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Cartoon Network have released a preview video episode 36: Predacons Rising via their website. To view the video you normally have to complete a trivia quiz, but the video has already been posted on YouTube so you can watch it below
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th April 2009 at 09:15:35 BST
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Thanks to Neurie for sending through news and images of sightings for the Transformers Universe Cheetor, Starscream and some Mighty Muggs in the Entertainer. Cheetor and Starscream where priced at £14.00 with the Mighty Mugs priced at £10. Neurie also points out that Hamleys are stocking the Might Mugs as well, but for £13. You can view some images below.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th April 2009 at 09:02:18 BST
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New Transformers Archive
have posted some high resolution image gallery of the currently unknown
cargo plane Transformer from Revenge of the Fallen as well as Breakaway which you can view here and here.
Credit to for the news
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 7th April 2009 at 09:07:13 BST
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| Discuss: Read on have posted an interview with Auto Assembly organiser Simes which covers some of the events you can look forward to for this years UK Transformers convention.
You can read the full interview on their message board.
Transformers Animated Designer Brianne Drouhard updated her blog with a new Transformers Animated character design. It's Glyph, a Botcon Exclusive character from 2002, which you can see here.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 4th April 2009 at 10:41:06 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has had a chance to sit down with Transformers Animated lead charcter designed Derrick Wyatt to perform an interview with him. In the interview he talks about Season 3, some of the new characters as well as teases of a Fortress Maximus appearance.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 4th April 2009 at 10:39:42 BST
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TFWiki has posted a translation of the story and profile for Transformers Alternity Convoy.
“From Here to Alternity”
[World ID: Primax 109.0 Beta]
The time is 2009. The place is another Earth. There, the robot life
forms called Cybertrons and humanity live peacefully together. However,
a quarter century after they first met, an unknown threat endangers the
world. On the four outer planets of the solar system, large marks
resembling the claws of a beast have simultaneously appeared.
On Earth, following the appearance of the marks, a mysterious ring of
light appeared in the skies above Vancouver, America. When the
Cybertron army deployed there, the ring of light floated above their
heads in the shape of a closed racetrack, and around it was racing
something that appeared to be a silver sports car. When Commander
Convoy saw this strange sight, he whispered, “The promised time has
arrived,” and he stopped his compatriots as they prepared for battle.
“That visitor is our friend. To be more precise, that is the me of
another world. It is Convoy.”
Two years before, he had met a messenger from another world and made a
secret promise. In the year 2009, the evil Megatron would bring the
terrifying Beast of Time and come to destroy the Earth. The beast
“Hytherion” was a super-dimensional life form and a powerful enemy that
those on Earth could not even touch. The only thing that could act
against this threat was the power of the multi-dimensional space
protectors called “Alternity.” Convoy agreed that when the danger
appeared, he would become a member of Alternity and fight alongside
In the center of the ring, a spacetime window opened and a shining
metallic frame appeared from within. Convoy fused with the frame, and
before the Cybertrons’ eyes, he was reshaped and transformed into a
form matching that of the silver visitor. In that instant, he was
reborn as a manifestation of the Alternity super-beings. As Convoy
raised his hand into the skies and cast aside the veil of the
dimensions, the row of Hytherion’s giant fangs became visible covering
the heavens. And so, with modern Earth as its stage, an unimaginable
battle began.
Higher Definition
Biology: Alternity is a future form of the Transformers which, after
900,000 years, have evolved into a celestial being. Their bodies are
made of a higher-dimensional material called Alternium, and they have
huge forms that straddle multiple parallel worlds. As a result, it is
impossible for terrestrial beings to comprehend the entirety of their
appearance. Each individual fuses with their selves of countless
parallel worlds to make up a giant manifold being. The word Alternity,
referring to their multi-dimensional nature, has become the name for
the entire species.
Abilities: They are able to “reach out their hand” to various time
periods and dimensional worlds, and they can use their powers to
manipulate reality and duplicate timelines. Furthermore, when taking
individual action on the mortal plane, they use Transformer bodies
called “Auto-Avatars.” Each avatar’s mechanical function is about the
same as that of a modern Transformer, but various high functions have
been added through the technology of the Alternity. The Auto-Avatars
normally transform into the form of a sports car, which is the most
efficient method of transportation for using the super-dimensional
locomotion of the Timaeus Drive.
Weaknesses: The Alternity are experts on dealing with multiple
dimensions, but they are not omnipotent in the matter of time travel.
Their greatest weakness is that they cannot move under their own power
to any time prior to when Alternium was first created; that is, Earth
date 2007. This often works to their disadvantage when battling
Hytherion. For missions that go past this barrier, they must use
long-range time-space weapons, or the aid of non-Alternity agents
called “Protectors.”
A-01 Masterlord Convoy
Alternity Grand Commander Convoy
Alt-mode: Nissan GT-R
Convoy’s new form, which transforms into a GT-R sports car, is a very
unusual transformation in which he uses the super-material frame built
into his body to link with the hyper-being from the future,
“Alternity.” This body, which is known as the “Auto-Avatar,” is in a
way an avatar of Convoy that has evolved into a higher form. Alternity
includes a collective of many Convoys from different dimensions, and
each of them can have its own avatar. So far, the two Auto-Avatars that
are known to exist are the silver one known as “Vector 01” that was
created in the “BT World” from which Alternity originates, and the red
traditionally-colored “Vector 109.” Each has ranged space-time weapons
on both arms called “tachyon blasters,” and in car mode, they can
activate the Timaeus Drive that opens the super-dimensional portal.
With these new abilities, Convoy will continue his mission to protect
peace on Earth and defend freedom, and will thus challenge Megatron’s
* Ten-Dimensional Processor Block [head]: The brain-part that controls multi-dimensional thinking and consciousness.
* Timaeus Powertrack Generator [chest]: Generates the racetrack for the super-dimensional-locomotion Timaeus Drive.
* Universal Emulation Engine [waist]: Universal mechanism that replicates all mechanical devices.
* Phasic Isolation Shield Emitter [knee]: Shield emitter that erases one’s presence and offers total protection.
* Timestorm Detector Array [door-wing]: Able to remotely detect the
generation of changes in time-space and immediately calculate their
* Alternium Hyper-Frame [clavicle]: Higher-dimensional-material
receiver that physically links the Auto-Avatar and the true Alternity.
* Anti-Hytherion Spacetime-Piercing Tachyon Blasters [forearm]:
Super-long-range armaments that can strike targets existing in the
past, the future or in other dimensions.
* Planet Force Storage Reactors [lower leg]: Where the vibrational
energy of the planets is gathered as backup energy storage.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 4th April 2009 at 10:36:17 BST
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Michael Bay has has told what is in store for one of the characters from the second live action Transformers Movie, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Is the story true or not, well you'll have to wait to find out.
**** Spoilers ******
Michael Bay explains that he didn't like the development of Arcee's charcter during the movie and so she is killed off.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 4th April 2009 at 10:33:25 BST
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HerosToyMaker has placed an auction for a custom Chrome Silver Big Convoy for sale on eBay. The auction has a rather high starting price and is probably one of at least 5 of the toys Hero would have had commissioned.
Category: Transformer Toy Sightings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 3rd April 2009 at 15:20:30 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated with news of the first guest, who will be Gregg Berger the voice of Generation One Grimlock. Here is a copy of the announcement
"He is best known to TF fans as the Generation ONE voice of Grimlock, Longhaul,
Skyfire, and Outback. He also originated the voices of Spirit, Firefly,
Cutter and Ripcord on G.I. Joe.
He remains as busy as ever and his recent credits include voicing Captain
Cutter on Halo Wars, Kingpin on Spiderman Web of Shadows, Sir Jecht on
Final Fantasy X, X-2, and Final Fantasy Dissidia. Gregg Berger is also
the voice of The Pain on Metal Gear Solid 3, Eeyore on Kingdom Hearts,
Fred Dukes aka The Blob on X-Men Origins: Wolverine and many many more.
His animated series regular voices include Cornfed on Duckman, Agent K
on Men In Black, Odie and others on Garfield (new episodes now recording!),
The Gromble on Ahhhh! Real Monsters!!!, Orson Pig on US Acres, and more...
as well as numerous featured and guest starring roles on countless other
animated series and features.
His on camera work includes co-starring as Klembecker in Spaced Invaders
and as Yuri Talinsky in Police Academy: Mission To Moscow (filmed entirely
on location in Russia!). He has starred in three pilots for CBS and has
made numerous guest starring appearances on television. He currently narrates
the series Shadow Force for The History Channel and is the voice of a
PBS affiliate in Florida. His first book/audiobook is titled: Think
Globally... Act VOCALLY! (and Voice Virtue).
One of the biggest news stories going around at the moment covers the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen character information which was appeared on Michael Bay's blog, on USA Today and on Yahoo Movies. All three posts were made on April Fools Day, 1st April, so it could be that some of the information contained within in is just a well put together April Fools joke.
Read on to see the information and make up your own minds.
Yahoo Movies
OPTIMUS PRIME: The Autobots' leader - alternate form: Peterbilt truck (see photo).
IRONHIDE: Weapons specialist - GMC Topkick.
RATCHET: Medic - Hummer H2.
BUMBLEBEE: Friend and mode of transportation for Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) - 2010 Chevorlet Camaro.
ARCEE: A female Autobot - motorcycle.
SIDESWIPE: A Lamborghini in the toy line, here he transforms into a silver Corvette Stingray concept car.
JETFIRE: An older Decepticon who switches sides - SR71 Blackbird jet.
JOLT: The original toy was a Decepticon, but in the movie he's a good guy - Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid.
SKID & MUDFLAP: a.k.a. "The Twins" - Chevrolet Beat and Trax concept cars.
STARSCREAM: Formerly Megatron's second in command, he escaped at the end of the first movie (see photo); F-22 Raptor jet.
SCORPONOK: The mechanical scorpion that attacked the American troops in the desert.THE FALLEN: One of the original Transformers, he's called "the most elemental bad guy" by the screenwriters.
SIDEWAYS: The Audi R8 seen crashing through a building in the trailer.
SOUNDWAVE: A cassette player in the original toys; his alternate mode will be a communications satellite.
RAVAGE: A four-legged, cat-like robot (see photo).
THE DOCTOR: A spider-like crawling robot.
WHEELIE: A small, radio-controlled truck.
DEMOLISHER: One of the Constructicons that transform into construction vehicles.
DEVASTATOR: A giant robot formed by the Constructicons joining
together; individually, they are: Scavenger, Scrapper, Hightower,
Longhaul, Rampage, Overload and Mixmaster.
Noticeably absent from the list is the Decepticon leader, Megatron, who
was killed at the end of the previous movie and last seen being dumped
in the ocean. Michael Bay denied that Megatron is in the movie, but
actor Hugo Weaving said in an interview that he had recorded dialogue
for the part. We'll see if and how he returns when "Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen" opens on June 24th.
Michael Bay's Blog
By Anthony Breznican, USA TODAY
It's always the quiet ones you need to fear.
Ninjas. Serial killers. Boba Fett. Gastrointestinal functions.
Transformers lore, the mechanical jaguar Ravage has been a villain
favorite since the 1980s for his stealthy tactics and deadly force.
Ever since a four-legged mechanical beast prowled through the trailer
for summer's sequel, Revenge of The Fallen, fans have been awaiting
more word about the feline-ish Decepticon. As more robots in the June
24 movie are revealed, Ravage comes into focus.
"In the spirit
of 'more than meets the eye,' Ravage isn't just lethal because of his
sharp teeth," says screenwriter Alex Kurtzman. "There's actually
another skill set Ravage has that didn't exist before, so there's going
to be a surprise for fans."
This version of the cat already
looks far different from the original, with a single glowing red eye
and a swinging, mace-like tail, but his role will be similar to the
1980s cartoon and Hasbro toy — the ultimate spy.
Ravage often
was dispatched to monitor the heroic Autobots and their human allies,
reporting back to the Decepticons by transforming into a cassette tape
and replaying his recordings through the larger robot master Soundwave,
who switched into a Walkman-sized tape deck. (How a giant robot became
a small piece of sound equipment was a comical hole in logic never
fully explained.)
The cassette tape transformation is gone, of
course; Ravage doesn't turn into anything. But Soundwave will appear,
again serving as an evil communications expert but this time in the
form of an orbiting space satellite.
"They are still connected,"
fellow screenwriter Roberto Orci says of Soundwave and his pet. "But
rather than trying to hold onto a notion as antiquated as an audiotape,
which some members of our audience have maybe never laid eyes on, we
wanted to go a new way."
And Ravage, as before, won't speak like the other Transformers.
wanted to stay true to the idea that Decepticons who take visual clues
from beasts maintain that," says Orci. "It would be strange to have a
talking jaguar, or a scorpion with an English accent."
Michael Bay has ensured that Ravage has lots of company, including many
redesigned favorite robots from the original 1980s incarnation, in the
new film.
"We have big guys, some little guys. We have a lot of
littler ones, too. Little weirder ones," Bay says. Like the
Insecticons, which were giant bugs in the original series and Hasbro
toy line, but are now tiny creepy-crawly infiltrators.
Bay, who
collects the Vanguard Award Thursday night at ShoWest, offers a peek at
others joining Optimus Prime and Bumblebee for another rock-'em,
sock-'em robo-brawl.
AUTOBOTS (the good guys)
in the original, this fighter plane crash-landed on Earth a long time
ago, and he will become a reformed Decepticon now fighting for the
humans. His alternate form is the SR-71 Blackbird, the outdated but
still-sleek Cold War spy plane.
"He's old, craggy, forgetful ...
doesn't work very well. Can't transform very well, because he's very
geriatric. They get stuck with him a lot," Bay says. "He knows the plan
of the bad guys, but he forgets all the good parts of the plan."
New recruits:
a candy-apple red Lamborghini in the original, joins the cast this time
as General Motor's silver Corvette Stingray concept car. Jolt is a new
foot soldier, played in four-wheel form by the Volt, a forthcoming
Chevy hybrid plug-in. Two of GM's other concept cars (the Trax and
Beat) play The Twins, nicknamed Skids and Mudflap.
"Some of the
junior Transformers are just dumb," Bay says with a laugh. "But it's
great for kids because they're like the Little Engine That Could.
They're (screw)-ups, but they get really heroic at the end."
For the gals:
is the only female and turns up as Megan Fox's hot-pink motorcycle.
Co-screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci say she was in an early
draft of the first movie. "But we felt we needed to win the audience
over before asking for that suspension of disbelief: a feminine alien
robot," Kurtzman says.
DECEPTICONS (the bad guys)
The title character:
Fallen is an ancient robot, sort of the Transformers' version of
Lucifer. He's one of the original robot aliens, and his defiance and
arrogance led to his banishment into another dimension.
The screenwriters say that The Fallen holds the key to life on both Earth and Cybertron, the Transformers' home planet.
Other troublemakers:
smaller, but no less malevolent Decepticon is known as The Doctor — a
spider-like droid that transforms into various implements of torture
and has a not-so-nice encounter with star Shia LaBeouf.
Then there's a giant one called Demolishor, and another tinier one with the sportier name of Wheelie.
seven robots — Scavenger, Scrapper, Hightower, Longhaul, Rampage,
Overload and Mixmaster — transform into construction machinery, but
also link up with one another to form one gigantic robot stomper named
"He's made of vehicles designed to build, and he
turns into is someone who loves to destroy," Orci says. "He is an agent
of absolute chaos."
Bay says Devastator is the crème de la smash and got a uncharacteristic reaction out of the film's executive producer already.
"Spielberg saw it and said, 'This is (expletive) awesome!' " Bay says, and adds: "It's always nice when you can make him swear."
Source: USAToday
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 2nd April 2009 at 19:12:46 BST
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Not booked your tickets yet for Auto Assembly 2009, Europe's largest Transformers convention? Well you now have just FIVE DAYS to get your bookings in and take advantage of our great "early bird" discount rates run out before the tickets rise to their full price.
If you book online by MINDNIGHT (GMT) on Tuesday 7th April 2009 (or postal bookings are postmarked by this date) then you can get weekend tickets for just £40 for adults, £30 for children / students / senior citizens and under 5s are free. Family tickets, which cover two adults and two children are just £125. These rates will be increasing to £45, £35, and £145 from 8th April 2009.
For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly
Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 (with a bonus evening programme on 14th August 2009 for weekend attendees) at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.
UK Transformers fan / collectors and dealer The Space-bridge picked up the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Demolisher as well as Transformers Universe Hound and Transformers Universe Cyclonus from the Entertainer store within the Lakeside shopping centre! He has posted some images on his blueyonder webspace which you can view here and here. The second image includes a better look at the receipt which clearly shows the pricing and date of purchase
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 1st April 2009 at 08:29:58 BST
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Thanks to King Grimlock for sending through this link to Toys R Us UK who have a current sale on Universe deluxe figures which are reduced to £7.49. You can view the listings here.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: KingGrimlock -
on: Tuesday, 31st March 2009 at 23:22:43 BST
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Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to.
Click the link or image above to view the Skywarp toy gallery. The gallery contains 2 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Thursday, 6th November 2008. The mark was submitted within the category
Toys, games and playthings, namely, toy action figures and accessories for use therewith; toy vehicles and accessories for use therewith; toy playsets for use with toy action figures and toy vehicles; plush toys; stuffed toys; toy modeling compounds; toy molds and toy extruders for use with toy modeling compounds; plastic and vinyl toy characters; ride-on toys; mechanical toys; toy construction sets; building toys in the nature of building blocks and construction toys; water squirting toys; inflatable toys; role-playing toys; board games; parlor games; skill and action games; card games; playing cards; trading card games; hand-held units for playing electronic games other than those adapted for use with external display screen or monitor; jigsaw puzzles; paper party hats and currently has as status of Abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page..
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Ep 20: Arise Wreck-Gar
Wreck-Gar is bought to live by Sari's key and a fragment of the Allspark at the beginning of episode 20 of Transformers Animated ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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