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Derrick Wyatt has posted another response over on his blog in relation to the Jetfire and Jetstorm toys being leaked as well as the images that were leaked yesterday by S250 (
Regarding Jetfire and Jetstorm Derrick's latest comment was:
Hmm. It's sort of their combined mode, I guess. From the early pics I
saw the rear of the combined vehicle is supposed to be split to make an
"X" shape. It cuts a way better silhouette that way. And yes, the twins
will be in season 3.
Regarding the leaked images of Rodimus Prime, Strika, Spittor and Blackout Derrick commented with
Ugh. I hate leaks. They always have the
worst quality images. Not even any color! Oh well. Maybe you can see
that Spittor's Cybertronian vehicle form is inspired by Don Figueroa's
totally freaking awesome BW comic pre-beast Spittor design. And General
Strika! Chalk up another personal Transformers life goal for yours
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 4th October 2008 at 10:20:32 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 3rd October 2008 at 16:27:58 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 3rd October 2008 at 16:27:57 BST
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Derrick Wyatt has posted a comment on his blog regarding the Transformers Animated Jetfire and Jetstorm toys of which the first images recently hit the internet. Reaction to the toys has been pretty poor through the fan community thus far and so Derricks comments might change a few opinions or at least add to the opinions.
"I wouldn't rush to judgment on the Jetfire and Jetstorm figures yet.
Those are some pretty terrible pictures that are out there right now.
The pictures I saw way back of the grey prototypes looked really good.
And yes, of course they have hands! In both robot modes! The promo pics
are just mistransformed. Once they are properly transformed and posed
out, they should look pretty cool."
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 3rd October 2008 at 08:40:59 BST
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| Discuss: Read on have posted two images of the upcoming Transformers Henkei Lambor and Octane figure in their packaging. You can view the mirrored images below and don't forget that you can view the latest headlines from TF08 on the most comprehensive Transformers news page on the internet, our very own In The News page which contains the latest stories from 37 sources.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 2nd October 2008 at 15:34:47 BST
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In a response to the economic slowdown and parents holding back on impulse purchases, both Mattel Inc. and Hasbro Inc have now come out saying that most of their toys will cost less than $20 this Christmas. Both companies hope this move/statement will help boost profits in the 4th quarter sales especially since traditionally toymakers make at least a third of
their annual revenue in the fourth quarter.
The average toy price currently at Mattel is just under
$20, where two-thirds of Hasbro's toys sell for under that price (not so within the UK it must be noted).
Yesterday Mattel's shares climbed 10 cents to
$18.14 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange, where as Hasbro's share price fell by 35 cents (1%) to $34.37. Overall this year Mattel has lost lost 4.7 percent while Hasbro's shares have gained value by 34 percent.
Toymakers raised prices this year to counter higher plastic
and energy costs as well as increased product testing following
last year's recalls of more than 20 million Chinese-made
products. Hasbro's Goldner said the company has taken two "mid-
single-digit" price increases this year and may have to further
do so beginning in 2009.
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 2nd October 2008 at 08:36:53 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 2nd October 2008 at 08:20:48 BST
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| Discuss: Read on are reporting that the recently accident-prone Transformers star Shia Labeouf has once again injured himself this time by a prop on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen which required stiches below his eyebrow.
Credit to
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 2nd October 2008 at 08:13:49 BST
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| Discuss: Read on member Red Leader has posted an image and information of some Transformers Animated 2-packs, containing two carded bubble-pack toys The Transformers Animated toys in the stock list which he received were Prowl and Megatron (Cybertronian Mode) in one set and Blackarachnia and Optimus Prime (Earth Mode) in the second set.
Transformers Animated Deluxe Megatron and Optimus Prime were previously only available in the Battle in a Box 2-pack of the battle damaged figures.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 1st October 2008 at 18:55:40 BST
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Its been a while since we bought you the last NPD UK sales charts, so we thought it was time to publish the July figures:
July 2008 (£)
1 Ben 10 Figs 10cm Assortment Manufacturer - Bandai
2 Cars Vehicle Assortment - Mattel
3 Ben 10 15cm Action Figures - Bandai
4 All Surface Swingball - Mookie
5 Wall-E Deluxe Action Figure - Vivid
6 Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
7 In The Night Garden Mini Plush - Hasbro
8 In The Night Garden 12" Talking Plush - Hasbro
9 Dr. Who 5" Figures - Character Options
10 High School Musical Country Club Friends - Mattel
July 2008 (units)
1 Hot Wheels Car Assortment - Mattel
2 Cars Vehicle Assortment - Mattel
3 Ben 10 Figs 10cm Assortment - Bandai
4 Bubbles Billion Tub 8 oz - Placo Products
5 In The Night Garden Mini Plush - Hasbro
6 Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
7 Ben 10 15cm Action Figures - Bandai
8 Speed Racer Die-cast Vehicles - Mattel
9 Wall-E Basic Action Figures - Vivid
10 Power Rangers Operation Overdrive 12.5cm Figures - Bandai
Year-to-date (£)
1 Cars Assortment - Mattel
2 Ben 10 Figs 10cm Assortment - Bandai
3 Ben 10 Ominitrix F/X watch - Bandai
4 In The Night Garden Mini Plush - Hasbro
5 Transformers Movie Legends - Hasbro
6 Power Rangers Operation Overdrive 12.5cm Figures - Bandai
7 In The Night Garden 12" Talking Plush - Hasbro
8 Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
9 Ben 10 15cm Action Figures - Bandai
10 Transformers Movie Deluxe - Hasbro
Year-to-date (Units)
So after seven months of sales Transformers managed to keep two positions within the monetary chart but only one within the units. We expect that the Movie deluxes disappeared from the charts after August, but the Movie Legend line is looking strong and may well hang in the chart for the second year, though it does need a bit of a boost if it can retain its title as Action Figure Unit Sales of the year. Still no sign of the Transformers Animated toys though, which is not too suprising. We hope to have the August figures for you soon
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 1st October 2008 at 13:47:37 BST
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Derrick Wyatt has replied to a question raised ourselves in response to another question by Perceptor of regarding the Transformers Animated season three rumours that they received. Derrick replied with the following to Perceptors question
"'s question is a good one! I've been trying to
think of a way to answer without unleashing a mess of spoilers. But, I
haven't figured out how to do it yet".
To which we followed up with "guess we can take that as at least some of it is true, otherwise it would be an easy debunking answer". In response to our question Derrick replied with "Yes, you are right. In Perceptor's comments, one bit is true. One part
is confused (probably by a person seeing a design and making
assumptions). One is just flat out wrong.".
So there you go, one part is wrong, one is confused and one right. For those who can not remember the post at here it is again
"* Yes, there will be a season 3, Transformers Animated.
* (at least some) Episodes have been recorded.
* Transformers Animated Season 3 will begin with a multi-part episode.
* As of now (subject to change) it is scheduled to air, "next spring."
For those of you who don’t know, Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio were
the Executive Story Editors and storywriters (in my opinion) largely
responsible for the popularity of the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon
series. For this forthcoming Transformers Animated episode, they share
credit on story and script. It is the first time they have worked
together since Beast Wars. The episode title (subject to change) is:
PREDACONS RISINGWe have been told, it should be a surprise treat for all Beast Wars Fans."
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 1st October 2008 at 09:26:55 BST
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Toys R Us UK have started getting in the new Star Wars Transformers Crososvers figures, reports Break. The first assortment consists of General Grevious, Tie Bomber pilot, Anakin and a Clone Pilot. He appoligises that he can not remember the names of the spaceships they become but does point out that the Grevious and Tie Bomber are new molds whereas the Anakin one looks like a remold. The Clone pilot looks the same to me as a figure from a while back (the transport type ship at the end of ep.2 but with a mounts painted on).
Thanks once again to Break for the report.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 1st October 2008 at 09:05:22 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 18:20:10 BST
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We had an incredible response to our first survey about Auto Assembly 2009 and it's allowed us to make a lot of key decisions for next year's Auto Assembly convention to help us make it the biggest and best Transformers convention EVER that Europe will ever see. Thanks to YOUR input, we can confirm that Auto Assembly 2009 will be a TWO-DAY Transformers-only convention to be held once again in Birmingham, England, this time in our new venue, the Holiday Inn right in the City Centre.
We are still working on the exact date but we have a lot of exciting plans for the weekend including not one but TWO voice actors and a packed weekend of activities with so much going on that you won't have much free time during the weekend and plenty of different acitivies and events each day. Full weekend passes will be available as well as the option to book for single days but once again, we want to make sure that the convention is tailored to fit what YOU all want. So we're running another more detailed survey...
This time we want to know exactly what you want to see during the weekend. It's your chance to influence the programme during the weekend - what the focus of the convention will be, what events and activities we will have and even the type of things you want to see from our dealers!! 2009 is the 25th Anniversary of Transformers so lets celebrate in style!
Even if you haven't attended Auto Assembly before we still want to hear your views, and we'd love to hear from those of you who live outside of the UK who are considering attending in the 25th anniversary year next year. Don't forget that EVERY vote counts in this survey!
We will be taking all of your responses into consideration in planning for next year, as well as all of the additional comments you may make and we've already had some wonderful ideas come forward and some VERY useful comments that we will be taking on board for next time so those of you who have already responded have started to shape Auto Assembly 2009!
You can find the survey here:-
The survey is only going to be open for a limited period of time as we want to confirm the date and first voice actor as soon as possible (we have one close to signing on the dotted line already!) and open bookings quickly so the closing date is Wednesday 15th October 2008.
Thanks in advance and we hope to see many of you there next year!
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly
tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 15:56:27 BST
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Category: Site Sponsors
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 12:22:16 BST
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