Thanks to Facebook more magazine scans showing off the Grey Protoyype of the really nice looking Transformers Masterpiece Ultra Magnius are now available. Click for full sise images
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Thanks to Facebook more magazine scans showing off the Grey Protoyype of the really nice looking Transformers Masterpiece Ultra Magnius are now available. Click for full sise images
Transformers At The Moon, in association with Paladone Products, are pleased to announce that we are opening a new competition right now where you can win a collection of Paladone Transformers licensed products including
1) Transformers G1 30th Anniversary Mini Figures
2) Transformers Prime 30th Anniversary Mini Figures
3) Transformers Movie (Dark of the Moon) 30th Anniversary Mini Figures
4) Cardboard Optimus Prime build a figure
5) Cardboard Bumblebee build a figure
6) Optimus Prime water bottle
7) Autobot logo cup
8) Heat changing Autobot logo cup
Entry to the competition is easy, you simple need to Tweet the message "Transformers Collections" to us, @transformertoys, including the Hashtag #TFComp.
An example of a valid entry would be the tweet "@transformertoys Transformers Collections #TFComp".
The winner will be chosen via a random draw after the competition has closed. Entries will be accepted up until Tuesday 27th May 2014 at 12:00 BST. After which any entries shall be discounted.
You may only enter the competition once, so duplicate entries will be ignored. Fake twitter profiles will also be ignored. Please see the Twitter Guidelines on Competition entries which we shall be following.
Click on the news story title or scroll down to view individual images of the competition prizes
Official images of the rumour Evangelion Transformers cross-over figure have now been revealed as a recolour of MP-10 Optimus Prime in the Evangelion colour scheme. You can view the images below.
The UK based Transformers and G.I-Joe Collectors event known as Roll Out Roll Call have announced their dates for this years show as the 11th and 12th October. The announcement, which came in the form of the flyer you can see below, has also announced that Nick Roche will be a special guest and has teased at some sort of Transformers Collectors Club / G.I-Joe Collectors club tie-in for the event. What could it be? Time will tell.
The June issue of Figure King Magazine is now out in Japan and features some of the upcoming Transformers products including the Bearbrick cross over Optimus Prime, Masterpiece Ultra Magnus, Masterpiece Streak from the Tokyo Toy Show as weell ass thhe Artstorm products. Check out the images below.
Thanks to the Transformers Columbia Facebook page for another new product reveal, this time in the form of Platinium Edition Silver Knight Optimus Prime, which isi a recolour of the First Edition Optimus Prime leader class mold that was available through Amazon.com.
The Transformers 4 Age of Extinction Oreo cookie advert has been uploaded onto YouTube. The advert contains some additional footage from the scene where Lockdown attacks Optimus Prime and was directed by Michael Bay himself
Fun Pub have announced, via email, that the non-attendees pack for Botcon 2014 are now sold out. Below you will find a copy of their announcement
"Non-Attending registrations now sold out. If there are any leftover attending sets we will turn them into non-attending sets (closer to the event) as we must keep those in stock for fans that want to travel to the event.
So, if you don't get a non-attending set now, we will let you know in the future when (if any) additional sets become available."
This months Japanese hobby magazines are out and they contain new images of three Masterpieces. First up we have the debut of Masterpiece Bumblebee in colour, then Ultra Magnus is revealed in more detail showing that the front cab will not transform into an individual robot form and finally we have the announcement that there will be a new re-colour of MP-10 Optimus Prime in the green camo of the Bathing Ape Convoy. Check out the images below,
We have found some new Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO by Hasbro Inc. The trademarks are:
You can view all of the details of these and other trademarks within our exclusive Trademark Application area of the website which features trademark applications from 1984 through until the present day.
This is a very important trademark application by Hasbro as it is within the 3D printing category which suggests at a possible future for Transformers or at least Transformers merchandise
Michael Bay has updated his website with a new Press Release announcing the that Imagine Dragons will perform at the world premier of Transformers: Age Of Extinction.
Following an early footage screening of the film, Imagine Dragons wrote the original song "BATTLE CRY," which Bay used in critical points in the film. Additionally, the band contributed original music during the scoring process by recording cues with Jablonsky, the film’s composer, and Hans Zimmer, who assisted in the process. The collaboration resulted in added depth to the sound of the film.
IMAGINE DRAGONS will perform its new single live at the film’s worldwide premiere in Hong Kong, one of the locations in the film, on June 19th.
Check out the full announcement, after the jump.
HOLLYWOOD, CA (May 13, 2014) – Director Michael Bay, film composer Steve Jablonsky and Paramount Pictures are collaborating with the Grammy Award-winning band IMAGINE DRAGONS to feature the band’s original music in the upcoming film “TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION,” one of the most anticipated movies of the summer.
Following an early footage screening of the film, Imagine Dragons wrote the original song “BATTLE CRY,” which Bay used in critical points in the film. Additionally, the band contributed original music during the scoring process by recording cues with Jablonsky, the film’s composer, and Hans Zimmer, who assisted in the process. The collaboration resulted in added depth to the sound of the film.
“We’re incredibly lucky that Dan, Wayne, Ben and Daniel were available to work with us,” says director Bay. “I remember being drawn to the emotion of ’Demons’ and ’Radioactive’ the first time I heard those songs, and I knew I wanted that same energy and heart for this movie. They’ve created a really epic, otherworldly sound for ’Battle Cry.’”
“The TRANSFORMER franchise has set the bar for cinematic innovation over the years, says Alex Da Kid, label head at KIDinaKORNER records. We are excited to collaborate with Michael Bay and Paramount Pictures and view this as an incredible global platform.”
IMAGINE DRAGONS will perform its new single live at the film’s worldwide premiere in Hong Kong, one of the locations in the film, on June 19th.
IMAGINE DRAGONS are Dan Reynolds (vocals), Wayne Sermon (guitar), Ben McKee (bass), and Daniel Platzman (drums).
YouTube user John McEwen has posted a new TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction which features some new footage from the movie including Optimus Prime riding Grimlock as well as Hound.
Steve Jablonsky has posted an image onto his his Facebook profile announcing that he is composing the Dinobots Theme for Transformers 5: Age Of Extinction. The photo, which can be seen below, was captioned by: "They're Coming...". Steve has stated that he started working on the score last Saturday and will continue over this weekend at the Barbra Streisand Scoring Stage, Sony Pictures
Our thanks go out to Burton Munday, National Account Manager for Paladone Products Ltd for letting us know that they are distributing the Transformers 30th Anniversary Collectibles here within the UK. The products, which can be seen below, will be available from Game, Next, Forbidden Planet as well as Amazon UK. The figures consist of a combination of Generation One, Movie-verse and Transformers Prime themed characters. Each one comes with a trading card that, when reversed, forms part of a "3D Puzzle Piece".
Series one of the figures are already available at Amazon and Forbidden Planet with Game and Next set to stock the blind packs within the next couple of weeks. Series Two in the line is due for release in October.
Click on the thumbnails to view the full sized images
Below you will find a copy of the official Paladone description of the series.
"Paladone will be launching a 30th Anniversary Collection of Transformers Figurines in 2014. The collection will be released in two series comprising fifteen different figurines in each. Collectors will need to buy or swap every figurine from each series to build up the entire collection.
Series 1 of the Transformers Collectables will be available from March 2014. The series is available in foil packs, single packs or five packs. Series 2 will be available in October 2014.
There are three styles of figurine: Generation 1, Prime and Movie. The foil packs and single packs come in mixed CDUs of all three styles. The five packs are available in each style. Each series contains five figruines of each style.
A 30th anniversary logo will be applied to each figure and each pack will contain a fold out checklist of all 30 figures to help collectors keep track. Each pack also contains a matching collector’s card with details on the character and which forms part of a 3D puzzle on the reverse."