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Simon Furman has posted a new blog entry regarding Issue 8 of the UK exclusive comic which will be officially released in Feb 2008
"Definitely on the better late than never scale, here’s my post-script
discourse on Transformers (UK) #8 (or at least the original strip bit
of it). Another ’squeezed into a bit of dead space in the movie’ story,
this one concerns the fate of Scorponok, last seen burrowing
underground in an almightly hurry after the aerial barrage in Qatar.
He’s been laying low since then, but when Ironhide and a Special Forces
team (new characters, developed especially for the UK storyline) go
looking they get a whole LOT more than they bargained for (and realise
some things are better left buried). As with the previous Starscream
story, this one gives a little more in the way of action/resolution to
the movie itself, and provides Ironhide with a real workout (though not
necessarily in the way you might think). Scorponok proves to be a much
tougher character than his bio and onscreen appearance maybe suggests,
and ties up something of loose end. Editor Steve White played his part
(above and beyond the call of duty) with this one, taking my
half-hearted suggestions for US military hardware and coming up with
the real goodies (he’s something of an expert!). Art is by Staz
Johnson, another name those of you TF fans with long memories will
remember as having worked on the Marvel UK Transformers strip towards
the end of its originated life, oh and the art cover is by Gary
Erskine. What’s next? Something VERY different. Still new movie-based,
but quite epic (taking us right up to issue #13) in its scale and
reach. More on this when I do my Script (W)rap for issue #9 (soon,
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 4th December 2007 at 23:44:38 GMT
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Simon Furman has posted a new blog entry regarding Issue 6 of the UK exclusive comic which will be officially released on Friday.
"Issue #6 (doesn’t time fly?) of Titan’s Transformers UK comic/magazine
hits stores this week (December 6th to be precise). New/exclusive comic
strip material comes in the shape of a 10pp Jazz story, set during the
IDW prequel to the new Transformers movie (out this week on DVD, by the
way), rounding off the first clutch of interconnected UK stories.
Separated from his fellow Autobots Ratchet and Ironhide by Devastator’s
foldspace warhead (in #2), Jazz finds himself alone on a planet rich in
accumulated knowledge and universal secrets, literally immersed in
data. Far from unhappy about his predicament, Jazz decides he simply
doesn’t ever want to be found, a decision that may just cost him
dearly. Story is by me, art is by the ever-wonderful Marcelo Matere
(Transformers Spotlight: Soundwave and the upcoming Transformers
Spotlight: Grimlock). The issue also features a Starscream profile, a
free TF target game, interviews with the stars of the movie and a
chance to win movie DVDs. For more information (and a taster of the
Marcelo’s amazing interior art), check out Titan’s TF Myspace page here, and click on the link below for a look-see at the cover."
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 4th December 2007 at 23:42:55 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on is reporting that Darius McCrary, the voice behind Jazz in the Transformers Movie is in talks to reprise his role as the Autobot for the movie's sequel, tentatively scheduled for release in June 2009.
This sounds a little odd, reviving Jazz in the second film, and you have to remember that director Michael Bay stated
that false information would be leaked to purposefully mislead fans and spoilers.
In other Transformers Movie 2 news, Paramount Pictures UK have told us that they ave already received requests by UK media and press companies hoping to get On-Set-Passes in order to film / get scoops on the expected smash hit.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 4th December 2007 at 21:28:01 GMT
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Thanks to ebay seller TransformersKing1977 and an exceedingly overpriced auction, $299, for a Transformers Animated Prowl toy, we can bring you the third official Transformers Animated profile. This time it's Prowl's profile, motto and abilities.
Name: Prowl
Motto: Through stillness you will find truth
Function: Spy
Prowl has spent his life studying the secrets of the ancient art of Circuit-Su. Through its teachings, he has discovered the beauty of pure logic, and the invincibility of reason. All things - even combat - are subject to reason. If one is willing to calmly apply one's mental faculties to any problem, the solution will soon reveal itself. He often finds the chaotic antics of humans and other AUTOBOTS frustrating, but he will stop at nothing in their defense.
Galactic Powers and Abilities:
Master of Circuit-Su
Projects holograms for use as camouflage.
Can use any object as a weapon.
Don't forget you can find all three of the confirmed Transformers Animated Character Profiles over at Transformers Animated.
Click the below for a larger view
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 21:00:22 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 20:23:51 GMT
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UK Transformers collector / dealer, The Space-Bridge, has
reported over at TFW2005, that the exclusive 2-disc set, which is now shipping, comes in a UK exclusive metal black case. You can view some images of the case by clicking
here and
here. You cqan purchase the dvd from play
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 18:11:22 GMT
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Thanks to The Allspark for finidng close scans of the packing for Transformers Animated Bumblebee and Lockdown, we can now bring you their official profiles.
Moto: Enough talk. It's time for action!
Function: Speedster
Profile: The youngest robot on the crew, BUMBKLEBEE is what some - especially AUTOBOT RATCHET - would eall over-eager. It's not his fault he prefers action over talk. Talk is just, you know, boring. Especially when you could be racing at top speed into a fight, or boosting into the air to launch a few well-placed energy stingers at an enemy. Nothing scares BUMBLBEE, not even MEGATRON.
Moto: Run all you want. It'll make the chase more fun.
Function: Bounty Hunter
Profile: LOCKDOWN could care less about MEGATRON and his grand goals of universal domination. He's in this game for upgrades, pure and simple, and he wears the DECEPTICON badge because they're the ones who can get him the systems he wants. For the right price he'll unt down any targer and bring it in - functioning or not. As a bonus, every new target means new trophies his workshop wall. he enjoys his work, and he's traveled from one end of the universe to the other doing it, which is why he's got a collection of weapons and functions second to none.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 09:47:01 GMT
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BigBadToyStore have updated there listings with some official Hasbro Stock images of Transformers Movie Allspark Battles Jungle Bonecrusher and Overcast (a recolour of Dreadwing).
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 09:39:20 GMT
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TFWorld2005, as well as a few other US Transformers fansites, have images of a scan showing the Transformers Premium line. This line consists of partial recolours of the Transformers Movie figures.
You can see the image at
The toys consist of:-
- Barricade
- Ironhide
- Blackout
- Autobot Jazz
- Bumblebee 08 Camaro
- Deep Space Starscream
- Optimus Prime (leader class) with Sword
- Megatron (silver)
Starscream, a Taget exclusive, will come in new packaging.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 3rd December 2007 at 09:35:23 GMT
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Following on from the recent sightings of the latest Transformers Movie Real Gear Robots recoloured toys, the third version of many of the molds, the latest two re-colours have now appeared on Taobao auctions. This Real Gear figures are Midnighter XR-4, a re-colour of Meantime and Farsight T-20 a recolour of Longview.
You can see the original auctions here and here.
Here are a few preview images for you.

Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 2nd December 2007 at 20:20:10 GMT
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An auction has appeared over on Chinese auction site Taobao for a Decepticon re-coloured Transformers Movie Real Gear Highscore 100 called Twitcher F451. Only one image is available at present, and you can view that below.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 2nd December 2007 at 12:08:01 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 2nd December 2007 at 11:58:14 GMT
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Lucky Draw seller, Day366, has listed
an auction for Lucky Draw Black Magmatron over on ebay. We believe this is the last of the Beast Wars Neo Lucky Draws that Day366 currently has, so it could be quiet a while before you see this item for sale again. If you are thinking of placing a bid, or just want to see more images of the figure, then why not take a look at our exclusive Lucky Draw
Black Magmatron toy gallery.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st December 2007 at 16:39:59 GMT
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Thanks once again to Yokubarion for attending the recent
Revoltech Expo 2007 in Japan, as we can now ring you a full image gallery from the event. Click
here to view 80 photographs from the event including even more high-res images of Starscream and Rodimus, showing the figures in even greater detail. The gallery exists within the
Conventions gallery area of our
Miscellaneous Image Galleries section of Transformers At The Moon
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st December 2007 at 12:12:57 GMT
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The Transformers Collectors Club website has been updated with the final version of the Wreckers storyline that was running at previous conventions. A text version had previously been available here at the AllSpark, but now club members can view the full comic version online. Here's the press release
As armies of Quintesson warriors march across Cybertron and a mad
Predacon criminal begins his ascent into godhood, only the rag-tag
group known as the WRECKERS can stop them! The thrilling end to the
long-running saga, WRECKERS: FINALE PART 2 brings Autobots,
Decepticons, Maximals and Predacons together in a battle for not just
the fate of the Transformers' home world, but for the universe itself!
Written by Greg Sepelak and S. Trent Troop ("The New World"), art by
Guido Guidi (IDW, Dreamwave) and Drew Eiden (Fun Publications).
Credit to The Allspark for the report.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st December 2007 at 11:48:04 GMT
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