The NTFA have an interview with Auto Assembly organiser Simon Plumbe. Simon talks about this years event as well as previous years events.
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The NTFA have an interview with Auto Assembly organiser Simon Plumbe. Simon talks about this years event as well as previous years events.
TF08.net has posted a new gallery of the Binaltech BT-21 Arcee figure (recolour of Windcharger / Decepticharge). The photos include Robot, Vehicle and a close-up of Arcee's face.
Thanks to TFW for the spot.
TFW2005 Member Automaster has spotted some new Transformers Animated toy listings in Wal-Mart's computers. The listings include Deluxe Class Swindle, Blurr and Waspinator, plus Voyager Class Wreck Gar and Skywarp as well as revealing the existence of two new Transformers Animated toys. These figures are Deluxe Class Arcee (Sleek Car) and Voyager Class Shockwave.
There was also a further listing for something called "Electro Static S" which might be a part of a name of a repaint
Actoys members have been busy today adding more images of future release Transformers Universe toy to go along with the Ratchet scan.
Transformers Univserse Unicron is featured in packagaing here
Transformers Universe Silverbolt is featured out of packaging here
Transformers Universe Powerglide is featured out of packaging here (from TFClub)
Although not new they also have a nice gallery of the Japanese Premium Transformers Movie Optimus Prime toy, showing off his nice chrome parts, which you can see here.
Finally you get Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime here ... well OK, actually this is just a knock-off of the European Exclusive Pyro toy.
A high resolution scan of Transformers Universe / Henkei Ratchet has been posted on ACToys.net. This scan gives a much clearer look at the remolded head that Ratchet has. The toy is an unpainted prototype (possibly a hard copy).
Just over a month ago we won an auction on Yahoo Japan for the Transformers Super Link Custom Colour Grand Convoy Lucky Draw Transformers toy. This figure was given away to the 10 winners of a colouring competition featured in TV Magazine which took place in December 2004.
The image which appeared in the magazine, which can be found at LuckyDrawTransformers.com, featured a strange colour Grand Convoy with orange arms and legs. The toy which we won is the same colours as that which appeared in the magazine only with a grey base colour rather than orange. It is currently unknown why there is a difference, although the orange toy could be a testshot for the figure, with the grey base colour being the actual prize campaign item, so that it it blended in to it's trailer in vehicle mode.
For those interested we now own 35 Lucky Draw Transformers, plue Black Tracks who we do not believe is a true Lucky Draw toy.
Hasbro have updated Transformers.com listing the new Transformers Animated: Transform and Roll Out DVD which is available on August20th 2008. The DVD contains the first three episodes and is not included in the Season 1 box set.
Meanwhile a review of Yahoo regarding the DVD rated it as a B with rather a rather negative review of the show. This review goes against the majority of opinions on the Transformers Animated cartoon series, something which got a clear thumbs up from fans (going by a poll on TransformersAnimated.com)
A few days ago, a poster surfaced online which was reported as a possible poster for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. At the time we posted a warning that the image could be fake, which was highly likely with the CGI work not yet complete. Now a Polish fan has posted on the Don Murphy boards confirming them as fake.
You can read his post here
The Transformers Collectors' Club has a 5-page preview for the comic that will come with their exclusive Nightbeat figure. The comic features art by Dan Khanna, a story by Forest Lee and a cover by Thomas Deer.
Thanks to TFWorld2005 for the spot.
An image has appeared on ENI, part of the same group of websites as TFormers, of the back cover of the Transformers Animated DVD who's cover was revealed last week.
You can see the image here.
An auction for a Transformers Animated Elite Guard Bumblebee (black recolour of rgular Bumblebee) has appeared on ebay. This is the first time the toy has been seen in packaging, though it was first revealed to the public at BotCon earlier in the year.
You can see the auction here.
TVShows on DVD have updated their site with a Press Release relating to the upcoming "Transformers: Cybertron" Complete Collection DVD series. Th epress relesae states that the set, containing 7 discs (52 episodes) will cost USD 61.99.
Thanks to Seibertron for the spot.