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According to a report we have received, in the latest issue of Figure King (No 118) there are images of the Transformers Encore Ironhide and Ratchet showing that the figures will come with an image of their faces from the cartoons series which can be cut out and placed on the toy to give the figure a more authentic look. We're trying to find more on this as well as images.
Category: Transformers Rumours
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 24th November 2007 at 18:05:02 GMT
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Earlier today, 24th November 2007, in Japan the Dengeki 15th Anniversary (電撃15年祭) event took place and thanks once again to Yokubarion we are able to bring you images from the event. 376 images to be exact. The images include the Transformers display from Takara Tomy, featuring the Transformers Movie toys, Sky Lynx and the four Japanese exclusives (including the red Vardia Starscream). The images also include other items from TakaraTomy as well as Bandai, Kotobukiya, Konami, Medicoss Entertainment, Max Factory amongst others.
You can find the photographs in the Dengeki 15th Anniversary gallery which is part of our Transformers and Collectors Convention Photo area.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 24th November 2007 at 11:10:11 GMT
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Over at the Transformers Collector Club Message Board they have confirmed that the Universe Seacons will be a future exclusive, that the next club exclusive will not be Elita-1 but will be based on an existing character but with a new head-sculpt and finally, that the 2008 story arch for the comic will be based around the TransTech designs, and will include work from Ken Lashley of Draxhall Jump.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 24th November 2007 at 10:21:44 GMT
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Those wanting to attend Auto Assembly 2008 will be please to know that bookings are now open! To find out more just visit
this page of the Auto Assembly website
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 23rd November 2007 at 13:27:28 GMT
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You will now find 6 more images of our Transformers collection, low resolution taken on my phone, from when we cleared out out main Transformers cabinet. This was the first time in many years that the cabinet was emptied.
You can see the new images in our November 2007 Transformers Collection gallery.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 23rd November 2007 at 08:45:37 GMT
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Million Hero has been updated with two sample images and listings of the second Transformers Visual works book, scheduled for release in Japan on the 30th November.
You can see the images listing here

Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 23rd November 2007 at 08:30:10 GMT
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Talk Transformers has an image of carded versions of the Transformers Movie toys Cliffjumper (repainted 08 Bumblebee), Landmine and Camshaft (repainted Swindle).
You can see the image here.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 23rd November 2007 at 08:27:40 GMT
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Over the last couple of days you may have noticed that we have four new site sponsors here at
Transformers At The Moon. Returning to sponsor the site are
The Entertainer, the UK High Street retailer that supported the Transfrmers Movie line in a big way and recently lauched a new look website and,
Yes Asia, the Asian based equivilient mass retailer where you can import many goods direct from Hong Kong. To to the site sponsorship program are
CD Wow the massive online retailer of CDs, DVDs and games as well as
Gamezone the Mobile Game portion of the UKs leading supplier of mobile content. We'd like to take this time to welcome them all onboard, and encourage you to drop by their sites and take a look at what they have to offer. Their sponsorship of the site helps contribute towards our hosting / bandwidth costs of not only
Transformers At The Moon, but also
Lucky Draw Transformers and
Category: Site Sponsors
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd November 2007 at 12:20:18 GMT
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Simes posted the following announcement on our message board.
Things are moving along at a blinding pace already for Auto Assembly
2008! No sooner have we announced the convention, that we're now able
to announce our first guest!
are pleased to announce that once again we will be joined by comic
artist Simon Williams who will be making his fourth appearance at Auto
Assembly. Simon has recently started working for IDW on some of their
Transformers titles and doing some work for SFX magazine and is hoping
once again to work on one of our exclusive postcards.
joining us will be Lew Stringer. Lew's work will be known to fans of
the original UK comics published by Marvel when Lew wrote and
illustrated the "Combat Colin" backup strip that appeared in the comic.
Lew will be making his first and long-awaited appearance at Auto
Assembly in 2008!
As always, all of our guests will be appearing subject to work and personal commitments.
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly 2008
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd November 2007 at 09:26:49 GMT
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Simes posted the following announcement on our
message board.
Yes, it's finally here! We are pleased to announce that Auto Assembly
2008 has been confirmed for Saturday 2nd August 2008 and will once
again be taking place at the Clarendon Suites right here in Birmingham,
England. After taking a much needed year off, we're back and hoping to
bring you the biggest and best Auto Assembly convention EVER with loads
of activities, and what could well be our biggest guest line-up
time we're running the event to raise funds for Help A Local Child
(formerly known as Cash For Kids) - a local children's charity founded
by BRMB radio station - through a charity auction and raffle and any
excess funds left over from the convention.
Help a Local Child
was launched in 1994 with a commitment to helping the children and
young people of the West Midlands, who experience the negative effects
of poverty, abuse, neglect, homelessness, violence, crime, illness and
disability. There are many children in and around the Birmingham area
who are carers for their own parents or who are indirect victims of
domestic violence or suffer daily pain due to illness. In this world of
glamour and gain, these are the children that BRMB want to help. Their
focus is local fundraising, with all money raised being awarded locally
and really benefiting our community. With the help and support of their
listeners, local celebrities, corporate partners, volunteers, and their
employees, the fundraising year on year will help more and more
children in the area, enabling them to achieve dreams and ambitions
they would never have thought possible.
Back to this year's
convention and we're going to be having the usual mix of activities -
plenty of dealers, video screenings, a bar or two(!), toy and art
displays, competitions and guest talks. We're hoping to have our usual
mix of UK comic guests including all of our "regulars", another voice
actor (who we will announce as soon as possible) but this time we want
to have the biggest guest line-up ever at a British Transformers
In 2005 Auto Assembly was the biggest ever held in
Europe with 409 fans attending and last year we had 400 attendees and
we are confident that we're going to smash the European record next
year. Every year we have a fantastic amount of interest for the
convention with fans booking up from across Europe and as far afield as
Australia and America!
We'll be producing another issue of our
fanzine, The Cybertronian Times, producing another one of our infamous
"goodie bags" with plenty of great free gifts including two more
convention exclusive postcards, and much more!
Anyway, we hope
to see many of you there next year and feel free to get in touch if you
want to know more! There will be full information about next year's
convention going on the website over the coming days and weeks and
bookings will be open in the next week or so!
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly 2008
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd November 2007 at 09:25:44 GMT
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There is a new
Q&A thread over at the IDW forums where you can post questions for Simon Furman and Chris Ryall. The best 20 questions will then be picked for them to answer
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd November 2007 at 09:19:59 GMT
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Thanks to Simes for posting the following news / request concerning Auto Assembly 2008 on our Transformers Message Board.
Well, Auto Assembly 2008 is already shaping up to be something special and we can make our first announcement for the convention...
Issue 9 of the convention fanzine The Cybertronian Times will feature an exclusive interview with Mark Ryan - the voice of Bumblebee in the live action movie!
While Bumblebee didn't have a great deal of dialogue in the film, Mark had a lot more involvement in the film than you might think...
He worked on the throughout filming as the on-set voices of several different characters right into editing, prior to the actual casting of the main voice actors prior to his casting as Bumblebee. He then also voiced Ironhide and Hoist for Activision's game based on the film.
We're open to your suggestions for questions for Mark so feel free to post them on the Transformers Forum of Transformers At The Moon and we'll pick the best ones to send to him!
As always, the fanzine will be available to pre-order for all attendees booking for the convention and a limited number of copies will be sold after the event subject to availability.
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly 2008
Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 21st November 2007 at 18:51:14 GMT
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Ages 3 and Up report over at TFW2005, that there is a knock-off Metroplex in the pipeline from a company new to making Transformers fakes.
"As many know, competition in China is fierce for KO companies and to compete against eachother is commonplace. I have receintly been contacted by a different company than the first who is also doing KOs of G1 figures. Their first release - METROPLEX! I am told this is done is high quality and will come in a G1 style of box with styrofoam insert, instructions, catalogue and sticker sheets. I don't know what they will have for copyrites, this will be found out when they come in stock. The retail on this figure will be $124.99 US which I find is much more reasonable than $80 for a Dinobot considering the size and complexity of the figure. (a good portion of the cost is in the shipping as well)"
Don't forget that you can view galleries of the real deal Metroplex here at Transformers At The Moon, as well as the Japanese exclusive Destron recolour Metrotitan
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 21st November 2007 at 12:21:07 GMT
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"TRANSFORMERS on JOOST With a New Episode Added Every Week.
Do you remember the original epic battles between OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON? When the AUTOBOTS and the DECEPTICONS crash landed on Earth?
Relive it all over again! Watch the entire first season of TRANSFORMERS Generation 1 on JOOST.
And there are new episodes from Season Two being added every week, make sure to come back to see what’s new!
That’s right –every episode is exclusively on Joost – and it’s FREE. All you need is a high-speed internet connection, and you have 24x7 access to full-screen, TV-quality Transformers. It’s all on demand, so you can watch when you want, where you want, as many times as you want.
For “More than meets the eye,” download Joost today!"
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 21st November 2007 at 12:14:48 GMT
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Variety report that British actress Sienna Miller has signed on to the G.I-Joe Movie and will play the lead female in he movie .... The Baroness. Variety go on to report that the "story is set at Brussels-based GIJOE, an acronym for the Global
Integrated Joint Operating Entity, and revolves around an international
co-ed force of operatives who use high-tech equipment to battle Cobra,
an evil org headed by a Scottish arms dealer." So effectively G.I-Joe vs Destro, so it looks like Cobra Commander may not make an appearance, or at least if he does it, it will simply be to further the plot for future movies.
Filming is set to begin in mid-feb 2008
Category: G.I. Joe
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 20th November 2007 at 09:08:41 GMT
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