TF08.net owner yizhi521has posted a new image of the upcoming Transformers Animated Activator Dirge on his message board. The figure is for sale for $5.
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TF08.net owner yizhi521has posted a new image of the upcoming Transformers Animated Activator Dirge on his message board. The figure is for sale for $5.
Derrick Wyatt has updated his blog with more images of this "other" desk, showing off yet more Transformers which he has on display to help him with his creative ideas.
Derrick mentions that he'd love to have Blast Off, the Sharkticons and Battle Beasts in Transformers Animated, but doesn't think it will be very likely... well nto at this point anyway.
You can see the article and Derrick's replies at A Delightful Tedium.
Transformers leaked sample collector Peaugh has posted a video review of the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave toy on YouTube. You can watch the videos below.
<br・>There were a few new Lucky Draw Transformers auctions appear on ebay last night including an auction for the Transformers Car Robots Black Fire Convoy you.
Black Fire Convoy is one of the more popular Lucky Draw Transformers figures,
Thanks to Oddsey for posting two new clearer images of the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave on our message board. You can view the images below and discuss this figure as well as the upcoming movie on our message board.
TF08.net's yizhi521has posted two images of the upcoming Transformers Encore Trailbreaker figure of which he has picked up a sample. Both images show the figure in vehicle mode and can be viewed here and here.
We have created two new toy galleries of some upcoming Transformers Universe figures, mirroring some images that were posted over on the message board of Chinese fansite TFClub by wangbaobao.
The galleries are of Transformers Universe Hound and Transformers Universe Ravage and feature both toys in robot and alternative modes.
The Allspark have received various stock images of upcoming Transformers toys include a set of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Aerialbots, previously listed as Transformers Universe Aerialbots.
You can see the stock images here
S250 has update his blog with another concept drawing for a new character in Transformers Animated series three. This time the new character is Generation One fan favorite Brawn.
You can see S250's post on his blog.
Hasbro is looking to recruit a senior brand manager for its Transformers range.
firm is looking for someone to take the reins on the Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen toy line is released alongside what is expected
to be the biggest summer movie of 2009.
Transformers: RoTF is
expected to build on the success of the movie year 2007, when
Transformers became the number one boys toy and licence.
is looking for an exceptional individual who can not only work closely
with Paramount pictures, UK retail, Hasbro sales teams, media and PR
agencies in the UK but also support a global marketing drive.
is not just a movie line: the range also consists of Universe and
Animated lines, contributing to its 25-year success.
The ideal candidate will have significant relevant experience, ideally in a kids or entertainment role.
Experience in budget management is required as the role has a large
A&P. The successful applicant will also need to have strong
management skills to enthuse the sales team.
Hasbro is looking
for somebody with trade appreciation of the UK retail scene and a
person who is self-motivated, highly organised and ambitious with high
Applicants for the role should have a long-term
strategy and short-term pragmatism outlook and have a knowledge of
media, creative, promotional and PR agencies.
Finally, the right person for the job will need to be a team player.
Please forward your CV and covering letter to careers@hasbro.co.uk
TF08 member eToysHunter has posted two interested images of what appears to be the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave toy.
This figure appears to transform into a Cybertronian Space Craft (or jet)
The figure has some similarities to Vector Prime.
TF08 member Yizhi521 has come through again with another Transformers Animated figure which is yet to be released. This time the toy he has got his hands on is Transformers Animated Wreck-Gar.
The photograph shows both vehicle and robot form.
Derrick Wyatt has updated his blog with a new post regarding the IDW Transformers Animated comic character The Wraith.
"I was lucky enough to have a tiny bit of spare time a while back where I got to design The Wraith for the IDW comic Transformers Animated The Arrival, written by TFA's own Marty Isenberg. I really jumped at the chance to draw him because Marty has had the idea for this character right from the get go of our show. It was also fun just to get to do an old school HB-esque super hero." writes Derrick who also posts a design sheet image in his article.
In related news Jim Sorenson has put up a new blog that is dedicated to Transformers design models that did not make it into the two volumes of The Ark that he Bill Forster did for IDW. You can view his blog, Disciples of Boltax, at http://boltax.blogspot.com/.