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S250 has posted the first image of what he reports is the Botcon 2009 exclusives Skyquake and Leozak. Skyquake was recently mentioned as being a BotCon exclusive by Andrew Wildman and is based on the Generation One figure of the same name where as Leozak is based on the Transformers Victory character of the same name.
The latest issue of Hyper Hobby (and other Japanese magazines) are now out on sale as as you could have guessed, have been scanned by various Japanese and Chinese collectors forums. Below you will find a scan from the current issue of Hyper Hobby showing several of this months releases include the highly anticipated Masterpiece Grimlock figure.
Thanks to "Phoenix Hobby" for sending through some images of their recently aquired Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Optimus Prime, Demolisher and Fast Action Battler Megatron figures. All of these toys are not yet out in stores.
Thanks to "Road to Heaven"for sending through three images of his recently purchased Transformers Alternity Convoy and Transformers Disney Label Mickey Mouse. The images include a nice size comparison of the figures which can be viewed below.
TF08.net's Yizhi has posted an out-of-packaging image of the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wheelie toy over on the TF08.net forums. The toy is not correctly transformed in the image which can also be viewed below.
We thought we'd remind everyone that the discount available for the early bird registration for Auto Assembly 2009 ends at the end of this month, March 2009.
Auto Assembly 2009 is set to become the biggest UK Transformers convetion to date, along with breaking a few other UK records. It is the first 2 day Transformers event in the UK and currently features13 guests including
Stay tuned to Transformers At The Moon this month as we look to bring you more information on Auto Assembly 2009 including what you can expect from us in the form of a toy display. If our plans works out, we dont' think you'll be disappointed - though you'll need to attend both days to see everything.
GenZhao has posted a video review on youTube for the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Megatron figure. You can view the review using the plug-in below.
On the order slip in this months Master Collector magazine were four listings for previously unheard of Transformers Animated figures. The toys were Ratchet (another recolour no doubt), Freeway Jazz (a recolour), Blackout and Wingblade Optimus Prime.
No images are available at this time and with other waves seemingly being cancelled, time will tell as to whether these items see an actual release
As we are about to tick-over into March we thought it was about time to bring you the UK sales figures for January 2009. As you may have guessed Transformers does not make either list with Bandai's Ben 10 series continuing to lead the way.
UK January 2009 (£ Sales - value)
1. Ben 10 15cm Action Figures - Bandai
2. Star Wars Clone Wars Basic Figures - Hasbro
3. Dr Who 5" Figures - Character Options
4. Ben 10 10cm Assortment - Bandai
6. Cars Vehicle Assortment - Mattel
7. Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Bandai
8. Bakugan Starter Pack - Spin Master
9. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
10. In The Night Garden Talking Plush - Hasbro
UK January 2009 ( Unit Sales - Volume)
1. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
2. Cars Vehicle ASsortment - Mattel
3. Match Attax Cards 08/09 - Topps
4. Ben 10 Figures 10CM Assortment - Bandai
5. Dr Who 5" Figures - Character Options
6. SE Die-cast vehicles - Mattel
7. Star Wars CLone Wars Basic Figures - Hasbro
8. Ben 10 15cm Action Figures - Bandai
9. Power Rangers Jungle Fury Figures - Bandai
10. Bakugan Booster Pack - Spin Master
Blueshirt2k5 of www.redshirt.co.uk sent in the following UK sightings report for Universe Inferno and Vector Prime.
"Bit of an interesting one this. I found what I think is a first sighting of Universe Inferno and Vector Prime in a toyshop in Weston Super-Mare called Lloyd's Toys.
It wasn't a speciality shop, they were both £19.99 on the shelves and in the European multilingual packaging which indicates this is an official release rather than something imported.
Pics of Inferno's box as proof:
Their website. Not finished yet it seems, but has a contact number if anyone wants to try to nab stuff from them: http://www.lloydstoys.co.uk"
Following on from the annoucement of the start date for Transformers Animated Series 3 in Canada, TFormers have received a press release from Cartoon Network detailing not only the US air date but also a summary of the first three episodes
"The 'Robots in Disguise' are back for a third season on Cartoon
Network, starting with 'TransWarped,' a 90-minute special movie event
on Saturday, March 14, at 8 a.m. (ET, PT). Based on
the beloved 1980's toys, TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED is set on Earth in the
near future in Detroit. The story begins when the alien TRANSFORMERS
are thrust into a world populated by humans and automatons. As visitors
and RATCHET-work in the human world, interacting with the "natives" in
exciting and humorous ways. Following the AUTOBOTS across the galaxy to
their new home is the megalomaniacal MEGATRON and his army of ruthless
DECEPTICONS, a brutal race of war-mongering robots who seek to use the
ALLSPARK as their ultimate weapon of destruction!
- Saturday, March 14: 'TransWarped' - As Sari
and Sumdac deal with the fallout from her shocking discovery, the
Autobots try to contact Cybertron to warn them of the traitor in their
midst. Meanwhile, Megatron inadvertently stumbles upon a new plan to
take over Cybertron, where an increasingly desperate Longarm attempts
to cover his tracks.
-Saturday, March 21: 'Where is Thy Sting?' - A
crazed Wasp finds his way to Earth to exact his revenge on Bumblebee...
but he doesn't count on the Elite Guard following him.
- Saturday, March 28 : 'Five Servos of Doom' - Sentinel has incredible success capturing fugitive Decepticons, leading Prowl to suspect he's getting help."