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The latest update to the Transformers At The Moon Transformers toy gallery area is the non-official Clear G1 Optimus Prime toy which has recently been released (limited to 200).
The toy is our second clear Generation One toy, with the other being the Takara clear Convoy, often listed as Lunchtime Special Clear Convoy. We will be adding comparisons between the toys at a later date.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 2nd February 2008 at 00:08:56 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on member Dark Zarak has recently had a change to speak one on one with Cameron Folds, one of the SGI artists on Transformers
Click to read the Question and Answer session.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 22:36:56 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 22:35:04 GMT
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A Japanese boxset of Transformers themes is now available for ordering online. The DVD will be released on the 26th March 2008. You can view the official listing page at Columbia Japan. Details of the tracks can be viewed over at, though here is a summary.
Music from the Original Series (Fight. Super-robot life Transformer)
Headmasters (Fight. Super-robot life transformer 2010)
Victory (Fight. Super-robot life transformer V)
Masterforce (Transformer Super-god Masterforce)
Beast Wars (Beast Wars Super-life Transformer)
Beast Wars Metals (Beast Wars Metals Super-Life Transformer)
Armada (Super-Robot Life Transformer Micron Legend)
Energon (Transformers Super-Link)
Transformers Zone (Transformer Z New Captain General Dai-Atlas appears)
Beast Wars II the Movie
Thanks to Snakas for the report.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 18:19:45 GMT
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Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 18:09:06 GMT
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The Toy Retailers Association Awards took place last night as a part of the British Toy Fair. Hasbro won the main prize, Toy of the Year 2007, and below you can find a full list of the winners.
Transformers won the Film License of the Year award.
Toy of the Year 2007: In The Night Garden Blanket Time Igglepiggle, Hasbro
Outdoor Toy of the Year: Flashing Storm, Martin Grossman
Puzzle of the Year: Rubik's Cube Original, Drumond Park
Game of the Year: High School Musical DVD Board Game, Mattel
Creative Toy of the Year: Moon Sand Castle Set, Spinmaster
Boys Collectable Toy of the Year: Doctor Who Figures, Character Options
Boys Toy of the Year: Ben 10 Omnitrix F/X, Bandai
Innovative Toy of the Year: Flytech Dragonfly, Character Options and Picoo Z R/C Helicopter, Silverlit
Girls Collectable Toy of the Year: Sylvanian Families, Flair
Girls Toy of the Year: Rose Petal Cottage Playhouse, Worlds Apart
Film Licence of the Year: Transformers, Hasbro
Pre-School Range of the Year: Peppa Pig, Character Options
Pre-School Toy of the Year: Roary The Racing Car R/C Roary, Vivid
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 18:03:07 GMT
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Hasbro have issued a press release regarding both Transformers Animated and the Transformers Universes Classics line during the British Toy Fair which is taking place right now in London England.
"2007 was a hugely successful year for Transformers, with a blockbuster movie
supporting an ever popular toy range. 2008 is set to be just as exciting with
the release of the new Transformers: Animated series. Hitting TV screens from
march, it's a great twist to the classic story of the "robots in
Transformers will be exploding into living rooms across the
country with the all-new Transformers: Animated series set to launch this
Easter. featuring on Nickleodeon, fans everywhere will be treated with the next
generation of the popular struggle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The
series will be supported by a whole new range of action figures in the style of
the new cartoon with some familiar faces such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and
Megatron. The full toy line will be available mid year.
Animated is a high-octane, animated action-adventure series based on the beloved
1980s 'robots in disguise' of toy and cartoon fame. The Autobots continue their
battle against the Decepticons on Earth and this time they have human friends to
help them in the search for the AllSpark, such as their energetic 8-year-old
guide, Suri Sumdac.
Also launching this Autumn / Winter is the Universe
Toy Range which is set to capture the classic Transformers styling, going back
to Generation 1 and the Beast Wars, bringing back your favourite characters to
excite and inspire a new generation of Transformer fans.
2008 is going to
be another big year for the 'robots in disguise' and fans are going to be with
them every step of the way!
New Products Include:
AllSpark Blasters - Ł19.99
Movie Screen battles - Ł19.99
Legends AllSpark
Battle Packs Ł5.99
Animated Range - Ł4.99 - Ł49.99
Universe Range - Ł2.99
- Ł39.99 "
Credit to for the report.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 31st January 2008 at 16:19:24 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 31st January 2008 at 16:14:48 GMT
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Its official, Transformers was the best selling Action Figure line in the UK for 2007!! Yes you read that right, despite only being on sale for half of the year, the Transformers Movie Legends series beat its main rival, Dr Who and Power Rangers to claim the number 1 spot based on units sold. Overall, 2007 was a great year for UK sales of Transformers, proving that the line can still be a success on this shores. In December both the Movie Legends and the Deluxe Assortment stayed in the Top ten chars on both monetary value and units sold. What also happened, and this may come as a little surprise, the Transformers Classics Mini-con Three pack sold the 10th highest number of units in 2007 of any toys! Yes Transformers appear in the Unit sales chart three times, at number 3, 8 and 10.
Below you will find the NPD charts for both December 2007 as well the Year-To-Date figures for 2007. What also should be noted is that in the Retail Store charts Transformers Beatmix Bumblebee was also the 2nd best selling toy in The Entertainer stores in December 2007.
December 2007 Ł
1. Bob It Extreme 2 - Hasbro
2. Baby Annabell Doll - Zapf Creations
3. Flytech Dragonfly - Character Options
4. 20q - Mattel
5. Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
6. V.Smile TV Learning System - VTech
7. ITNG Hugle Snuggle Iggle Piggle - Hasbro
8. Cars Character Assortment - Mattel
9. Kid Tough Digital Camera - Fisher-Price
10. Transformers Movie Deluxe Assortment - Hasbro
December 2007 Units
1. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
2. Chars Character Assortment - Mattel
3. Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
4. 20Q - Mattel
5. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures - Character Options
6. WWE Ruthless Aggression - VIVD
7. Bop It Extreme - Hasbro
8. Transformers Movie Deluxe Assortment - Hasbro
9. Ben 10 Collectable Figures - Bandai
10. Transformers Classics Mini-con Three Pack - Hasbro
2007 Year To Date (Ł)
1. Tamagotchi Connexion Assortment - Bandai
2. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures - Character Options
3. Cars Character Assortment - Mattel
4. Baby Annabell Doll - ZAPF Creation
5. Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
6. Transformers Movie Deluxe Assortment - Hasbro
7. Flytech Dragonfly - Character Options
8. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Hasbro
9. Power Rangers Mystic Force Light Figures - Bandai
10. WWE Ruthless Aggression - Vivid
2007 Year To Date (Units)
1. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
2. Cars Character Assortment - Mattel
3. Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
4. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures - Character Options
5. Power Rangers Mystic Force Light Figures - Bandai
6. WWE Ruthless Aggression - Vivid
7. Tamagotchi Connexion Assortment - Bandai
8. 20Q - Hasbro
9. Transformers Movie Deluxe Assortment - Hasbro
10. Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver
Update: For those wondering what Novembers charts looked like, here they are
November 2007 Ł Sales
1. Baby Annabell Doll - ZAPF Creation
2. Kid Tough Digitial Camera - Fisher Price
3. Girl Tech Digi Makeover - Mattel
4. Flytech Dragonfly - Character Options
5. Huggle Snuggle Igglepiggle - Hasbro
6. Transformers Optimus Prime Voice Changer - Hasbro
7. V Smile TV Learning System - VTech
8. CARS Transforming Mack Playset - Mattel
9. Transformers Movie Assortment - Hasbro
10. 20Q - Mattel
November 2007 Unit Sales
1. Hot Wheels Cars Assortment - Mattel
2. Cars Assortment - Mattel
3. Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
4. 20Q - Mattel
5. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures - Character Options
6. Transformers Movie Assortment - Hasbro
7. WWE Rutheless Agression - Vivid
8. Ben10 Collectable Figures - Bandai
9. V.Smile Software Assortment - VTech
10. Bionicle TOA Mahri Assortment - Lego
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 31st January 2008 at 10:08:58 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 21:32:33 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with information on the latest issue of Transformers (the comic by Titan Magazines) which is due for release on Thursday (tomorrow).
Out this week (Jan 31st), in the UK only,
is issue #8 of Titan’s Transformers comic/magazine. As usual, in
amongst the features, free gifts and general fabulousness, there’s an
all-new, UK-original comic strip to be found.
This one, featuring
Ironhide and an elite Special Forces unit, is set in the immediate
aftermath of the movie and takes the action back to Qatar, where the
lethal Scorponok was last seen burrowing deep beneath the desert sand
to escape an aerial bombardment. That particular loose end is (over)due
to get wrapped up in spectacular style, but things don’t quite go as
planned for Autobot and escort! Story is by me, art by Staz Johnson
(doing his first Transformers work since… I don’t know when!).
issue (as well as the continuing saga of Beast Wars and the Movie
Prequel) contains a Bonecrusher character profile, a lesson in How To
Draw Bumblebee and the usual reader letters & art. Plus, free TF
tattoos and sweat band! For a look at the cover and some of Staz’s epic
interior strip art, click on the link and thumbnail (respectively)
below. And watch this space for upcoming details of US happenings in
the UK movie-verse direction!

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 19:47:03 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on is reporting that the scheduled release date for
Transformers Animated Toys in Canada is June 22nd. This follows very closely to the below news that Transformers Animated will be released in the US in June also.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 19:45:22 GMT
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According to the toy booklet that comes with Transformers Movie Leader Class Desert Brawl, the Transformers Animated toys, will be released in the United States in June of 2008.
Credit to TFW2005 for the news
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 14:57:23 GMT
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TFW2005 member, MegaHavok, has reported that Transformers Movie Leader Class Desert Brawl is out now in Wal*Marts in Corona, California.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 14:55:46 GMT
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The 2008 British Toy Fair has begun, and today is Press Day. It all started this morning with a special breakfast for the press as part of the events that take place throughout the day. Hasbro are expected to unveil the Transformers Animated and Transformers Universe Classics toys at the event, though photographs will not be allowed. Security at this years event is even tighter, so the chances of images getting out are even less than normal.
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 14:53:48 GMT
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