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52toys.com which is run by S250, have posted what appear to be some spoilers for Transformers Animated episode 30. Due to the nature of this post, the spoilers will be posted further down the page, so turn away now if you do not want to read them. The spoilers, if they turn out to be true, contain information on some of the characters, both new and returning, that will appear in the episode. No pictures are available at this time.
Here is the post:
"Transformers Animated Season 3 rumor
Episode 30
Galvatron Team VS. Rodimus Prime Team
Galvatron very G1 looking ,transform into a jet
Rodimus Prime,Flame chest and pipes arms
Starscream and Megatron found some OmegaSupreme wreckages….
HotShot in Rodimus Prime Team
Female medic in Rodimus Prime Team
Some toad monster thing in Galvatron Team
no pics."
We have updated the Transformers Prototypes section of the website with mirrored image galleries of the various clear Transformers Collectors Edition Mini-bots that were sold on Yahoo Auction Japan last month. The image galleries are of:
These galleries join the image galleries of our own clear testshots.
TF08.net have posted the first in packaging images of the forthcoming Target exclusive Transformers Animated Clear Lockdown figure. The figure will probably be released in other countries as other store exclusives. For example, within the UK, the figure is likely to be released at Tesco.
Credit to Nevermore for MSN'ing me the link
Snakas has published a report on the contents of this months Hyper Hobby magazine over on his Japanse blog. Below you will find a summary of the content but in English.
The prototype of Alternity Convoy was published along with the price tag of 4725 yen. A packaged image was shown for the first time of BT-22 Convoy along with some general trivia. The Coffee Boss figures are shown as were the same Henkei and Encore figures as the recent issues of Figure King and Dengeki Hobby.
We are pleased to continue our Lucky Draw theme of updates with an update to our exclusive image gallery of the TV Magazine Gold Transformers Movie Voyager Class Optimus Prime figure with six new images showing a boxed version of the toy that we recently purchased. This boxed version has at least one variation to the loose version that we own. You can view the image gallery at Lucky Draw Transformers.com as well as Transformers At The Moon. Don't forget, that if you are after Lucky Draw information, or just images on other Lucky Draw figures, then stop by the only dedicate lucky draw website in the world, www.luckydrawtransformers.com
If you want to discuss Lucky Draws, then the perfect place for that is on the Lucky Draw board of our message board.
The latest edition of the eToys catalogue has revealed the first images of the recoloured Transformers Animated Ultra Magnus and Transformers Animated Megatron figures. The Ultra Magnus will be known as Roadbuster. you can view a scan below.
Credit goes to Linear Ranger of TFW2005 for the report.
Thanks to Oddsey for pointing out that TFW2005 member S250 has posted a censored list of characters that are due to appear in the third season of Transformers Animated. The list was posted as:
R*da***t,female medic
B***n,very G1,more bulk
B****o**,looks like a big beetle
C*******,big rabbit ears
RP,skinny,head looks like Kup
H*****t,armada head
Sp***or,toad like thing
St***a,very BM
B********er,big G1 head,cute
the “Comic Character” in the show
A****,a big different than previous show,more details I think
Red Alert,
Rodimus Prime,
Hot Shot,
Oil Slick
Chinese site TF08.net have uploaded the first images of Transformers Animated Skywarp toy and Transformers Animated Shockwave toy in packaging. They have promised more images in the coming week which will no doubt show the back of the box and probably both figures out of packaging. You can view the images below.
Don't forget that you can stay up-to-date with Transformers Animated at the number one ranked Transformers Animated website, TransformerAnimated.com