GenZhao has posted some images over on KOToys.com of the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wave four deluxe figure Jolt. The images include several comparisons with other Transformers Movie and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen figures.
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GenZhao has posted some images over on KOToys.com of the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wave four deluxe figure Jolt. The images include several comparisons with other Transformers Movie and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen figures.
We want your Transformers Revenge of the Fallen toy images!
Since the Revenge of the Fallen toys and merchandising is now hitting the globe we thought that now would be the perfect time to ask if people could help us update the image gallery sections of this website with images of the RotF line. We have created a thread on our message board with more information for those who are interested.
Two members of TFW2005 have discovered some stock images for Transformers Animated Rodimus Prime (Rodimus Minor) as well as a recoloured version of Transformers Animated Oil Slick.
You can see both images on TFW2005.com
For those of you who can make it to London on Saturday 27th June, Orbital Comics have a signing with Simon Furman, Nick Roche, Jon Davis Hunt, Liam Shalloo and Boo.
The gallery in the shop will also be displaying artwork from Nick from 19th June until 19th July.
The listing for the Bumblebee DS kit, Bumblebee stylus, Megatron DS kit, and Megatron stylus!
Credit to The Allspark.net for the news.
LG Nest have issued some Transformers Revenge of the Fallen wallpapers which are also available to download from Michael Bay's website by using the following link.
EJ Su has updated his deviantArt account with some behind the scene images from when he was working on some Transformers Animated concepts for Cartoon Networks
just found these photos in my hard drive the other day and totally
forgot that I had them. They were taken when I spent a week working on
Transformers Animated concept at Cartoon Network Studios.
The sketches on the wall of the cubicle was just little portion of the
sketches I did, I wish I scanned the sketches just for sake-keep.
Looking back, I wouldn't mind working there at the studios. The place
is quiet, full of supplies and equipments, not to mention free drinks
and snacks, as well as a giant TV and comfortable sofa to relax in. The
last and not least, I get to watch some screening of the cartoons in
production whenever available. Sweet!!
Cheap Trick's cover of the Transformers theme song has been posted to imeem.com. It's no "I Want You to Want Me," but then, nothing is. Check it out here!
Credit to TFW2005.com for the news
With less than 12 days still to go, the Transformers Convention based in the Netherlands under the name TF ConVersions will make its presence known for a third straight year. To be held in Nieuwegein at the Merwestein Sport Complex on June 14th, the event has given another update on their site.
The dutch branch of Hasbro inc. has once again agreed to answer questions submitted by fans. Questions must be submitted before the night of saturday june 6th, and can be submitted to raymond-t@tf-conversions.com under the subject VRAAG HASBRO. The best, most funny, or most interesting question wil be answered for the convention.
But there is more Hasbro news on the site of the convention. Hasbro has created a new dutch website to promote the new toys of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Along regular promotions for both the RotF line and the Animated line, a dutch commercial can also be found here. An extra detail about the commercial is the fact that the actor, who voices the dutch Optimus Prime in the TV Spot, is Hero Muller. The actor who dubbed Optimus Prime in the dutch version of the original cartoon in the 80's.
Some of you may have noticed that the Auto Assembly website was down earlier today. We are not sure what happened but for some reason, the entire website (and all of our sister sites) disappeared completely from our server. Everything appears to be working normally now but I am monitoring everything and checking on a regular basis to make sure things are running smoothly.
If the site does appear to vanish for a prolonged period of time, I'd appreciate it if anyone can let me know by email or text at any time of day or night and I'll look into it as quickly as I can.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009
tel. 07860 948296 / 07804 951406
Since we're currently limited to a 56k dial up connection updating the site is proving somewhat difficult, so again here is a round up of links to some of the latest Botcon 2009 news.
Hasbro Designer Panel - TFW2005, TFormers, The Allspark. The Hasbro design team talk through the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers Animated releases with a suprise appearance by a Transformers Movie actor.
Botcon 2009 Exclusive Transformers Revenge of the Fallen clip. - Seiberton.
Rather than bring you different news stories on the various Botcon panels from today, we've decided to give you one that contains links to various reports as its far easier :p So here goes.
Animated Panel with David Kaye and Werid Al
The Allspark