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S250 has posted part seven of his Puzzlemaster teaser which contains the outline of a Transformers Animated Season 3 character. The new pieces can be found below along with the total image thus far.
TFW2005 have reported that the character The Fallen will indeed be in the second Transformers filme, titled Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. This is the third rumour from their un-named source, and due to the close ties between TFW and Hasbro many fans are taking the information as facts.
One other possible explaination is that TFW are working alongside Paramount as part of their mis-information campaign (which hasn't previously worked due to fan sites leaking on-set images, video and information). Could it be that the Devastator and Fallen information are just mis-information, or are they true. We suggest you make up your own minds.
The Toys R Us Japan website has been updated with new images of Masterpiece Thundercracker, Henkei Ironhide and Henkei Galvatron.
S250 has updated his blog with the sixth part of his Puzzlemaster. Like always you can find the pieces below along with an image containing the entire puzzle thus far.
June 2008
1. Activators: Wave 1 (836171480) - 4x Bumblebee, 3x Bulkhead, 3x Starscream
2. Deluxe: Wave 1 (834621480) - 2x Optimus Prime, 2x Prowl, 2x Bumblebee, 2xLockdown
3. Voyager Assortment: Wave 1 (834631480) - 1x Starscream, 1x Megatron, 2x Bulkhead
4. Battle Pack w/ DVD (834641020) - Solid packed
July 2008
1. Deluxe: Wave 2 (834621481) -3x Ratchet, 3x Black Arachina. 2x Bumblebee
2. Voyager: Wave 2 (834631481) - 2x Optimus Prime, 1x Bulkhead
3. Leader Class Bulkhead (836361480) - Solid
4. Leader Class Megatron (836371480) - Solid
5. Converting Arm Blaster Optimus Prime (836161480) - Solid
August 2008
1. Bumper Battlers: Wave 1 (835041480) - 3x Bumblebee, 3x Optimus Prime, 2x Ratchet
September 2008
1. Activators: Wave 2 (836171481) - 3x Optimus Prime, 3x Lockdown, 3x Ratchet, 1x Bulkhead
2. Deluxe: Wave 3 (834621482) - 2x Snarl, 2x Jazz, 2x Soundwave, 2x Oil Slick
3. Voyager: Wave 3 (834631482) - 1x Lugnut, 1x Grimlock, 2x Blitzwing
4. Cyber Speed Bumblebee (837138480/1480) - Solid
October 2008
1. Activators: Wave 3 (836171482) - TBA
2. Deluxe: Wave 4 (834621483) - 4x Swoop, 4x Sentinal Prime
3. Deluxe: Wave 4.5 (83462148B) - 2x Swoop, 2x Sentinal Prime, 1x Jazz, 2x Elite Guard Bumblebee, 1x Prowl
4. Bumper Battlers: Wave 2 (835041481) - 4x Autobot Jazz, 4x Bulkhead
The WalMart website has been updated with two new videos from the set of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. The first video entitled Megan and Shia can also be viewed right here at Transformers At The Moon by using the player below. The second video at Walmart is called Megan Fox Audition tape.
To access the Walmart site, simply follow this link and enter the access code AllSpark62609.
Credit to TFW2005
ToyWang have once again posted an image of a Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen character online. This time the image appears to be the robot mode of the Decepticon Leader Megatron. You can view the mirrored image below.
S250 has published part 5 of his Transformers Animated Season 3 PuzzleMaster puzzle which will reveal the identity of a new character for Transformers Animated. You can find the three new pieces below along with the whole picture that has been revealed so far.
In an interview with Sci-Fi Wire, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman spoke briefly on how they wanted the Transformers sequel to raise the emotional stakes. Here are some quotes from the article, which can be read in full by click on the link.
"I think the serious answer to your question is, obviously, people will
say, 'Look, the explosions are going to be bigger,' but I think Bob and
I felt that it was our job--and continues to be our job--to say, 'It's
not really about that, because those things, in a way, are a given,'"
Kurtzman said.
Orci added: "Yeah, those things are the easy part."
Kurtzman: "What it's about is making sure the emotional stakes
feel like they are at a new place and that this movie has a reason to
tell itself beyond just 'The studio wants another Transformers
Orci: "And now that the Transformers are characters, how do you bring them to life some more?"
movie.' And a lot of that has to do with 'How do you make this movie
more emotional? How does this movie stand out from the first one?'"
Transformers 2 is about a month away from the end of principal photography, the writers said. It's slated to open on June 26, 2009
Auto Assembly 2009 Questionnaire Deadline Approaches
The guys behind AA have sent over the following release regarding the AA2009 questionnaire
"We've had a fantastic response to the paper and online surveys we've been running for Auto Assembly 2009 to help us make next year's Auto Assembly convention the biggest and best Transformers convention EVER that Europe has ever seen, but if you haven't already completed the survey, you've still got time! The closing date for the survey is the end of September 2008 and everyone who completes the survey and gives us their details will be entered into a FREE draw to win a family ticket to Auto Assembly 2009!!
Even if you didn't attend Auto Assembly 2008 - or even if you've never attended an Auto Assembly event before - we still want to hear your views, and we'd love to hear from those of you who live outside of the UK who are considering attending in the 25th anniversary year next year. Don't forget that EVERY vote counts in this survey!
We will be taking all of your responses into consideration in planning for next year, as well as all of the additional comments you may make and we've already had some wonderful ideas come forward and some VERY useful comments that we will be taking on board for next time so those of you who have already responded have started to shape Auto Assembly 2009!
You can find the survey here:-
Once the survey closes, we'll publish the results and produce a follow-up survey to go into more detail about the convention itself based on the decisions we reach and find out EXACTLY what you want from the convention!
Thanks in advance and we hope to see many of you there next year!
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly
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forum: http://autoassembly.proboards7.com
email: autoassembly@aol.com
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