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Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to. has been updated with the brochure for this years event.
Special Guests-featuring voice actors, artists and of course the Hasbro Transformers Team. The Hasbro Team will be on hand the entire weekend to show you the upcoming products and to answer your burning Transformers questions.
Panels and Seminars-led by Hasbro, special guests and experts in the Transformers community. These presentations will totally immerse you in all things Transformers. Learn inside information, meet celebrities, watch demonstrations and more!
Sales Room-features over 200 tables of Transformers merchandise for sale. There are thousands of items each year that trade hands in this BotCon focal point.
Transformers Film Fest-displays the talents of Transformers fans from all over the world. Come watch as stories you have never dreamed of are shown on the big screen!
Contests-showcase the incredible skills of Transformers artists everywhere. Start designing your entries today as you could be a big winner in one of the five different BotCon contests.
How to draw Transformers-provides you with the basic drawing skills to start drawing your own versions of your favorite Transformers heroes. These demonstrations are led by artists from the Hasbro team.
Transformers Customizing Class‑a day long optional event, that teaches fans to take off-the-shelf toys and create new characters by repainting the existing toy’s factory colors.
Local Tours-always a great way to start your week, touring the Los Angeles area with your fellow Transformers fans! This is a great way to meet other fans and share memories that will last a lifetime!
MSTF-a hilarious fun-filled evening where Transformers fans parody all things Transformers from cartoons to the live action movie, all on the big screen. MSTF is the Transformers version of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. You will laugh so hard your sides will hurt!
Room to Room Trading‑provides collectors a chance to swap, buy and sell items from their personal collections in the evenings when the Dealer Room is closed. Have just a few extras you would like to swap? Well, this is your chance to trade with other collectors.
Party at Paramount-the culmination of our festivities celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Transformers! Tour the back lot, have dinner, and enjoy the camaraderie of fans from all over the world! Watch for more announcements about this event. This will be a night you’ll never forget!
Fan Achievement Awards‑allows attendees to vote for their favorite web sites achievements in several different categories. Be sure to vote and support your favorite sites!
Exclusives - Battle of Beta 9
Wings of Honor Convention Set: A five-figure boxed set which includes
Kup, Thunderclash, Landshark, Flak, and Scourge, plus Primus Package Exclusive Figure
While at the show, make sure you stop by the club booth to get the latest release of the Revenge of the Fallen movie products! BotCon will be the first time the mainline products will be offered for sale and each piece will come with a gold foil BotCon 2009 First Release sticker! These are sure to become instant collectibles as we will have a limited number on hand.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 16:41:51 GMT
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 15:35:43 GMT
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Type-R has reported that TakaraTomy's site has been updated with a section for Transformers Alternity.
The site now features images of alt and bot modes of A-01 Convoy (Ultimate Metal
Silver and Vibrant Red editions) in different profiles, flash animation
of its "Synchrotech" transformation, toy features as well as desktop
Oddly, they've used a silhouette of Henkei Sunstreaker/Lambor to represent A-02 Megatron as "Coming Soon".
Both color variants of A-01 Convoy will be released in Japan next Thursday.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 15:15:24 GMT
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TFWorld2005 have several images of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Breakaway in plan mode.
Meanwhile two auctions for the toy, priced at 99c, have appeared on ebay here and here.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 15:14:31 GMT
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An ebay auction has appeared for the Transformers Micron Legend Jetfire figure (Transformers Armada Jetfire).
You can see a ful gallery of this figure on Lucky Draw Transformers, and the auction by clicking the first link.
It's been a little while since thsi figure has appeared on Western auction sites.
Update: An auction for Gold Convoy, the other half of the Micron Legend JetConvoy toy has also appeared.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 09:53:25 GMT
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We interviewed them two years ago regarding their previous Transformers mobile games, and now Glu have published a press release stating that they will be producing another mobile game based on the smash hits sequal, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 09:50:07 GMT
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Takara Tomy have updated their Transformers website with their new
products due for release on the 26th February. Included in this is an all new
section for the Transformers Disney Label and both versions of the Mickey Mouse Transformer - color and monochrome.
The Transformers Henkei section has also be updated with Henkei Ratchet and Inferno, as well as the comic which comes included with Henkei Ironhide and Galvatron.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 09:47:58 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated with listings for the US release of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen computer game as the 16th June 2009. Listing
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 09:46:13 GMT
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Former site sponsor Kapow toys have annouced the UK case assortments for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
Deluxe Preview Figures - £12.99
1) Soundwave x 4
2) Bumblebee x 4
Deluxe Wave 1 - £12.99
1) MV2 Car x 4
2) Sideswipe x 2
3) Rampage x 1
4) Breakaway x 1
Voyager Wave 1 - £22.99
1) Demolisher x 1
2) Starscream x 1
3) Ironhide x 1
4) Optimus Prime x 1
Leader Class Wave 1 - £44.99
1) Optimus Prime
2) Decepticon ?????
Supreme Combiner - £99.99
1) ? Devastator x 1
2) ? Devastator x 1
Human Alliance Wave 1 - £29.99
1) Bumblebee and Sam x 3
Movie Scout Wave 1 - £7.99
1) Rollbar x 3
2) Deadend x 3
3) Knockout x 3
4) Dirtboss x 3
looking at the list you will notice the absence of any Fallen or
Jetfire figures, take it with a pinch of salt but the rep with whom I
did the order with today is under the impression that the supreme
combiner master carton may contain a leader Class Optimus and Jetfire
Combiner set, nothing to base this on as of yet but an interesting
With regard to the lack of name for the 2nd toy in the leader class
master carton I would speculate its as simple as they want to keep megs
a secret or we're getting a leader class fallen fig.
Have a good one!
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 20th February 2009 at 09:44:34 GMT
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Thanks to An Unknown Tipster for posing the following Transformers Animated Toys R US sale information.
Hey guys. Just to let you know TRU has Roll Out Prime and both Leader and Activator packs for £19.99. Bargainous. And their exclusive Movie voyagers are now only £14.99.
Mmm repaint-tastic.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: KingGrimlock -
on: Thursday, 19th February 2009 at 16:03:03 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 19th February 2009 at 10:29:51 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on board member GenZhao has posted some images of the instructions that come with the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Starscream figure. You can view the images by clicking the link at the start of this news story
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 19th February 2009 at 10:16:04 GMT
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Thanks to Sven for sending in the following report of Buy One Get One Free at Sainsburys
Hi all,
Did the weekly shop today and ended up having to go to Tesco and Sainsburys. There are some great offers running around:
Animated Rollout Optimus Prime half price at £24.98
Animated Leader Bulkhead at £19.98
Animated DVD double pack at £10.00
However the offer that caught my attention the most considering how often Universe items are missed out of store offers:
Universe Classic Deluxes £12.99, buy one get one free. (Shame my local only had Acid Storm and Sideswipe in stock)
Also of note that the Tesco Extra (Cradley Heath) had the Universe Voyager versions of Dropshot, and Leo Prime plus "Exclusive" Animated "Deluxe bundles" featuring a yellow Ratchet with two activators at £20.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 18th February 2009 at 23:09:52 GMT
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The Transformers Collectors' Club staff members were lucky enough to be
given the chance to have a sneak peek at some scenes from the upcoming
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" movie, as well as sit in on a
series of interviews from Hasbro's Senior Vice president Wayne Charness.
Wayne Charness's interviewees were Director Micheal Bay, Producer
Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, actor Tyrese Gibson and Hasbro's Chief
Executive Officer Brian Goldner.
After their sneak peek at some of the scenes from the movie, Rik
Alvarez of the Transformers Collectors Club was given the opportunity
to ask Michael Bay several more in depth questions.
To check out the full TFCC interview, please
click here.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 18th February 2009 at 19:43:00 GMT
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 17th February 2009 at 22:07:44 GMT
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