toy-world.com.hk has posted some scans from the current issue of Figure King magazine that was recently released in Japan. You can view the images below.
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toy-world.com.hk has posted some scans from the current issue of Figure King magazine that was recently released in Japan. You can view the images below.
We've uploaded over 300 images from the final Transformers Animated episode, End Game Part 2, to Transformers Animated.com. You will also find a new poll, the first for 5 months, asking you to rate the latest series.
eBay seller Heerostoyhamker has listed an interesting auction for what he refers to as a Generation One Optimus Prime prototype testshot.
The figure is actually a testshot, not a prototype, and isn't a Generation One mold rather one of the newer reissues of Convoy. The toy features the head which was designed for the Transformers Music Label Convoy figures.
A new TV spot for Revenge of the Fallen has aired within the US. You can view it below.
Gold Prime has recently listed another "lunchtime special" clear Soundwave auction on ebay, although this time it's in clear G1 colours (so clear and blue).
The clear Lunchime figures were pretty popular, but highly controversial, a few years back - we own several of them, although more recent enquiries into the toys have moved the figures far closer to the "non official" status and away from clear testshots.
It's not Transformers related but Stan Bush's The Touch is due to be released for Gutair Hero World Tour on Thursday 28th May.
You can see the original post on GuitarHero.com.
A new trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has appeared on YouTube, the same trailer that shows during screening of Night at the Museum 2 in the US.
We previewed the inks to the convention exclusive comic for Auto Assembly 2009 recently when we were interviewed here at Transformers@TheMoon. Since then, many people have wanted to know what the finished cover for our convention exclusive variant cover to IDW's All Hail Megatron Issue 13 is going to look like. Well, the wait is over...
Adding the finishing touch to Nick Roche's pencils is the fantastic colours of Liam Shalloo to bring you this fantastic tribute to Jurassic Park and featuring Grimlock (both of whom will be attending the convention and who can sign the comic for those of you who buy it along with G1 voice actor Gregg Berger)! The comic is being produced for Auto Assembly 2009 by Apocalypse Comics and will be available during the convention weekend from their table. Sales will limited to a maximum of just TWO per attendee while stocks last as there are only 1,000 copies being printed of this book!
Auto Assembly 2009 is set to be a record-breaking convention for European Transformers fans and this is one convention you don't want to miss!
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly
KoToys has been updated with images of the black Transformers Henkei Convoy, out of packaging, which was shown recently boxed.
The toy was originally planned for a Wonderfest Exclusive but is yet to be released.
Our thanks go to Murat Ali for sending through a report that on Tuesday he picked up the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Sideswipe figure from Toys R Us store in Croydon. The also had the Rampage and Breakaway figures along with Preview Soundwave and Bumblebee.
Murat has sent in an image of the toy along with the receipt which can be viewed below.
A boxed image of a black Limited Edition Transformers Henkei Convoy has appeared on AcToys. The figure, which was originally planned as an exclusive for the last Wonderfest convention in Japan, was never released adn has previously only been seen loose.
The writing on the package does not include the Wonderfest logo, only referring to the figure as a limited item, so it could be that it will be used as a future shop, convention or prize draw figure.