Transformers Animated .com's toy image area for the character of Blurr has been updated with several new in and out of packaging pictures supplied by TF08.net
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Transformers Animated .com's toy image area for the character of Blurr has been updated with several new in and out of packaging pictures supplied by TF08.net
Chinese Transformers fan and well renounded Prototype seller S250 has posted some interesting rumours regarding the toy version of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Devastator.
In the Gestalt version, most construction vehicles [are] just transformable drones as a part of Devastator, [with] no robot mode. These vehicles will get Deluxe versions [that] can transform to robots, but I think Deluxe version [won't] combine.
S250 claims to have spoken to a Transformers brand product manager.
You can see the original news story here.
Transformers Animated leaked sample buyer peaugh has posted a video review on YouTube featuring the Jetfire / Jetstorm double pack.� Peaugh covers the figures in their individual vehicle and robot modes as well as their combined vehicle and robot form.� He has also uploaded several images to his photobucket account which we've mirrored below.
Snakas has published some details of the content of the latest issue of Hyper Hobby Magazine. Here is an English summary:
Prototype images were published of the Transformers Disney Label Mickey Mouse including three images of the figure in robot mode and three in vehicle mode.� No images were published in Hyper Hoby of the transformation process, but this was including in other publications.
New images were published of both the red and silver versions of Transformers Alternity Convoy. The photographs of the silver version are the same as all of the other hobby magazines.
Two design images were shown of the upcoming Transformers Masterpiece Grimlock figure.� The images were the same as those used in Dengeki Hobby Magazine.
Transformers Henkei Hound and Cheetas were shown as were Transformers Encore Trailbreaker and Transformers Encore Hoist.
Finally, new images were published of Music Label Excile Convoy, e-Hobby Exclusive Sunstorm and e-Hobby exclusive Black Megatron.
In the latest issue of TV Magazine (the December issue), the normal end-of-year Lucky Draw competition was held.� The Transformers included in this months competition are a gold Transformers Henkei Convoy and a Gold Henkei Galvatron.� Both limited to 5 pieces.� The draw will be made around March / April 2009, with at least 15 pieces being made (As they always make more than are published in the magazine).� We hope to get a copy of this months magazine and will bring you some scans as soon as it arrives
Thanks to SydneyY for the pictures.
Japanese online retailed Love Dream Happiness has updated a listing it has for Transformers Exile Convoy, the red recolour of the MP3 speaker convoy.
The store is selling Excile Convoy for 20,000 yen, which is around 105 GBP.
Thanks to Snakas for the spot
yizhi521 of TF08.net has posted some new images of the upcoming Transformers Animated
Blurr deluxe figure. The images feature Blurr in both robot and vehicle mode as well as showing both the front and back of the box.� You cna view the images on Blurr page of TransformersAnimated.com
Japanese online retailer Mamegyorai has been updated with listings for Transformers Alternity Megatron (both version), Transformere Henkei Dinobot and Transformers 25th Annivrsary HotShot.
The latter two listings include images of the toys, in which appear to be a testshot for Dinobot and the prototype for HotShot (unpainted).� You can see the images by clicking the thumbnails below.
�Nelson, the admin of Michael Bays official website, has posted a breif news story to announced that "As of this week, principal photography for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has ended.".� This news follows recent reports that Shia LaBeouf had completed all of his scenes whilst filming was ongoing in Egypt..
Two more auctions for the upcoming Transformers Universe combiner toys have appeared on ebay.� The first is for Bruticus and the second for Superion.
The auction for Bruticus ended with a Buy It Now price of $79.99, some what higher than the retailed cost for the Transformers figures.
Kapow Toys have stopped by to let us know about the new items in this week.
�HTS Exclusives Dragstrip, Overkill, Megs and Prime | ���� ![]() |
�Universe Minicon 5 Packs | |
�Universe Leader Prime and Crumplezone 2 Pack | |
�MP Thundercracker | |
�Henkei Hound and Ravage | |
�Henkei Cyclonus |
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