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The Movie Blog is currently running a story regarding Sam and a possible storyline for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The story mirrors that of the background story given to Sam's grandfather, so could well prove to be true.
Meanwhile even more set images have appeared online from the Movie, including the Daily Pricetonian Blog here
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 27th June 2008 at 10:26:28 BST
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Hasbro have filed for 1 new Transformers related trademarks with the USPTO. You can view all of the details in our
Transformers Trademark area which is updated constantly throughout the day by our dedicated news-bots, but here is the list of all of the new applications:
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 27th June 2008 at 10:07:57 BST
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Chris Hewitt of Empire Magazine have published a small article on the Empireonline website regarding a quote that Transformers star Josh Duhamel gave them when they bumped into him on the set of When In Rome last week. The quote he gave them was in relation to their question regarding what was the difference for his character, Lennox, in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, compared to the original Transformers Movie. Josh's reply was"“I guess who he’s working with is probably the biggest change,” said Duhamel,
before adding once more, presumably for emphasis. “Who he’s working with.”". Empire are reading into this that the Autobobts and Decepticons will be teaming up to face a more powerful enemy, in their minds that is The Fallen, though when you read the Transformers 2 Game summary, it could also be a powered up Starscream, perhaps using a fragment of the Allspark in an "Underbase" style powerup. Of course, this is all speculation at this stage, but time will tell.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 26th June 2008 at 11:40:37 BST
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Hasbro has updated the US Transformers website with various instructions for upcoming releases of the Transformers Animated toyline such as Ultra Magnus, Sentinel Prime, Elite Guard Bumblebee, the Activators, and the Shift Tech Optimus Prime Handheld game are available, along with instructions for the currently released Transformers Animated toys.
In addition, the instructions for Ultra Magnus reveal that he is compatible with Headmaster.
Thanks to TFormers for the spot.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 26th June 2008 at 09:48:01 BST
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Snakas has updated his blog with some information from this months issue of Dengeki Hobby Magazine. Below is an english summary of Snakas post.
The magazine contains images of Transformers Henkei Hot Rodimus as well as the western version of Classics Sunstreaker and Prowl.
Much like Figure King, an article was also published on Transformers Encore Thundercracker and Skywarp, including images of the previous releases of these figures. Images of Enore Bumblebee and the Minibots are also shown.
Transformers Alternity is mentioned in the magazine but no information or preview image was published, unlike within Figure King.
Finally, The Marvel Cross overs, and Binaltech BT-18 and B-20 are also published, with the focus being on the new Bluestreak figure rather than Meister
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 26th June 2008 at 09:09:48 BST
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This isn't really news related, and is blatant advertising of an auction we have on eBay, but we are currently selling of parts of our Transformers DVD collection, as we basically no longer have space to keep it.
The collection includes some brand new, sealed, items (Transformers Headmaters, Masterforce and Victory (with Zone) DVD's from Madman Entertainment) as well as some not-for-sale items from Metrodome (check-discs from Series 2, 3 and 4 of G1). Other items include the Metrodome Generation One DVDs, series 1,2 part 1, 2 part 2 and 3/4, along with a few miscellaneous Beast Wars DVDs and Transformers Takara.
Here's the full details.
Metrodome Check Discs
1. Season 2 Part 2 - 3 Discs
1. Season 3 & 4 - 4 Discs
Metrodome Box Sets - Region 2
1. Season 1 - 25
2. Season 2 Part 1 - 25
3. Season 2 Part 3 - 25
4. Season 3 & 4 - 30
Madman Entertainment - Region 0 - SEALED NEVER OPENED
1. Transformers Headmasters - $59.83 (AUD)
2. Transformers Masterforce - $59.83 (AUD)
3. Transformers Victory including Zone - $59.83 (AUD)
Maverick - Region 2
1. Transformers Takara - 9.99
Universal - Region 2 and 4
1. Beast Wars Vol 1 (The Agenda 1-3, Optimal Situation, Deep Metal, Changing of the guard, Cutting Edge) (Region 2,4) - 5.99
Beast Wars (Region 1) Vol 1 (Beast Wars Part 1, Beast Wars Part 2, The
Web, Equal Measure, Chain of Command, Power Surge) - $20
2. Beast
Wars Vol 2 (Fallen Comrades, Double Jeopardy, The Probe, Gorilla
Warfare, A Better Mouse Trap, Victory) (Region 1) - $20
3. Transformers Heroes The Rebirth - $20
total retail value of this set is 232.59, excluding the check discs
and the auction has no reserve, starting at the low price of just 99
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 25th June 2008 at 18:49:47 BST
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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 25th June 2008 at 14:41:30 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 25th June 2008 at 09:17:51 BST
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Snakas has updated his blog with some information from the latest issue of the Japanese hobby magazine Figure King (フィギャア王) which is issue125.
The issue contain articles on the Japanese release of the Marvel Crossover series as sell as images Henkei Prowl and Sunstreaker, though it was the US versions that were used in the photographs. The Japanese version of Classics Ramjet (Henkei Ramjet) and Classics Skyfire were also shown. If that was not enough, the issue contains a the "Metroplex Story" which contained the history of the figure from a dialcone concept art, through the original G1 release and onto the Encore reissue.
An article was also published on the Transformers Alternity line with a silhouette of the Convoy figure being shown along with the words "Next Transformer Coming Soon". The line is described by the author as a series that will succeed the concept of Binaltech.
Finally images are shown of the packaging of Encore Skywarp and Thundercracker which are released in June
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 24th June 2008 at 17:00:57 BST
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YTV have updated their listings for this coming Saturday to with three episodes of Transformers Animated showing as being aired at 11am, meaning that is is extremely likely that they will be showing the final episodes of Season 2 of Transformers Animated this weekend. This would be the English language debut of the last episodes of the show as Nick Toons stopped just just a few weeks ago.
You can view all of the schedules for Transformers Animated on the Showtimes page on
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 24th June 2008 at 09:21:38 BST
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Following on from the extremely powerful Transformers Movie Battle Rig Blasters (Prime, Starscream, Ratchet), Hasbro have released stock images for their upcoming Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Blaster.
TFWorld2005 have a copy of the image, thanks to their press account, which can be seen here.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 24th June 2008 at 08:21:16 BST
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Draven has posted a few images and a round-up of the Transformers Universe Powerglide toy, due for release later this year, on the TFWorld2005 boards. You can see his comments and pictures
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 24th June 2008 at 08:19:20 BST
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The Allspark are reporting that the Transformers Collectors' Club Topspin toy has finally started to ship to members.
Onyx Minor reports that he received his Topspin today, so keep
your eyes on your mailboxes for this final limb to the Club combiner!
We wait to see when ours and other international members will receive theirs.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 24th June 2008 at 08:18:03 BST
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Chris Ryall has updated his blog with an image from the cover of Transformers Animated issue two, due for release in September. The art was done by one of the show's designers, Maramba Myrberg.
The cover features Cyrus Rhodes
fighting against Prowl.
The following month, October, sees the release of the Transformers Animated comic in the UK. Ths comic may feature a mixture of new UK Transformers Animated comics as well as reprinting the US version, or my just take over from the Transformers Movie UK comic, with the Beast Wars backup strip.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 23rd June 2008 at 21:27:11 BST
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The giant Transformers hand which was used to count down the days till Transformers was released in 2007 may be set to be reused to countdown towards Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (aka Transformers Movie 2).
The giant handed was spotted in the Hasbro offices during a My Little Pony tour, yes you did read that right. Pictures can be found on TFW.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 23rd June 2008 at 21:23:12 BST
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