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Hasbro have issued the following press release via
Take your first look at these awesome exclusives infused with AllSpark Power that will be at Wal-Mart this spring.
Following on the popular g1-themed Robot Heroes 5-pack from 2007, this pack brings together 5 exclusive figures to recreate the movie’s final dramatic battle scene in the unique styling of ROBOT HEROES. Find it at Wal-Mart now, SRP $9.96
Together with their new human comrades, the AUTOBOTS battle the DECEPTICONS to the finish in the final fight for possession of the AllSpark. The crowded streets of a human city are the battleground. The pavement cracks and melts from the power of the giant robots’ weapons. The destruction is legendary as the mighty metal warriors hurl each other against the sides of buildings, and fill the air with laser fire. Neither side will stop fighting until their enemies are totally destroyed.
Includes OPTIMUS PRIME with ALLSPARK POWER, MEGARON with metallic finish, Battle Damaged BLACKOUT, Battle Damaged AUTOBOT JAZZ and AUTOBOT RATCHET with ALLSPARK POWER.

Exclusive Movie Deluxe Figures
By selecting some of the coolest molds from the past, the TRANSFORMERS design team has created four new movie (and G1) inspired characters with AllSpark Powered deco treatments. Read notes from designer Joe Kyde and see images below. Look for these characters at Wal-Mart now, SRP $9.96.
This DECEPTICON jet uses deco inspired by the Russian Air Force SU-37 Flanker- F prototype. The design team went with this deco to provide something that had realistic cues but still stood out. The “Decepticon Air Force” marking is the same as that used on the Decepticon Movie Starscream G1 redeco, and is roughly based on the real-world Philippines Air Force roundel.

DIVEBOMB tries his hardest to make friends with the other DECEPTICONS, but they go out of their way to avoid him. Everyone recognizes his skill an aerial fighter, his intelligence as a tactician, and his positive attitude towards the goal of total DECEPTICON domination. Unfortunately, his reactor containment is so bad that other robots can't stand to be near him. Wherever he goes, he leaves a trail of toxic fumes, and he emits so much radiation that it short-circuits the sensor systems of those nearby.
The design team originally intended this character to have a darker purple deco--similar to that of the old Micromaster Roadhugger. When a name change was required this mold from Cybertron worked even better as a reimagining of the Generation 2 DECEPTICON Laser Rod Jolt.

Shortly after the final battle for the AllSpark, JOLT sought out BARRICADE for advice. Brought to life by the energy bursts thrown off the Allspark during the fight, he wanted to learn the finer points of lying and trashing stuff. After BARRICADE was done beating on him, DECEPTICON FRENZY made fun of him for a while, and slashed his tires. That was his first and only lesson, and he took it to heart.
This deluxe version of BIG DADDY is based on the Micromaster Hot Rod of the same name –a perennial favorite among the collector community. This DOWNSHIFT mold from Cybertron really lends itself well to this fan favorite.
BIG DADDY is more concerned with his paint job than with any war that might be going on. You'll most often find him cruising the main drag of whatever town he ends up in, or hanging out at the local beach. When he does roll out, he does it slow, so that all the pedestrians can get a nice, long look at his sleek lines and killer chrome. He's got his own crew of robots to roll with. They stay out of the way of the rest of the AUTOBOTS, and the AUTOBOTS stay out of theirs.

The design team decided that an AUTOBOT construction vehicle would nicely round out this exclusive assortment. GRINDCORE is loosely based on Micromaster Crush-Bull. To complete the AUTOBOT aesthetic, the traditional secondary purple cues were replaced with a rust red color. His name comes from a style of music that aptly fits his personality.
Whatever GRINDCORE is doing, he loves to do it loud. CYBERTRONwas always a pretty noisy place, what with everyone revving their engines, and then the war. Earth people really know how to make noise fun though. Human heavy metal is way cooler than the shock-pop he listened to in his home city of Vos. It's easy to find him on any construction project – just follow the incredibly loud music.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 3rd March 2008 at 09:56:29 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 2nd March 2008 at 13:31:20 GMT
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You will now find three exclusive Transformers Animated Episode 11 video clips on Transformers, mirrored on Transformers At The Moon.
The three clips feature the two main Decepticon's in the episode, Lugnut and Blitzwing.
- Video 1 - Decepticons on the Moon - shows the opening of Episode 11, Lost and Found
- Video 2 - Autobots vs Decepticons - features the fight between the Autobots and Blitzwing and Lugnut.
- Video 2 - Decepticons Trans-Scanning - shows Blitzwing and Lugnut taking their Earth vehicle modes.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st March 2008 at 21:07:48 GMT
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You can now find 221 images from the 11th episode of Transformers Animated, called Lost and Found, at both Transformers At The Moon and Transformers
The episode featured the Decepticon's Blitzwing and Lugnut arriving on Earth in search of Megatron. Once they arrive, Megatron contacts Lugnut and orders the pair to find the Allspark, in order to resurrect the Decepticon leader.
A full episode guide has now been added to the image gallery later this evening, so if you want to read about what happened in the episode then you can.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st March 2008 at 19:33:06 GMT
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The final BotCon 2008 figure was revealed last night as Ricochet, a red recoloured version of Jazz (Cybertron Crosswise). The inspiration behind the choice of colour scheme appears to be the red "Zoom Zoom" Meister Binaltech toy.
You can see images of the figure in robot and vehicle mode at
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 1st March 2008 at 11:50:24 GMT
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Fat Guy has updated his blog with an image gallery of the 2008 Winter Wonderfest exclusive Transformers Movie Generation One coloured Arcee figure. The mini-gallery is great for those fans wanting to see more images of this sold out figure out of the packaging.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 29th February 2008 at 17:25:13 GMT
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The Transformers Collectors Club has sent the following information out to it's members regarding the BotCon 2008 sets (sold out), alternative toy arrangements and information on showing the exclusive "attendee toy".
This is going out to all members.If you have received a confirmation email
concerning your registration, this notice does not apply to you.
The demand for this year's BotCon figure sets (both boxed
and loose) has been unprecedented… and they are now officially SOLD OUT.Since manufacturing of the sets has already
been completed, we are not able to obtain additional quantities.
In order to accommodate those who are still planning to
attend, we are providing you with two new options:
1) You can still come as a Primus Package holder and we
will substitute a 2005 BotCon Boxed Set Descent into Evil - at the reduced cost of $250 for Club members, $300 for non-members - and
in addition, you will receive this year's free attending figure. Loose sets are
also available for $130 for Club members and $165 for non-members.
So that you can see what you will be getting this year,
we have decided to do something we have never done before...we are going to
unveil the free attending figure this Friday! This is the first time we have
shown the free attending figure before the start of BotCon!
2) We are creating a new attending package designed for
this year only!
The Energon Package includes admission to all events
(just like the Primus Package, including the Casino Night Awards Dinner) a
convention badge, pin and comic/program (no toys). The Energon Package is $180
for Club members, $230 for non-members.
If you have sent in a registration since February 14, we
will be emailing or calling you to find out which package you want to switch
Attached you will find the current registration form with
the new options.
Thank you, once again, for your support! We look forward
to seeing you in Cincinnati!
PS. For those of you who have already registered,
confirmation letters will be going in the mail this week.
If you still need a hotel, theMillennium Hotel -
800-876-2100 or 513-352-2100
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 29th February 2008 at 09:37:48 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2008 at 18:20:18 GMT
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In an article over on Variety regarding possible strike action being taken in Hollywood by actors, Transformers Movie director Michael Bay is one of the people quoted in the article talking specifically about the second Transformers Movie.
"Transformers 2" director Michael Bay said the labor cloud has made the process harder, but not impossible as he tries to keep the film on track for its June 26, 2009 release.
"If there is a strike, we shut down, but shutting down isn't that big a deal," Bay said. "You make accommodations, you make a deal with vending houses on equipment and on the stages where you are shooting. You hope for the best, but you can't be incapacitated by the possibility that there will be a strike. We've got to get this town back to work. I can't imagine anyone wants another strike, we're all tired. Hopefully clearer heads will prevail."
Bay said that the sequel is still recovering from the writer's strike, and that he's playing catch-up after getting back his trio of writers, Ehren Kruger, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.
"They did a detailed outline before the writer's strike, and now they are in Michael Bay jail, holed up in a hotel and working feverishly," Bay said. "We're paying for a beautiful suite and they are getting a lot of work done. Hiring three writers was unusual, but it has been a godsend in getting us to where we need to be. Somehow you find a way to get it done."
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2008 at 17:40:47 GMT
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Issue 9 of the UK exclusive Transformers comic was released today and features the first part in the new UK Movie universe. Set in an alternate reality, the Decepticons defeated the Autobots and have control of most of Earth. Expect a full review and image gallery within the next 24 hours
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2008 at 14:31:14 GMT
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The bug has been fixed in the
Showtimes page of so that it is once again automatically updating twice a-day with the latest official showtimes for the US, Canadian, German and UK airings of Transformers Why not take a look and see what March has in store for each of the countries.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2008 at 09:56:40 GMT
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For those wanting a better look at the Trans-Scanning Transformers Movie Optimus Prime figure we bring you a poster showing all three forms of the toy.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 27th February 2008 at 20:30:08 GMT
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TFWorld2005 have received some press images from Hasbro covering the Transformers Animated line. Iincluded in the images are Leader Class Bulkhead and Megatron arm blaster.
Bulkhead1 - Bulkhead2 - Arm Blaster - Arm Blaster2
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 26th February 2008 at 19:46:30 GMT
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PartOne Ltd have updated the e-Hobby shop with product listings for both BT-19 Bluestreak and BT-20 Meister. Both items are listed with a release date of June 2008. You can view the listings
here and
here. Interestingly the listings say that the Binaltech line was bought back due to demand voiced since the Transformers Movie last year.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 26th February 2008 at 12:29:53 GMT
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The official Botcon 2008
site has updated with images of Starscream and Razorclaw, from this
year's Shattered Glass boxed set.
As previously revealed, Starscream is
repainted from his Voyager Class Transformers Cybertron / Galaxy Force toy. Razorclaw is a repaint of Overbite from the
Classics Minicon Predator Attack Team.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 26th February 2008 at 10:08:39 GMT
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