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This is great news for German fans, and gives hope to other countries that the show could air on other channels
TFW2005 has received official images and information regarding several upcoming Animated and Universe releases.
The toys they have been sent Stock Images of include Animated Voyager Lugnut, Animated Voyager Grimlock, Animated Leader Bulkhead w/ Headmaster, Animated Leader Megatron (Earth Mode), Aniamted Supreme Roll Out Command Optimus Prime, Animated Activators Bumblebee, Animated Activators Bulkhead, Animated Activators Starscream, Animated ShiftTech Optimus Prime Handheld Game and Universe Legends Onslaught
Next week Madman will be releasing their boxset of Transformers Victory in Australia. The set contains all 32 episodes with
Japanese Audio and English Subtitles. The cover art is be E.J. Su and extras include the Victory Manga issues,
Japanese toy advertisements, character art galleries and Toy Galleries
from Transformers At The Moon and Seibertron
MTVBlog have published a brief interview with Transformers Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura in which he talks briefly regarding some of the casting rumours as well as the rumoured inclusion of Broadside.
"Recently, the news broke that Jonah Hill won’t be rolling out in “Transformers 2” after all. It’s sad, sad news for movie fans hoping the sequel would get a legitimate comedic-sidekick injection rather than, say, filling the role with Dax Shepard.
According to series producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, the movie has had to move on without the “Superbad” star – but we can still expect some big announcements over the next several weeks.
“No, no,” he said of Hill’s reported casting. “Ultimately, we’ll have a couple casting surprises for everybody soon.”
Director Michael Bay and returning stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox and Jon Voight are reportedly on board to return, and Bonaventura confirmed plans to start shooting the movie in Philadelphia and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania next month.
“Michael’s got some really great stuff planned,” he added.
The super-producer, who we caught up with this week on the Downey, CA set of his equally massive blockbuster franchise “G.I. Joe,” also shot down rumors that Bay would finally create a long-rumored character. “A transforming aircraft carrier?” Bonaventura repeated, denying its existence. “We saw a Japanese film that had something like that, so maybe that’s where that comes from.”
“We never really talked about that, practically speaking,” he said of the character who might or might not have been known as Broadside, and who Bay has said was simply too expensive to create. “There was some Japanese animated movie we saw where that occurred, and we were like ‘Wow! Look at that thing!’”
According to the website of Australian theatrical agency Meissner Management, Isabel Lucua has signed on to play the role of Alice in Transformers 2. Isabel is best know for her role as Tasha Andrews on popular Australian television soap opera Home and Away.
Credit to TFormers for the report.
German Transformers Animated fan site transformers-animated.de.vu have been sent a complete dub list for the German version of Transformers Animated. Below you will find a breakdown of the characters appear in episodes 25 and episode 29.
Transformers Animated 25: Autobot Camp
Ultra Magnus
Chief Voice
Transformers Animated 29: A Bridge Too Close - Part 2 (Season Finale)
Optimus Prime
Omega Supreme
Female S.
Starscream (Egomane) - aka Egomaniac
Starscream (Schleimer) - aka Suck-Up
Strarscream (Lügner) - aka Liar
Starscream (Feigling) - aka Coward
Credit to TFW2005 for the news.
TFW2005 board member Magmatron has posted a summary of the events which took placed in Transformers Animated Episode 25: Autobot Camp which aired today in Dubai. Below you will find images as well as a cleaned-up / corrected summary.
spoiler warning
The episode begins with Sentinel Prime, on Cybertron, chasing after a traitor who escapes to Earth via a Space-Bridge. Ultra Magnus reports the news to the Autobots on Earth with Bumblebee recognising the traitor as an old friend of his called Wasp, and so decides to go find him along with Bulkhead. At this point the episode switches to a flashback where Bumblebee is watching a broadcast from the Elite Guard telling the new recruits to assemble for a test. He talks to his friend about the tests, and as the pair head off we discover that they are like brothers and made from the same parts. As they arrive they meet up with some other new recruits including Longarm, Ironhide and Bulkhead.
Their instructor arrives and asks the group to show him their abilities. Longarm shows that he canextend his limbs, Ironhide showed he could turn his body to metallic silver and Bumblebee showed off his stingers. The group of new recruits begin their trading during which Cliffjumper has a brief cameo. Also during the training Bumblebee finds a lost transmitter which has a recording of Megatron giving some information to a "traitor". Bumblebee becomes suspicious of everyone, except the fifth robot. When the training exercise goes haywire causing lazers to be fired rather thean paint, Bulkhead has to safe Bumblebee. The camp ends, but the traitor has not been caught
The flashback ends and it turns out that the traitor didn't really jump to Earth, but only pretended too.
The scene shifts once more and shows Megatron talking to the fifth robot from the camp. The robot announces that no-one suspects him and then changes his head revealing that he is, in fact, Shockwave!
Snakas reports that Amazon.co.jp has been updated with images of Transformers Henkei Hot Rodimus, the Japanese release of Transformers Classics Rodimus. We have mirrored the images that you can see below.
Chris Ryall updated his blog twice yesterday with the second update about a Apocalypse Comics exclusive cover for IDWs All Hail Megatron issue 1. The cover is drawn by Casey Coller with colours by Josh
Perez. The cover is a homage to the classic Brian Bolland BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE image. The cover has extra meaning for Casey as he had to draw this in the wake of the death of his sister through Cancer. Our condolences go out to Casey and his family.
Credit goes to FirstGen of Seibertron.com for letting us know
TVShowsOnDVD.com has posted an image of the rear of the packaging for the upcoming Transformers Animated: Transform and Roll Out DVD (featuring the first three episodes of the series).
The image shows that two Transformers Animated shorts will be included as extras on the DVD, althogh there are no details as to what this would be (new footage, exclusive items, or adverts for the series).
As mentioned yesterday you will now find an eBay auction for both Transformers Encore - Visual Artbook Exclusive - Green Emergency Ratchet and Transformers Encore - e-Hobby Shop Exclusive - Black Protect Ironhide.
The auction number is 290228569718 and is open to world-wide bidders.
TFW2005's Dubai resident Magmatron has posted a brief summary and images from the latest Transformers Animated episode to air. The episode was number 24 entitled S.U.V. - Society of Ultimate Villainy. The episode saw the return of many Human super- villains as well as the Transformers Animated debut for Swindle.
Here is a cleaned up version of Magmatrons summary. Look away if you do not wish to read any spoilers
The episode starts with the Autobots chasing Nanosec. As Bumblebee closes in to catch the high-speed villain, he is suddenly frozen by a mysterious blast. His saviour turns out to be a new human super-villain, a woman with the ability to freeze time. The pair team up along with The Angry Archer and Professor Princess working for a mysterious contractor. The contractor, who will only speak to them from inside a car, wants the group to build a machine that fires a time-stopping wave. After they complete the task, the contractor, who turns out to be none other than the Decepticon Swindle, double crosses them and steals the device.
Swindle uses the machine to freeze the Autobots and strikes a deal with Megatron to sell him the device. The super-villains, who are now angry at Swindle, team-up with Sari to revive Bumblebee. The group work together to defeat Swindle only for the Humans to then double-cross Bumblebee and steal back the machine. During the fracus, Swindle knocks the machine away from the Humans and straight into the possession of Bumblebee who uses it to defeat both Swindle and the super-villains.