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Seibertron.com have a nice summary of the Transformers comics released this week.
This week sees the release of a Trade Paperback, reprints of the
transformers Animated Cinemanga, and a reprint of Spotlight Prime that
comes in 3 Dimensions.
The full release listing is as follows:
- Transformers: Reign of Starscream TPB, which is packed with extras.
- Transformers: Animated Vol. 1 [3rd printing]
- Transformers: Animated Vol. 3 [2nd printing]
- Transformers: Animated Vol. 4 [2nd printing]
- Transformers Spotlight: Optimus Prime 3-D.
And thanks to From the Tip,
the blog of IDW's Transformers Editor Denton Tipton, it looks like next
week, the 26th of November 2008 will be a quieter week with only one
Transformers release:
- All Hail Megatron #5.
Thanks to Yizhi521 yet again for brining more images of an upcoming, unreleased, Transformers figure, this time in the form of the Transformers Universe Smokescreen toy.
yizhi521, of TF08.net, has posted some more images of the figure believed to be Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave. You can view the mirrored images below.
Thanks to TF08's Yizhi521 for posting three more images of the upcoming Transformers Universe Leo Prime toy. The figure is a repainted Transformers Cybertron Leo Breaker (Transformers Galaxy Force Liger Jack), in Optimus Prime colours (red and blue).
Yizhi521 has several of the toys for sale, all bagged.
We've got two quick website updates for you today, one for Transformers Animated.com and the other for Transformers At The Moon.
The first update comes thanks to Barry Shaw and is a fully image gallery of the largest Transformers Animated toy currently available, Roll Out Command Optimus Prime.
The second update come thanks to another member of the Transformers At The Moon community, Sonny, and consists of a full image gallery of Transformers Movie Leader Class Premium Optimus Prime.
This takes the total number of Transformers Toys featured on Transformers At The Moon to a whopping 1,249 Transformers toys.
TF08.net's yizhi521 has posted an image of a recently acquired sample. he has received, of Transformers Animated Roadbuster Ultra Magnus. The toy is a redeco of the Animated Ultra Magnus figure but in the Generation One Roadbusters colour scheme. You can view the mirrored image below.
The final paint schemes for TakaraTomy's upcoming Transformers Henkei Dirge (Toy Hobby Exclusive) and Thrust (Ganbo-Store Exclusive) have now been revealed.
Both figures will go on sale on the 13th November (today) as 10am Japanese time (so they are already available for pre-ordering). Both figures are 3465 yen including tax, with an order deadline of the 10th December 2008. The figures will ship in March, so you can expect them to hit ebay at the end of that month and the start of April 2009.
Credit to Snakas for the original report.
TF08.net member Comus of TF08.net has posted several high resolution images of the upcoming Transformers Animated Swindle toy. You can view the mirrored images in Swindle's miscellaneous toy image section on TransformersAnimated.com
The Transformers Collectors Club have updated their website with a preview of of their next magazine. The image includes a small picture of two season three Tranformers Animated charactersRodimus and Strika. You can view an image of the characters below.
The first voice actor guest has been announced for Auto Assembly 2009 as has been announced as Ian James Corlett, who voiced Cheetor in both Beast Wars and Beast Machines. Auto Assembly 2009 will take place over two days and will have two voice actors as guests for the first time in its history.
IDW have published several preview images for their Transformers Animated The Arrival issue 4 comic.
Remember you can find out lots of information, see preview images and find statistics on the Transformers Animated comics at Transformers Animated.com