Ebay Seller etoyshunter has placed an auction on ebay for the Voyager class Optimus Prime figure with some great new shots of the toy. You can view the images below as well as in the Toy Image Dump over at TransformersAnimated.com
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Ebay Seller etoyshunter has placed an auction on ebay for the Voyager class Optimus Prime figure with some great new shots of the toy. You can view the images below as well as in the Toy Image Dump over at TransformersAnimated.com
In somewhat of a surprise move, the Binaltech line is coming back to Japan! TakaraTomy will be releasing two more Binaltech figures, though both are recolours. The first is BT-19 Bluestreak, a repainted BT Silverstreak but all in blue. The second is BT-20 Meister, a metallic silver recolour of the normal BT Meister toys.
Credit to ToysDaily for the original report.
It is with great pleasure that Transformers At The Moon and TransformersAnimated.com can bring you exclusive news of the official UK debut for the Transformers Animated cartoon series on NickToons.
Transformers Animated will debut at 4:30pm on Tuesday 25th March 2008 with the three part special Transform and Roll Out. The show will then air everyday for the rest of March and the whole of April. Episodes 1-16 (Series 1) will be shown across this period, repeating the episodes.
"A thrilling new twist on the 1980s classic sci-fi series, Transformers Animated offers eye-popping action adventure set in the techno-heaven surroundings of 22nd century Detroit. The old favourites are back with everyday heroes Optimus Prime and his team of transforming Autobots going into battle with Megatron and his army of ruthless Decepticons to protect Earth and the all-important 'Cube'. The epic storylines, character-driven humour and high-octane action make this new NickToons series addictive and transfixing viewing for kids of all ages.
Three-part special Transform and Roll Out tells the story of the Transformers' journey to earth. Thrust into an unknown culture, the alien Autobots are like fish out of water, confused by the simplest things such as traffic lights and fast food. However, as their good deeds triumph over evil, they soon achieve hero status with the humans. Now all they need to do is protect the Cube and their new adopted home, plus live up to their new reputation!
An eight-year-old girl called Sari Sumdac helps the Autobots by finding them a secret base in an abandoned autoplant belonging to her father - the Bill Gates of robots. She also introduces them to 'normal' experiences like camping and class field trips, with not-so-normal and generally hilarious consequences! Sari is not only important because she becomes an honorary Autobot, she also has the power of the Key to the Cube, something the Decepticons would dearly love to have in their possession…
More akin to a Superhero show, the Transformers face threats from an entire rogues' gallery of villains. Each exciting and intriguing episode will play out an edge-of-your-seat battle with a different Decepticon, set in spectacularly futuristic locations. Make sure that you don't miss out on the action!".
Stay with us asTransformersAnimated.com will bring you much more on this and other exciting Transformers Animated news and features.
Fan2Fan have posted some information and images from the Winter Wonderfest which took place today in Japan. On display were the Transformers Henkei figures, Trans-Scanning Optimus Prime, Encore Jazz as well as Music Label Generation One coloured Optimus Prime. The convention exclusive was the Generation One coloured Transformers Movie Arcee figure
Check back with Transformers At The Moon later on this afternoon for large large gallery coverage from the event.
We have added the first three video clips from the Transformers Animated episode 10: Sound and Fury to the Animated video section of the website.
1. The first video, which we have dubbed Professor Princess, is from the start of the show where the diminutive turns up to attack Bulkhead and Sari.
2. We have named the second video "Enter Soundwave", and features the first appearance of Soundwave at Sari's birthday party.
3. The third clip, "True Soundwave", is from towards the end of the episode where Soundwave gains self-awareness.
We hope you enjoy these clips, as well as the others that we have made available. Don't forget to check the showtimes page at TransformersAnimated.com to find out where the next episode of Transformers Animated will be broadcast.
Today's Transformers Animated episode which several Transformers fans have been waiting for, the debut of Soundwave. Well his debut, and look, may suprise you .. even those who know what the Animated Soundwave toy looks like, but you can see what we're talking about yourselves by checking the Transformers Animated Episode 10: Sound and Fury review and image gallery.
There are image galleries and reviews of the first 10 episodes of Transformers Animated both at TransformersAnimated.com and Transformers At The Moon
Oh and Kremzeek makes an appearance in the episode, although only as a TV placeholder image.
Snakas has published details of the contents of this months Figure King hobby magazine. Below you will find our English summary of the details.
Trans-Scanning Optimus Prime is shown in full colour, with Bumblebee listed as appearing in next months issues. Snakas notes that the release date appears to have changes slightly.
The Generation One coloured Music Label Convoy is shown as is Transformers Henkei Astrotrain, also shown in full colour.
The face and packaging for Transformers Encore Meister (Jazz) is also shown in the magazine and there is a mention to the release of the Minibot and Omega Supreme Encore figures.
The Transformers DVD soundtrack is once again featured in the issue.
Minicon fans rejoice, their is a new Toys R Us campaign starting in Japan for the Micron Skyglide. The figure is the A-10 Minicon but painted in the colour scheme of Generation One Powerglide. The campaign runs on the 13th March across Japan.
Two more Yahoo Japan auctions have appeared with more character art from Transformers Animated. These two new auctions include images from episode 26 Black Friday, whilst the other features coloured images.
Some of the characters included on the artwork are the three Dinobots, Grimlock, Snarl and Swoop, including robot mode for each, as well as other vehicle modes (some very G1 Ironhide like) and some more human and mutant characters (from the episode).
A new image has appeared of the custom upgrade kit being made by the folks from TF-Labs for the Transformers Classics Ultra Magnus figure. The kit is a trailer for the toy that changes into the Generation One style robot armour.
Transformers Animated.com, the internet's only dedicate Transformers Animated site, have updated their character screen capture pages with more images of the following characters.
BlackArachnia, Elita-1, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, Sari Sumdac, Bumblebee and Bulkhead
TFW2005 has received confirmation that a Transformers Classsics Nemesis Prime toy will indeed be offered at SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con) this summer.
An image of the toy had already been send, but TFW have now received official confirmation that the toy is legitimate. The choice of the figure, which will be a popular one, fits in nicely with the BotCon 2007 and 2008 sets.
Following on from the leaked testshot of BotCon 08 Starscream is the official unveiling of Shattered Glass Jazz (recoloured Galaxy force Autovolt) and Grinlock (Classics Grimlock in Trypticon colours).
You can see images of the toys at BotCon.com
An auction has appeared on eBay for what appears to be the "Heroic Decepticon Starscream" from the BotCon 2008 "Shattered Glass" box set.
Starscream's colors are an homage to G1 Jetfire, complete with the exrta parts of his arms and legs painted red to emulate the toy's armor.