eNewsi.com have the first image of Transformers Animated Ultra Magnus which you can view here.
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YTV will add four new animated series to its schedule in January,
starting with a sneak peek of Transformers Animated on New Years Day,
the network announced today.
Transformers Animated will debut during YTV's "A Day of Firsts" event
on January 1 at 7:00pm (ET). It will then move to its regular time slot
of 9:30am on Saturday, January 5.
Amazon.com have updated their listings for the Transformers Animated Paperbakc volume 3 and 4 books that will be released next year to reveal the cover art for those volumes.
Tranformers writer Simon Furman has answered another five more questions on his blog.
You can see the quick Q&A here.
Simon Furman has updated his blog with the following entry.
"Beast Wars The Ascending #3 is out, unleashed. The issue hits stores
this week (12th Dec in the US, 13th here in the UK). And if you thought
things were looking dire for the Maximals (and Predacons) at the end of
issue #2, wait’ll you see what #3’s got in store for them (and you).
With armageddon (of the Unicron variety) looming for Cybertron, all
remaining hopes lie with Razorbeast and his timelost Maximals. But no
sooner do Lio Convoy and the Pack arrive back on prehistoric Earth than
Razorbeast is infected by Rartorata with Angolmois ‘rage,’ more or less
scuppering any last hope. Desperate alliances are formed, tragedies
unfold, evil gets the upper hand, time gets all bent out of shape and
Shokaract is finally unleashed (much to Big Convoy’s dismay). Their
darkest hour… just keeps getting darker. Story is by me, art by Don
Figueroa (his last, it seems, for the time being… sniff). Check out
Don’s nifty cover art for the issue by clicking on the thumbnail below.
Transformers Animated.com has been updated with the official Transformers Animated cartoon profiles for various characters, thanks to the new Cartoon Website official Transformers Animated website.
In addition to the cartoon profiles you will also find toy profiles for some of the characters, as well as other information and images.
ToysKingdom have posted some high resolution images of a Transformers Animated Lockdown toy both in and out of packaging. The toy has been seen several times before, in high resolution as well, but this puts it all together in one place.
If you're one of those people who love the Minicons / Micron toys, which were introduced with Transformers Micron Legend / Transformers Armada, then you're love the latest addtion to TransformersArmada.Blogspot, a gallery of the rare Space Galaxy Micron toys.
You can see the images, as well as various other Minicon goodness by following this link.