MichaelBay.com has been updated with a three more images from the set of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. The images are available in high resolution and can be found by clicking the link at the start of this article.
Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
MichaelBay.com has been updated with a three more images from the set of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. The images are available in high resolution and can be found by clicking the link at the start of this article.
Thanks to King Grimlock for posting on our message board about the sale on currently at Argos for variou Transformers figures
Buy one, get one free Activators
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 107780.htm
Half price Legends 5 Pack
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 107780.htm
30%(ish) off Animated and Universe Deluxes
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 107780.htm
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 107780.htm
25% (ish) off Universe Voyagers
http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... 107780.htm
Good news for our Irish readers as Paramount have bought forward the official release date for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen for the Replublic of Ireland to June 19th making it the same as the United Kingdom. Confirmation has also been published on the Irish Transformers Movie website.
Tony Todd who has stared in various movies including movies including Platoon, Night of the Living Dead, and Candyman has posted an announcement on his official site that he will be voicing a character in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
TheOfficialTonyTodd.com: News
We've been waiting to announce this for a little bit and here it is:
Tony will be taking part in this summers biggest blockbuster ...
Now who he is going to play is still under wraps, but we can say...
don't look for him because you wont see the man himself...!!
Thats all we can say for now!
This is going to be one helluva a summer !!
For a chance to win a Transformers Revenge of the Fallen press kit visit this page on MichaelBay.com.
To enter, send an email with your name & your favorite obscure Transformer to webmaster@revengeiscoming.com. Contest is open to US, Europe, Japan, Australia, Israel & Canada residents only. Contest ends on end of day May 25, 2009.
The press kit contains:
We're back!!
I've merged the databases and so we've recovered all the missing website information. We've lost two days worth of message board data, but there awas not a great deal as this site was down for most of saturday and I kept taking things offline on Sunday. We're also now on the new server which is more powerful with a faster process, faster and larger disks and twice as much RAM. We've not got the bandwidth we had, but what we have should be enough for now though I'll keep an eye on it incase we start getting fined.
Everything should be working okay, though if you see any strange characters let me know as we've jumped versions of both PHP and MYSQL from older ones to the current releases, plus the database character set and collation have also been changed
Quartz on behalf of the Transformers At The Moon twins
For those keeping track I can now tell you that we have re-gained access to our old server and that I will be looking are merging the database from that server with the current one on here later tonight. During the merge the website will be unavailable for approximately 5-15 minutes. In order to complete the merge, I will be populating the database on the old server with any new news stories and galleries and then will be moving that merged version back onto this server, correct any collation or other issues. The result should mean a full restoration of the missnig galleries, news stories, trademarks, trademark history records etc, but we will be missing the weekends messatge board posts.
ACToys.nets have posted images of a new Botcon 2009 exclusive which is a recoloured Galaxy Force Chromia / Transformers Cybertron Thunderblast into the Generation One character Elita-1. You can view the images using the link at the start of this story or mirrored below.
Thanks to Rich for letting us know that the following Transformers Revenge of the Fallen items are now listed in the Argos system
387/0828 TR MV2 Assortment, £28.99. (Superion - the only thing so far in stock)387/2204 TRA MV2 Scout Assortment, £7.99.
387/2307 TRA MV2 Assortment, £12.99.
387/2383 TRA MV2 Voyager, £22.99.
387/2668 TRA MV2 Mega Power Bots, £37.99.
387/2974 TRA MV2 Bumblebee, £39.99.
387/5500 TRA MV2 Bumblebee, £99.99.
387/5627 TRA MV2 Legends Pack, £12.99.
387/5658 TRA MV2 Powerbots, £22.99.
081/4777 TRA MV2 Human Alliance, £29.99
081/4856 TRA MV2 Robot Weapons, £39.99.
081/4980 TRA MV2 Supreme Combiner, £99.99.
081/4997 TRA MV2 Battle Chargers, £12.99.
081/8955 Transformers Megatron £44.99.
Transformers Animated.com has been updated with an image gallery for the Transformers Animated cartoon episode number 41, Endgame.
The episode, the first of a two part season finale, sees Megatron and the Decepticon's innitating their plan to clone Omega Supreme to create an unstoppable army.
In this episode we see the return of Arcee's memories, the return of the female Starscream clone (based on the Generation Two colour scheme for Smokescreen) as well as seing Starscream finally regain his body.
TFW2005 member Sydneyy has posted a translation of a recent interview which appeared on TakaraTomy's website with Transformers designed Shugo Hasui, also known as Mr Starscream.
The release date for Transformers Revenge of the Fallenfor the UK release date has been moved forward to Friday 19th of June 2009.
No reason has given for the move so far, although it has also been noted that special Preview Showings of the film are to happen earlier in the month with the official London Premier on June 15th.
Seibretron member Shiftstick has posted a blurry image and some information relating to the second Transformers Disney Label toy. This figure is set to be Donald Duck, transforming into a yellow VW Beetle (Bumblebee) and is set to his Japan in August.
You can see the image at Photobucket