly comprehensive guide to the movie (soon to be released on DVD). It's written by myself (Simon Furman), and retails (considering everything that's packed into its 192-pages) at the staggeringly low price of just £4.99/$9.95!
Check out the sample spreads below by clicking on the thumbnails.
Amazon.com have added new pre-order pages for the for the third and fourth volumes of the Transformers Animated Paperbacks, which feature still shots from the cartoon series.
Volume 3 is due out on 25th May 2008 with volume 4 planned for 25th June 2008.
TakaraTomy has updated their Beast Wars Transformers website with information and pictures regarding TM-SP DX Megatron, and TM-SP DX Convoy.
The figures were released in Japan a few weeks ago and feature new paint apps and the molding from the re-issue figures.
Rotten Tomatoes has the following article on Transformers 2.
Michael Bay went through the wringer with the fanboys on Transformers. He addressed every concern -- early designs, scripts, remaining faithful to the source material -- and delivered a movie that won over most audiences, grossing nearly $320 million in America alone. But with Transformers 2 in development, Bay isn't taking any more lip service.
"One thing I do know is I know how to screw them up more," said Bay. "We're going to leak a lot of false information all over the place. I now know their game. They're going to get a lot of script treatments that they think are going to be the script. They will never see the script. We've got scripts and treatments written up that we're going to leak. No one's going to know."
Scoopers who currently think they're sitting on a hot one, here's a head's up. "There's one out that's fake right now. There are going to be many others."
In the days leading up to the writer's strike, Bay was in the trenches working on the sequel script. "Every day now. I'm excited about it. We've got Alex [Kurtzman] and Bob [Orci], the original writers, and we've got Ehren Kruger (Blood and Chocolate, The Ring), who's a new writer coming in. We have three very good writers."
Thaks to Seibertron.com for spotting an eBay auction by Masyu for the Allspark Powered Jungle Bonecrusher Transformers Movie toy repaint.
You can see the auction along with it's two images here.