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Simon Furman has updated his blog with another script (w)rap, this time regarding the forthcoming Wheelie spotlight. In the post, Simon talks about how he reverted to an old Marvel-style plot writing process which he describes as "wherein you describe whole scenes, broken down in clutches of pages, and then hand it over to the artist. Then, once the art comes along, you add in the dialog. Of course, a lot of that dialog is already there, based on our back-and-to discussions and Klaus’s own breakdown-stage notes. It’s been a fun and refreshing change of pace, and I’m looking forward to stage 2, which is pulling all the dialog together as finished pages roll in.".
What can you expect from the Wheelie spotlight, well Simon's description is probably the best thing to go by. Its is a "character-led story for a start. For a large part, it’s just Wheelie,
doing his level best to survive against all the odds. Then there’s a
certain trio of Decepticons making their debut, plus a last-but-one
page shocker that’ll just floor you! And ties into stuff that’s in the
works for 09 and beyond! Oh, and we even get into why (by the end of
the issue at least) Wheelie talks in rhyming couplets."
Super RTL have issued a mini release over on their site regarding the Transformers Animated series. The site confirms the news we exclusively broke that the show would start airing in Germany on the 3rd May 2008, though the article does not mention the exact date. Towards the end of the article, it mentions that the Transformers Animated toys will be released in Germany in June 2008 and that Super-RTL will be at the German licensing show where they can be contacted for more information. Here is a copy of the release.
"Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass SUPER RTL als Lizenzagentur zukünftig die Topmarke TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED vertreiben wird.
Ab Mai wird SUPER RTL die Serie wöchentlich am Samstag Nachmittag ausstrahlen.
Bereits ab Ende Juni werden die TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED Toys und Games von Hasbro die Regale erobern.
Wir stehen Ihnen gerne für einen persönlichen Gesprächstermin zur Verfügung und werden ausführliche Informationen erstmals auf dem "Tag der Lizenzen" am 26.03. in Köln vorstellen."
Credit to TheTransformers.de for the original spot.
Don't forget to check out TransformersAnimated.com for the TV listings
Following up from our exclusive Transformers Animated episode review and image gallery for the latest episode of the Transformers Animated cartoon series, we now bring you two clips from todays episode.
The first is titled Bulkhead the Artist, and shows the creative side of the large green Autobot. The second video is much shorted and is titled Headmaster Transform, showing the robot mode of the Headmaster unit.
You can find the videos at Transformers Animated.com and Transformers At The Moon.
You can now find a full review, with spoilers, and over 200 images from the latest Transformers Animated episode, Headmaster, at Transformers Animated and Transformers At The Moon.
A video has appeared on YouTube showing an advert from Cartoon Network for Transformers Animated. The advert features the arrival of Sentinel Prime on Earth, along with the Elite Guard, and also shows a brief clip of Junkion (Wreck-Gar). Junkion is voiced by Weird Al, in a link to the original Transformers The Movie show.
Its time to bring you details of how the Transformers brand performed in January of 2008.
First up, Transformers was 4th in the properties chart for the month behind Bratz, Barbie and Thomas & Friends.
In the retail charts, the strong sales continued both in terms of units sold as well as monetary sales. The best selling action figures of 2007, the Transformers Movie Legends, were 2nd in terms of £ sales, 3rd in terms of units sold. The Movie deluxe figures were 4th in terms of £ sales and 8th in terms of units sold and the Classic Mini-con 3 pack was 6th in terms of unit sales. For the full NPD Charts, see further down in this article.
In the retailers charts, Transformers continues to perform well at The Entertainer, with Dropkick being the 4th best selling toy in by the 4th Feb 2008. Beatmix Bumblebee just makes the top 10 at number 10.
UK Jan 2008 £ Sales
1. Cars Assortment
2. Transformers Movie Legends
3. Hot Wheels Assortment
4. Transformers Movie Deluxe
5. WWE Ruthless Agression
6. In The Night Garden Talking Plush
7. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures
8. V.Smile Software
9. In The Night Garden Mini Plush
10. High School Musical Country Club Friends
UK Jan 2008 Unit Sales
1. Hot Wheels Car Assortment
2. Cars Assortment
3. Transformers Movie Legends
4. WWE Rutheless Aggression
5. In The Night Garden Mini Plush
6. Transformers Classics Mini-Con 3 Pack
7. Dr Who 5-Inch Figures
8. Transformers Movie Deluxe
9. Spider-man 3 Figures
10. Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Figures
The day you get married is a day that you'll remember for the rest of your life, so why not help out a fellow Transformers fan make theirs even more memorable by voting for his fiancée in a wedding show competition to try to help them win a honeymoon to Thailand. The Transformers fan in question is best known as The Spacebridge or simply Hitch. If they win the competition, Hitch has promised to give away something truly amazing from his private collection to another lucky Transfan. You can re-vote each day until the end of May (without registering), so book mark the page and pay it a quick visit as your browse the web and submit another vote.
Sometimes the site has problems with votes, but they are suppose to have been fixed now. We'd like to wish Hitch the best of luck, not only with the competition but on his pending marriage.
Simon Furman has updated his blog with the following article covering Transformers Revelation
The news is out: the next main arc in the IDW/TF-verse series will
indeed (as previously reported) be Revelation, but instead of the usual
6-issue format it’ll play out over four interconnected Spotlights
(Cyclonus, Hardhead, Doubledealer and Sideswipe). Expect major
plotlines to be resolved as the last of the -ions (for the foreseeable)
brings the Dead Universe storyline (that’s been bubbling under ever
since Spotlight: Nightbeat) to a suitably shattering conclusion.
be doling out the usual Script (W)raps in due course, so I’ll be
drip-feeding my own revelations over the coming weeks/months, but for
now let’s just say that the Spotlight format remains intact, with a
solid character arc in each of the four issues, plus… fallout from
Stormbringer, Spotlight Hot Rod, Spotlight Nightbeat, Spotlight
Galvatron, Spotlight Arcee and more. And when I say fallout, I mean it.
The lives and destinies of numerous main characters are altered forever
as two universes clash explosively. Oh, and don’t think this is the
end. There’s another series (no, not The 13 or All Hail Megatron) to
come, one set firmly in the ‘-ion’ continuity. More on this soon! 08 is
SO going to blow you away!
Thanks to Break for letting us know that
"..All TF toys are now buy one get one half price at Toys R Us! Also the Optimash Prime Mr Potato Head toy has been reduced to £4.99."
Toysdaily has been updated with images from TFClub of Transformers Movie Stealth Bumblebee, the inverted colour scheme version (with new head) Camaro 08 Bumblebee toy.
You can see the images here.
Fat Guy has come through once again with a mini review of the Voyager Class Transformers Animated Megatron figure which you can see over at his blog.
Don't forget to drop by TransformersAnimated.com for more Transformer Animated goodness