Chris Ryall has answered 10 questions regarding the new GI Joe comic by IDW Publishing.
Regarding a Sigma Six spin-off
In this case, anything's possible and are fair game--we've already
talked about the possibility of Sigma Six comics or Origins (the new
Warren Ellis-scripted animated thing) or something else. But I did mean
what I said before in that I really want to establish our ongoing Joe
world before delving into such things. I think if we start spreading
too thin at the start, we won't do the fans any favors. And since
there's also a movie continuity to contend with, any more than those
two might be too much for the foreseeable future.
Regarding the Joes operating out of a PIT base
Regarding which Joes are in the elite team
This is one of those story details I'm loathe to discuss rather than
let them play out. The core team at the start of the #0 issue is
largely the same as the movie's cast, albeit in different
circumstances, but that changes very quickly, as other faces appear in
issue 1 and beyond.
Will Gung-Ho have a shirt?
Matthew McConaughey wants to know why you have to wear a shirt to get
some respect... but don't worry, Gung Ho's gonna be treated properly.
On "How much will the stories be dictated by the Hasbro / Hama stories"
I saw a fair share of "free reign" talk over at Phil's board today.
Thing of it is, none of us have free reign. I mean, it's a licensed
property, we're the licensee, and Larry is the guy we've hired to bring
it back to life. But Hasbro is the licensor--they have ultimate say
over anything and everything.
That said, Hasbro has been amazingly receptive to what we want to
do, and been helpful, beneficial and had some great creative
suggestions. This has been the case the entire time we've handled the
TF license, since mid-2005 (when we started internally). They like what
we've done and we've built up a good level of trust, and all of that
played into them awarding us the Joe license.
All of which means that we're not looking at a scenario like two
decades ago where a toy release drove the storytelling. Comics and the
way they supplement/complement a licensor's efforts have changed and
everyone recognizes that and appreciates it. We're not a toy tie-in as
much as we're a toy complement. And there are different initiatives and
dictates at Hasbro than before, and part of that is ensuring the
strength of the Joe brand with their and our core audience. Which
sounds like marketing-speak, but what it means is that the comics can
be more adult than before, they can tell stories that aren't developed
in marketing meetings, and we and by extension Larry have room to tell
good stories and develop the world free of such worries.
I don't know all of what happened with past Joe comics, I just know
our experience with the TF comics, and it's been a true partnership and
a gratifying one. So I'm only optimistic about what we're going to do
here, and so are they. And hopefully you. And someday, maybe even Jamar
How will IDW alter the GI-Joe francise?
I don't know if I completely follow the question, so let me see if this
is any answer. Also while perusing Phil's board today, I saw some
question/parallel drawn between us hiring Simon Furman to relaunch the
TF books for us and now Shane McCarthy, nearly 3 full years after that,
coming on to write a big TF title for us. If the concern there, or
here, is that we're hiring an "old guarder" to start things and then
abandoning them, that's not at all what happened with the TF books.
Simon's storyline ran for three years, included what, a dozen Spotlight
issues in addition to the main storyline, and now is headed in a
different direction. That seems to me to be pretty standard in comics,
occasionally shaking things up to reinvigorate things or refocus people
on the comics (next up: Me Grimlock, Me Skrull!). Simon is doing
multiple other books for us, so the strange talk that we "dumped" him
is just that, strange. He guided the entire TF line for us (and Beast
Wars and the movie prequel with me) for years and did/does so
masterfully. But one person doing everything isn't the best way to give
the fans multiple voices or takes on characters. Not every Spider-Man
title is written by the same guy. This is that.
With Joe, Larry will be doing the main book for us. If we do other
miniseries or Spotlights or what have you, other writers will be along
for the ride, too. So there was no circumstance behind AHM other than a
new storyline being needed and me wanting to add a new voice to the
mix. With Simon, Chris Mowry and now Shane, there's a nice mix of TF
writers working on multiple projects. And it's safe to say that there
will be multiple writers eventually working on Joe projects, too.
(Then received clarification on the question)
Ahh. The TF thing was partially about making/keeping the comics
accessible to new people but also just wanting to do something new and
big and different. It honestly spins more out of me being impressed by
the level of planning in something like Planet Hulk, where the story
itself was one thing but then the *next* story, where the Hulk would
eventually return to Earth, was even more highly anticipated. I wanted
to do something big, something like Independence Day minus the lame,
and strip away a bit of the hard continuity and give people a good new
jumping-on point. I think when you rely too much on convoluted
continuity to tell stories, you end up with things like Final Crisis
that are oft-putting to new or casual fans.
Joe won't be a huge departure from what Hama did before, but then
again, it will be because he's a different person and storyteller now.
If that makes any sense.
Will the comic start from the beginning?
Aaaand here we are, the $10 question. Three to go after this one (for now), so until those are posted, let me dig into this one.
First, some backstory.
When we first started considering Joe, or even before that, in just
keeping an eye on the DDP comics and pondering what we'd do "if," we
looked at various options.
Option 1: Keep the continuity, continuing what multiple publishers
have done over two-plus decades, trying to wrangle continuity that
didn't always make perfect sense or flow perfectly from issue to issue,
let alone from publisher to publisher.
Option 2: Pick and choose from the past, and maybe pick up right after Marvel's run ended, ignoring the rest.
Option 3: Do our own thing.
Ultimately, it wasn't even a hard decision.
We respect like crazy what Marvel did. Without that historic run,
Joe never would've been a lasting, viable comic property. It would've
been Marvel's Masters of the Universe (remember that old DC comic? I
do. Or remember Crystar, Crystal Warrior? Or other failed toy comics?
Yep, I do). Instead, it and Rom Spaceknight showed that toy comics
could be their own thing, could be so much more.
I also respect what others have done since. But the thing of it is, the idea of continuing it brings with it two main problems:
1. It's presumptuous. How in the world would we ever even know what DDP
was going to do with the finale of WWIII when we had to get started? We
wouldn't, so to assume one thing and have it play out differently would
be trouble enough.
2. The bigger point--it's not our story. If we pick up where DDP
left off, we're not IDW doing the things that Hasbro wants us to do and
that fans expect, we're DDP West. Their concluding storyline left
things in a way that we'd need to either invalidate lots of it to be
able to include all the characters we want, or we'd have to write
around what they did since it wasn't what we'd do. All of which seems
much more wrong than blazing our own trail. We'd be one step away from
bringing in Mephisto to wipe away the elements we don't want to use.
The biggest point to make is that while we weren't looking to scrap
two decades of good (some great, some not so) comics, we were looking
to give new fans something to get excited about, something to make old
fans anticipate something new rather than more of the same, and
something we'd be proud to have our logo on.
Are we doing a reboot? The answer is, we're starting at the beginning.
A New Beginning. But we're doing it in a way akin to what they did with
James Bond last year. The movie stripped away a lot of the things that
had made the franchise feel bloated and ridiculous and started over.
Not necessarily scrapping what was to come in the characters' future
movies, but resetting things, losing the bloat, making the character
stand out again, and reminding people why it was once great.
That's what we're doing. And doing it with Larry, where he's a
two-decades-better storyteller than he was, and with the wisdom of
years to think about what worked and what didn't, is immensely exciting
to me. Before, he was essentially making it up as he went. Now, he know
what he wants to do, and is being given the freedom to do it.
I had dinner with Larry in NYC a few weeks ago and we talked about
all of this, and in his mind and mine, there was only one way to make
this work right, so that's what we're doing.
Time to start fresh, paying tribute to what's come before, not
invalidating anything that's come before or reworking it to make it fit
with what we want to do, and not being hamstrung by what other people
have done.
Time for G.I. Joe: A New Beginning.
Will IDW be touting Snake-eyes as the "uber-character"
It's a hard thing, because EVERYONE loves Snake-Eyes. But I'm also very
wary of burning out a good thing right away. So I know he's still going
to play a prominent role, but as a member of the Joe team and not as
our Wolverine. He'll get his due soon enough, sure, but at the start,
the team is what I want to be the focus. There're too many other good
characters to focus on on both sides of the fence to let him steal all
their thunder.
On reprinting old comics
In more general terms, we just want to really treat the old Joe
material as something special, not just comics to scan and release
again. So we're still working on the best way to do that, and the best
timing, but there'll definitely be a good amount before the movie
(which is just good business as well as an effort to quickly get this
stuff back in print. Bookstores will be wanting multiple Joe products
ahead of the movie). But we'll be recoloring/retouching and likely
doing things like The Best of Larry Hama (picked by LH) and other
hardcover presentations of the material. I'd expect these to start as
soon as February '09.
How are the sillier concepts going to be treated?
People might describe our comics in many ways, but I don't think
"silly" will be one of them. Along with what I was saying before, there
won't be anything silly--no Ewoks this time--in the comics. Serious
action, yes, gritty, yes, but there's a real moratorium on silly.
Alright, there's 10. Thanks for playing.
Now, as most TF fans whove done these Q&As here know, I'm
usually terrible about sticking to my "only 10!" rule and end up
replying to other things along the way. So feel free to discuss and
I'll likely poke my head in and kibbutz a bit more.
Hope this all helped a little bit. Much more to come, obviously. And what'll we start showing off Robert Atkins' stuff.
In other words:
Larry Hama. Robert Atkins. G.I. JOE.
October '08: Issue #0 (24 pages, an all-new 16-page story and lots of sketches and interviews and such)
January '08: G.I. Joe #1 "A New Beginning" part 1 of 6.
Official press release and all that is still coming, too, but in
light of the Web leak, this seemed the best way to address the
Bonus 11th question -Will the Joe series be mini-stories
That's actually not fully determined yet. I kinda like the idea of a
nice, long run, but we'll see. Sometimes the dictates of the market now
seem to necessitate restarting with new number ones after each story.