Below you will find eight new images of the Revoltech Starscream and Rodimus figures that will be released on the 18th March 2008 in Japan. The images include uncoloured prototypes as well as coloured versions.
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Below you will find eight new images of the Revoltech Starscream and Rodimus figures that will be released on the 18th March 2008 in Japan. The images include uncoloured prototypes as well as coloured versions.
A ebay auction, by new seller tfctoy, has shows part of the backing card from Transformers Animated Bumblebee. The auction listing can be found here, with the image mirrored below.
We have just had it confirmed by the UK Kids Entertainment Press Officer at Turner Broadcastings that the 2008 Transformers show Transformers Animated will not be airing on Cartoon Network here within the UK. Cartoon Network UK are not aware of whom, if anyone, currently holds the right to air the series within the UK.
We hope to have more on this soon.
Edit: Just to clarify things, this does not mean that Transformers Animated will not not air within the UK, it simply means that Cartoon Network will not be showing it. Entertainment Rights still hold the UK distribution rights, its just not known which station(s) have signed up the series.
Thanks to Mark for letting us know that on the 28th October ASDA received their delivery of their exclusive 2-disc Transformers Movie DVD. The DVD included the animated prequel on the extra and is in the same packaging as the regular UK release, only with a green sticker on the front explaining the different.
On a side note, we're sorry for the delay in this news story but our email server has been unable to receive emails since the server crashed a few days ago, now its back up and running again the emails are starting to be delivered once more
We are pleased to bring you the first image of the Transformers Visual Works exclusive repaint of Transformers Encore Ratchet into Transformers Movie colours. Please note that the image is of the prototype, so the final version may change. Yes that means if you manage to get this limited edition figure as well as the e-Hobby 2008 New Years Ironhide, then you will have both G1 figures in their live action Transformers Movie colour schemes. TakaraTomy have released both of these figures as a celebration of not only the Transformers Movie's success, but also the longevity of the Transformers line.
To buy the figure you must purchase the Transformers Visual Works book. The book will come with a slip that can be used to purchase up to two figures, at a cost of 5200 yen each, about £25. If you want to buy more than two, you need to purchase additional copies of the book. Orders need to be placed by the 7th Jan 2008, with the figure shipping in April. Only orders from Japanese residents will be expected.
You can view the original Japanese page here.
It would appear that the Transformers Revoltech figures have not ended after all, looking at this picture from the Revoltech Expo 2007, you can quiet clearly see figures for Generation One Starscream and Rodimus Primus. Click below for the full size image.
Following up from the earlier updates during this week, you can now find an additional7 Transformers toy galleries online.
e-Hobby have announced the figure that will be their 2008 New Years special as none other than a black repaint of the Transformers Encore Ironhide. The figure will be released in April 2008. You can view a full profile of the toy, in Japanese that is, here, with the listing itself being here.
Following on from this morning's update, you will now find another 12 Transformers toy image galleries featuring Transformers from the Galaxy Force and Cybertron series. Here's a full run-down of the new Transformers toys featured.
TFW2005 report that in the latest edition of the Transformers Collectors Club, Brian Savage states that the Seacons are now in production with an aim for an April release, just in time for BotCon 2008. He goes on to state that the Transformers Collectors Club Seacons are being produced to be similar to the unreleased Transformers Universe Seacons, but will not be exactly the same. Expected images to be posted over at TransformersClub.com as soon as samples are received from Asia.
They also report that in the same magazine, Brian Savage also talks a little about who will be the body for the Collectors Club Exclusive combiner. Not much information is given, other than that the toy will feature a gestalt head.
You can read the original article here.
Following yesterday's updates of various Transformers toy galleries, you will now find an additional 9 galleries online. Here is the list :-
TFW2005 member Kenucme reports that in the December issue of the Transformers Collectors Club Magazine it is reported that the Transformers Animated toys have had their US release date delayed from February / March to June 2008.