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Thanks to Simon Furman for submitting timely reminder that he will be in London this weekend at Forbidden Planet doing some signings.
"Just a sneaky reminder that I'll be at London's Forbidden Planet Megastore this coming Saturday (25th April) between 1-2PM, ostensibly signing Torchwood graphic novels but in reality signing anything anyone wants signed (within reason). So, if you're in the area, pop down and get your copies of Maximum Dinobots (or whatever) signed. Be great to see/chat to one and all.
Simon Furman"
Seibertron is reporting on a "Device Label" Transformers line which is currently listed on BigBadToyStore. The line consists of Transforming USB hubs which include Blaster, USB memory sticks (2 gig) Ravage and Tigatron, and Optical Mice, Overkill and Dinobot.
They certainly look interesting
BotCon.com has been updated with a new video made by Dr Smoov to promote the event. This time it features some of the original Generation One characters.
Following the release of a limited number of one day passes for sale for Auto Assembly 2009 earlier this month, we would like to announce that because of the incredible popularity of this offer, ALL of the tickets for Saturday 15th August 2009 have now SOLD OUT.
We still have a number of one-day passes available for Sunday 16th August for just £25 for adults, and £18 for children, students or senior citizens and under 5's as always are free. However, these are limited so if you want to come along for just the day then you need to book NOW! Further one-day passes for Saturday and Sunday may be available at a later date, but these are the only ones we can guarantee at the moment.
Single day attendees will get access to the FULL convention on your chosen day including all the dealers, workshops, all the guest talks, FREE autograph sessions, our goodie bags, and everything else that weekend attendees have. However, weekend attendees gain earlier admission to the convention and ONLY weekend attendees have access to the exclusive Saturday evening programme with our voice actor script reading, live band and disco and the bonus Friday evening programme.
Full weekend tickets are £45 for adults and £35 for children/students/senior citizens with under 5s being FREE. Family tickets (2 adults and 2 children) for just £145 saving £15!
A provisional programme is on the Auto Assembly website, detailing information on activities and events in the Main Hall and our Alternative Events Room including confirmed details for our first workshops, along with information on many of the activities running during the weekend which will show you what you will miss out on if you only attend for the single day! We will be announcing more of the activities and displays shortly.
For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly
Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August
2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.
web: www.autoassembly.org.uk
forum: http://autoassembly.proboards.com
email: autoassembly@aol.com
tel: +44 (0)7804 951406
Michael Bay has posted a comment on his message board regarding the ShoWest footage he recently posted online.
The Showest footage was pulled down because it was just a 12-hour thing.
just wanted the fans to get a taste of what we have been making for a
year and a half because we have been so quiet. The piece was cut about
a month ago for this Showest thing I accepted this past month - so as
you can see many of the shots were far from being finished renders.
This dinky little site received over 1,500,000 hits and 550,000
downloads in this short time. Anyway the trailer is being printed today
and coming out on Wolverine and Star Trek. 64 days left!
Seibertron.com have posted some toy packaging images images from a Revenge of the Fallen figure that show Optimus Prime combined with Jetfire. You can see the images here
An auction was recently posted on ebay for the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wheelie toy. You can view the auction here which ended for $15.50.
Credit to TFW2005 for the news
Michael Bay has posted a montage of some of the footage that was recently shown at the ShoWest event online at vimeo.com. You can view the video using the plugin below.
*Exclusive* Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Footage from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
Hasbro have issued the following press release over at Transformers.com
April 16, 2009
(Ages 6 and Up; Approximate Retail Price: $14.99; Available through Hasbro at San Diego Comic-Con)
In honor of the 25th Anniversary of the TRANSFORMERS brand, OPTIMUS PRIME, leader of the AUTOBOTS and one of the most well known characters from the TRANSFORMERS brand lore, is getting the popular MIGHTY MUGGS line treatment for San Diego Comic-Con. This special edition OPTIMUS PRIME MIGHTY MUGG figure, which comes with a detachable cannon, shines with a metallic finish and comes in commemorative foil packaging.