We've updated the Beast Wars Neo Bible on Planets with character profiles, techspecs and other listings, all in Japanese, as well as creating the final section of this feature, the Beast Wars Neo Destoron Bible gallery.
Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
We've updated the Beast Wars Neo Bible on Planets with character profiles, techspecs and other listings, all in Japanese, as well as creating the final section of this feature, the Beast Wars Neo Destoron Bible gallery.
FanToFan is reporting that both Movie TS-01 Trans-Scanning Optimus Prime and the G1 Version of Music Label Convoy have been released by TakaraTomy in Japan.
Among the pictures on FanToFan.jp is a picture of the Generation One style movie figure catalog that was included with Trans-Scanning Optimus Prime.
TFWorld2005 have a nice little breakdown of the assortments for Wave One of the Transformers Animated toys.
Wave 1 Deluxes: 2x Bumblebee, 2x Lockdown, 2x Optimus Prime, 2x Prowl
Wave 1 Voyagers: 2x Bulkhead, 1x Megatron, 1x Starscream
Wave 1, Revision 1 Voyagers: 1x Bulkhead, 1x Megatron, 2x Starscream
As it's a little bit of a slow news day today, though we have another Beast Wars Neo bible update for you this afternoon, I thought we'd link to the latest discussion on AcToys about the Diamond Select Omega Supreme statue.
The thread includes lots of pictures, so you'll have to be patient whilst it loads. It's worth taking a look if you've not seen this piece before.
Thanks to Phill for letting our Transformers Forum know that that the European Chevrolet store is now listing the Transformers Movie Swerve toy for sale. The toy costs around EURO 20 to buy and ship to the UK, around GBP 15.00, as we've just ordered one.
David Kaye will be making a return to BotCon this year, as he has been officially annouced as the first guest for the event.
David is the current voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers Animated, as well as Lugnut and various background characters, and has previously played Megatron since 1996 (less the Transformers Robots in Disguise series), making him the longest running Transformers voice actor.
Simon Furman has updated his blog with information on the latest issue of the UK Transformers comic which comes out later this week.
Falling a bit behind on my Script (W)raps, so here’s a potted digression on/tease for Transformers (UK) #11 & 12, the third and fourth parts respectively of (the 5-part) Twilight’s Last Gleaming. For those who either haven’t yet read issue #9 (shame on you), which is already out, or immersed themselves in previous TLG blog entries (double-shame on you), here’s the basic premise: post-live action movie, but an alternate take on the way things pan out.
Instead of happy endings all round, the final victory belongs to the Decepticons. Earth (or a decent chunk of it anyway) is controlled by Megatron and the Decepticons and those Autobots still active are fighting a desperate rearguard action to prevent a planet-wide transformation into new Cybertron! In parts 3 & 4, Starscream does what Starscreams have been doing since time immemorial, making his own power play for control of the new empire. And if that means provoking a reaction from the Autobot reinforcements (including the likes of Arcee, Armorhide and Skyblast) on the moon, so be it.
More familiar faces start to emerge as the story cranks up to fever pitch, including Frenzy (Mikaela’s got him), Bonecrusher (Ironhide and Ratchet have got him) and Tom Banacek (who’s kind of once removed from the main action). And Bumblebee? He’s got by the far the worst deal: one on one with Megatron. That’s gonna hurt! And you know what? Anything can happen from this point on!
Now firmly in its own distinct movie continuity, things are gonna get a whole lot worse for the Autobots (and Earth) before they get any better. This… is just the beginning! Issues #11 & 12 hit (UK) stores 24th April and 22nd May respectively.
For more information and
art go visit TF-UK’s MySpace page here.
Following on from the small preview which was the Beast Wars II bible gallery, you can now find over 60 images in two galleries from the Beast Wars Neo bible. The galleries are split into Cybertorons and Planets, with the Destrons (which we feel is the most interesting) coming later in the week.
The galleries form part of our Transformers Concepts and Prototype area, so have a nose through the other bits which are there whilst you're at it.
More Information
Thanks to Snakas for posting more info from Autobase Aichi, which got it from a Japanese online
You can see lists at Rauten for Arcee and Convoy
Previous Update
More images are now available of BT 21 Arcee and BT 22 Convoy.
The toys are also up for Pre-Order at Fan to Fan
Original Story
Two images have appeared online, thanks to naughtyguy, of what is described as Transformers Binaltech 21 and 22. The toys are a recolour of Alternator Windcharger / Decepticharge and a yellow recolour of Alternator Optimus Prime (BT Convoy).
Our initial attempts to translate the names haven't resulted in anything which makes sense yet, though TFWorld2005 member SydneyY has spotted the name of Arcee for the first, whilst Binaltech / Alternator expert Nevermore originally said Tiger Convoy for the second., but so far only Convoy is known, probably not in a different colour.
Discuss these pictures on our Transformers Forum
What are you planning on doing at 16:30 this afternoon? Well if you have access to NickToons then you want to tune in as Transformers Animated officially starts in the UK today.
You can check out Nick's full listings at Transformers Animated.com on the Showtimes page.
You can check out the images and information here!
Thanks to Seibertron for the following news story.
Dutch mobile phones site iPhoneclub.nl has placed an article on their website, claiming that iPod Company XtremeMac has signed a deal to cross promote their hardcase edition of the iPhone 2.0 product with an action figure from the Transformers 2 movie, set to be released in June 2009.
Neil Harden, marketing director for XtremeMac, did not want to say
which figures will be used in the cross promotion, but he did have the
following to say in the article;
"We are excited that we will link our Xtreme iPhone hardcase
with Transformers 2. Eventhough Transformers 2 won't be in theaters
until june 2009, it's never to early to start the hype. We expect these
to be sold out in a matter of hours. These [Transformers-fans] are
completely predictable. That's why Paramount is making the sequel".
IDW Publishing's Create A cover Competition has finally drawn to a close, with the
With 9 eligible covers to judge, the winner has been decided by a panel
of judges consisting of: E.J. Su, Josh Burcham, Chris Mowry, Eric
Holmes, Shaun Knowler & Josh van Reyk.
The conditions for the 3rd and final round were thus:
This is it, the be all and end all fight for total control over
CYBERTRON! Both OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON play their trump cards, as
METROPLEX and TRYPTICON clash head to head in this epic battle. Who
will survive? And when all is done, where there be a CYBERTRON left to
This cover is to be a battle between the following Transformers;
Optimus Prime, Prowl, Jazz, Grimlock*, Ratchet, Blaster, Metroplex.
Megatron, Starscream*, Soundwave, Shockwave, Sixshot*, Ravage, Trypticon.
*Denotes character that can be featured in mode of your choice. All others should appear in their primary/robot mode.
This battle is set on CYBERTRON.
The final Results list was as followw:
First Place: Casey Coller
Second Place: Ozzy Fernandez
Third Place: Tim Shinn
Fourth Place: Andrew Griffith
Fifth Place: Joana Lafuente Oliveria Amaral
Sixth Place: Dylan Gibson
Seventh Place: Aric Huftles
Eighth Place: Christie Majors
Ninth Place: Nam Nguyen
If you want to see all the entries, how they were judged, and what
scores they were given, please check out the original thread by clicking here.
Thanks to Seibertron for the report
Below you will find a thumbnail, leading to a full image, of a scan from one of the latest Japanese hobby magazines showing the first images of the new face of Transformers Encore Omega Supreme.
Click on the image for a larger look.
Chinese fansite TF08.net have acquired some samples of various Transformers Universe Classics as well as Botcon 2008 exclusive figures. They have taken some high-resolution images which we have cropped (to save you some bandwidth) and mirrored below.