ToyWang has posted some more images of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Megatron, you can view the mirrored images below.
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ToyWang has posted some more images of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Megatron, you can view the mirrored images below.
Thanks to HK-TF memeber Lowbcousin for posting various images of the e-Hobby Shop exclusive Guardian Robot Tranformers figure, a re-colour of the Transformers Encore Omega Supreme toy.
This is the first actual e-Hobby Exclusive Transformers item for some time, with previous Convention Exclusives having a limited run on the store owned by Part One Limited.
TFW2005.com have run an update on their Roberto Orci thread containing a few more pieces of information, or non-information.
In this latest batch of answers, he confirms that there are no triple changers in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Talked about it. Does a combiner count? We figure a triple changer is a good idea for part 3. (Obviously this is just conjecture on the third film)
Also covered in this round of questions - it is "certainly possible" that we will see more bickering between Megatron and Starscream, there will be "some more emphasis on the Transformers", and Roberto and fellow writers Alex Kurtzman and Ehren Kruger have "talked about" the possibility of Optimus Prime combining with another robot or even his trailer. You'd certainly hope there would be more focus on the Transformers in the second film.
Regarding Soundwave's alt mode Roberto's response was: I don't think so, but I haven't seen all the guesses.
Thanks to Cybertron Philippines the fourth Transformers Universe Special Edition figure, Dragstrip has finally be unveiled. Members of their site have gotten their hands on the figures earlier, and have taken some nice images. You can view the robot mode Dragstrip image below.
Following their report on Transformers Animated Season 2, TVShowsOnDVD are also reporting that Transformers Energon will get a released on DVD in a box set of 52 episodes from Paramount Home Entertainment. Transformers Energon: The Ultimate Collection DVD box set is set to hit the US on 13th December 2008, just in time for Christmas.
The episodes will be feature on 4 thin-pack cases that are slid into an outer slip cover. Running time is 1092 minutes.
Transformers Animated Season 2 Box Set is rumoured to be due out in the US on 3rd January 2it's being reported by TVShowsOnDVD.
On top of the 13 episodes in Season 2, the box set will contain a Season 2 photo gallery and three more Transformers Animated shorts like the two offered in the Season 1 box set. No cover art is available at this time.
The Transformers Universe Special Edition figures which we reported about this morning have now appears on the US Hasbro Toy Store as pre-orders with a December 2008 release date. The Drag Strip figure is currently missing but you can find the listings by using the links below.
SE-01 Optimus Prime Pre-Order
SE-02 Megatron Pre-Order
SE-04 Overkill Pre-Order
Transformers Animated.com has been updated with 4 new Transformers Animated toy galleries.
The new galleries are of:-
TMZ.com are reporting that A special effects technician received second and third degree burns on his right
hand and upper right thigh, while attempting to add fuel to a special effect
fire on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Apparently the technician grabbed the wrong container -- one containing
gasoline instead of the diesel fuel -- and the on-set medics and ambulance
responded, taking him to the hospital for treatment. For those wondering, the stars from the movie were, reportedly, on set at the time of the accident.
Credit to Seibertron.com for the spot.
ACToys.net member Comus has posted some images of the upcoming Transformers Universe Special Edition Optimus Prime figure. The toy is a recoloured Transformers Classics Optimus Prime (from the battle in a box pack). The black-and-white box also listed the 2nd and third releases of Megatron and Dragstrip. Megatron can just about be seen in one of the images.
Credit to Nevermore for the link
Randy of ToyWang has come through once again with some images of the alternative mode of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Megatron. The vehicle mode design sheets, which you can view below, clearly contain the label Megatron.
S250 has completed publishing the pieces of his puzzlemaster puzzle which reveals that Beachcomber will be returning to Transformers in Transformers Animated. S250's website has been unavailable over the last 48 hours so the final puzzzel took longer to complete than we hoped.
Thanks to Break for letting us know that a new Transformers Animated two pack has started appearing within Toys R Us UK stores. The set consists of deluxe Ratchet and deluxe Bumblebee with Ratchet being packaged in robot mode and Bumblebee in car mode. Ratchets 'tools' are displayed above Bumblebee along with his jet boosters, with Break noting that he believes that the intention is for it to look like Ratchet is repairing Bumblebee in his workshop. Both toys are, from what he can tell, identical to their individual versions. The set retails at £29.99.
Also new stock are the Transformers Universe Ultras (Powerglide & Onslaught) and Universe Deluxe wave 2 (Galvatron and Acid Storm).
Below you will find lots of high-resolution images of various upcoming Transformers toys from Transformers Animated, Transformers Universe, 25th Anniversary and more. The images are of:
Universe Legends: Animated Starscream, G1 Brawn, G1 Beachcomber, G1 Bumblebee
Universe Deluxes: Starscream, Cyclonus, Hound, Cheetor
Universe Voyagers: Inferno, Vector Prime
Universe Ultras: Predacon Bruticus
Robot Heroes: Perceptor vs. Hardshell, Cheetor vs. Tankor, Snarl vs. Sharkticon
Animated Deluxes: Bumblebee, Blazing Lockdown, Swindle, Blurr
Animated Voyagers: Skywarp, Shockwav
Credit to D-Drive of TFW2005 for the stock images.