We've received word form Lucy over at NTF-Archive.de that they have received some "super high resolution pictures" of the Revenge of the Fallen Rampage toy from their site member LimeWire. To view the gallery, just click the link in this article
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We've received word form Lucy over at NTF-Archive.de that they have received some "super high resolution pictures" of the Revenge of the Fallen Rampage toy from their site member LimeWire. To view the gallery, just click the link in this article
BotCon.com has been updated with images of Tunderclash, the latest BotCon 2009 exclusive figure and a repainted version of Transformer Superlink Rodimus (Transformers Energon Rodimus).
The toy features a colour scheme based on the European Exclusive leader, who's mold was later used as Transformers Machine Wars Optimus Prime.
The toy looks pretty nice, but you have to fear for the future of the mainly white toy.
ÂTitan Magazines have sent through the following press release regarding the unprinted stories from the UK Transformers Animated comic.
Transformers Comic now with added Transformers Animated!
Transformers Comic #23, on sale March 26, is a 68-page, giant sized, comic strip packed issue, bulging at the staples with a heady mix of robot action. Issue #23 is a must for Transformers Animated fans!
For the next three issues everyone¹s favourite Detroit based characters will be appearing in Transformers Comic, as the story started in Transformers Animated Comic continues.
A quick update on the tale so far It¹s 22nd Century Detroit, and Optimus Prime and his band of Autobots  Prowl, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead  are busy trying to protect Earth from the tyrannical Megatron and his treacherous band of Decepticons. Helping them in their fight is human girl Sari, and new recruit Afterburn  an academy-trained, special ops Œbot, sent to Earth to learn more about humans and their customs for Cybertron¹s Elite Guard. While the Autobots are fighting evil, Starscream, Megatron¹s duplicitous former second-in-command, is operating as a renegade Decepticon  and he¹s about to cause BIG trouble for Prime and co.
Transformers Comic #23 will also feature our original comic story ŒRevolution¹  complete with an incredible shock ending, and the next instalments of Megatron Origins #3 and Beast Wars #3.
Find out if your Transformers knowledge is strong enough to grant you entry to Cyberton, with our entrance exam! Plus, there¹s a profile of charismatic Beast Machine Magmatron and a chance to win a must have Nintendo Wii and a limited edition Nintendo DS and games!
Transformers Comic issue #23 On-sale Now!
For more information and to subscribe visit:Titan Comics
The TF Live Movie blog has been updated with some information that former Blink-182 drummer, Travis Barker, has been working on a song for Buster Rhymes which he says is set to appear in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
Lucy from NTF-Archive has been quiet busy posting another news story, this time point out that NTF-Archive.de has post new images of some of the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen toys!
The toys displayed are:
Scout Dirt Boss
Scout Dead End
Scout Knock Out
Scout Rollbar
Deluxe Soundwave
Deluxe Sideswipe
Deluxe Sideways
Deluxe Rampage
Voyager Demolishor
To see all the new Pics follow the Link here: New RotF Pics (Click on the THumbmails to enlarge Pics)
Lucy from NTF-Archive has stopped by to post the latest information on C.O.N.S, the first German Transformers Convention.
This year the first german Transformers Fan Convention is set for the 18. and 19. July 2009!
The Convention takes place in Germany in the City Viersen on the Street: Hormesfeld 12
You can get all the Info´s and Pics, like the Flyer here: NTF-Archive.de
There is also a first Teaser online for the C.O.N.S. that you can watch here: C.O.N.S.-Teaser
I've got two new Transformers Toy Galleries for you today. The first is a small mirror of some images which recently appeared on ebay for a clear Transformers Collectors Editon / Encore Dirge toy
The second for our latest Transformers purchase, the 25th Anniversary Transformers Universe Darkwind toy. This figure is a recoloured version of Transformers Universe Silverbolt using the Generation One Darkwing colours. Darkwind was the combined form of Dreadwind and Darkwing in the original Transformers Series.
Cybergundam blog has posted some scans from the latest issue of Dengeki Hobby Magazine which includes a page showing both of the final versions of Transformers Alternity Megatron, Henkei Smokescreen and Red Alert (the last two figures in the Henkei series as confirmed by this months Figure King) as well as a Transforming Autobot symbol.
Cybergundam blog has posted some scans from the latest issue of Dengeki Hobby Magazine which includes a page showing both of the final versions of Transformers Alternity Megatron, Henkei Smokescreen and Red Alert (the last two figures in the Henkei series as confirmed by this months Figure King) as well as a Transforming Autobot symbol.
Thanks to Oddsey for posting on our message board about a UK sighting for Transformers Universe Darkwing and Countdown found at Toys R Us. These figures haven't even hit the stores within the US yet so this is a a major coup for the UK and the first time since Alternators Windcharge and Ravage (v2) were released here early.
Also Oddsey is reporting that Transformers Animated Shockwave and Skywarp now up for pre-order at Play.com, that Sainsburys have reduced the Prime/Megs/DVD twin pack to £7.33 and that Tesco have reduced the price of Animated Deluxe figures to £7.49! You can read more here
Thanks to Oddsey for posting on our message board about a UK sighting for Transformers Universe Darkwing and Countdown found at Toys R Us. These figures haven't even hit the stores within the US yet so this is a a major coup for the UK and the first time since Alternators Windcharge and Ravage (v2) were released here early.
Also Oddsey is reporting that Transformers Animated Shockwave and Skywarp now up for pre-order at Play.com, that Sainsburys have reduced the Prime/Megs/DVD twin pack to �7.33 and that Tesco have reduced the price of Animated Deluxe figures to �7.49! You can read more here