Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has now officially broken into the top 20 worldwide grossing movies of all time having now taken $806 million at the box office.
Credit to BoxOfficeMojo.
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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has now officially broken into the top 20 worldwide grossing movies of all time having now taken $806 million at the box office.
Credit to BoxOfficeMojo.
Soptted the following at Toys R Us.
Voyager Desert Ratchet
Scout - Scapel
Must mean the rest of those waves are out - Which includes Voyager Fallen, Megatron and Mixmaster.
In Smyths spotted Deluxe Ravange and Interogrator Baracade. Which means that Mudflap and Cannon Bumblebee are also out.
Happy Hunting.
The latest Transformers Revenge of the Fallen figures to be added to our extensive Transformers galleries are three Human Alliance figures (thanks to Ami-Ami.
eBay seller yayabeee AKA as GenZhao of KOtoys.com, has posted several images on the KOToys forum of some upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen repaints. The figures shown are:
A Generation One recolour of Voyager Mixmaster complete with a different head mould that was seen on some testshots for the original figure. You can view images of this figure here. Note that the figure has the marking Ol' Lefty on the cab meaning "Old Lefty" and a reference to Mixmaster being the left leg on the Generation One Devastator figure
The upcoming Target Exclusive The Fallen Burning Edition. You can view the gallery here.
A deluxe Battle Damaged Sideways. You can view the galley here.
The figures will no doubt be listed on eBay in the coming days, if they have not already been added since the publication of this story, so make sure to check out his eBay store to view his current auctions
Matt Messager didnt' just help Transformers At The Moon with it's hugh Transformers toy gallery but also the web's number 1 (google ranked) Transformers Animated web resource Transformers Animated .com.
Transformers Animated.com now has a nice new gallery for Leader Class Ultra Magnus as well as more images of Voyager Skywarp.
dThanks to Matt Messanger (awesome name) for sending through some images of his Transformers Henkei Legends Cosmos, Warpath and Wheelie toys. We've taken his images and added them to our extensive Transformers toy gallery area, which is closing in on the 2,220 mark.
Thanks to Alan Taylor for sending through images to make up three more Transformers toy galleries for yoru viewing pleasure. Alan's galleries consist of :-
We've uploaded 5 new galleries of Transformers figures submitted to us by members of the site. First up we have Phantomfish to thank for four Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Legends toy galleries
Sticking with the small Transformers toy theme?we also have Simon Dick to thank for submitting a gallery for one of the Worlds Smallest Transformers Chase Figures.
Feeling flush? Well why not take a look at this auction for 4 AFA graded unreleased Transformers Generation Two Protectobots?
You can see more pictures of these figures in our Transformers Toy Galleries
Well its official, Auto Assembly 2009 will be Europe's largest (in terms of guests and attendance) dedicated Transformers convention ever! Yes we have received word from the organisers that over night it has broken the previous European record set by Auto Assembly in 2008 of 423.
Transforce held the record for a few years at 400 in 2002 until Auto Assembly beat that in 2005 with 409 attendees. In 2008 the event sent a new record of 423.
Remember we will be in attendance putting on the worlds largest display of Lucky Draws (though u will need to be their on the Sunday to see everything we have), so remember to stop by and introduce yourselves.
Auto Assembly 2009 Releases Final Single-Day Tickets!
Just 20 days to go before Auto Assembly 2009, we are now releasing the
FINAL batch of single day tickets for those of you unable to attend for
the full weekend...!
We have now released a further 45 single day passes for
the Saturday and Sunday and once these have sold out, the only way you
will be able to get a one-day pass will be as an on-the-door attendee
and these will be sold on a first come, first served basis subject to
availability. We do have plenty of full weekend passes available still
and these are not subject to any restrictions on sales numbers so if
you want a full weekend pass you still have time to book these, but as
the convention is getting closer, you don't want to miss out...
The cut-off dates for pre-registrations are looming
ever closer and for those of you living within the UK, you MUST get
your bookings in by 10th August 2009 to allow us enough time to process
them and post your passes out to you. If you live outside of the UK, we
are recommending that you book no later than 3rd August. Any later and
we can not be held responsible for delays in the postal system.
If you wish to collect your passes on the weekend
itself in person, we will be looking into this for WEEKEND ATTENDEES
ONLY but please contact us to discuss this.
Single day attendees will get access to the FULL
convention on your chosen day including all the dealers, workshops, all
the guest talks, FREE autograph sessions, our goodie bags, and
everything else that weekend attendees have. However, weekend attendees
gain earlier admission to the convention and have access to the
exclusive Saturday evening programme with our voice actor script
reading, live band and disco and the bonus Friday evening programme.
Single day passes are just £25 for adults and £18 for
Full weekend tickets are still available and are £45
for adults and £35 for children/students/senior citizens with under 5s
being FREE. Family tickets (2 adults and 2 children) are just £145
saving £15. Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of what is going
to be a great weekend celebrating 25 years of the Transformers!! The
convention is already about to break the European attendance record
from pre-registrations alone so isn't now the time you should be a part
of it?!
Finally, our main convention hotel is now FULL for the
Saturday night for accommodation so we have now moved onto an overflow
hotel nearby and are also investigating a THIRD for accommodation. If
you are travelling and do need somewhere to stay, we can't stress the
urgency now of booking sooner rather than later to get somewhere to
stay as well as your ticket for the event! Hotel details will be sent
with your booking confirmation. The Holiday Inn, and our overflow hotel
have ample rooms for the Friday and Sunday evenings but Saturday is
only available in the overflow hotel.
For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009
Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of
Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the
Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.
web: www.autoassembly.org.uk
forum: http://autoassembly.proboards.com
email: autoassembly@aol.com
tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
As we reported would be the case on Sunday, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has now broken into the top 10 grossing movies ever within the US and we expect it will move past Star Wars Episode III into 9th slot by the end of the week. The movie, which has grossed just under $380 million within the US alone would need to pass $404 million in order to take the number 8th slot away from Spider-man.
On the worldwide listings Transformers Revenge of the Fallen is now up to 23rd position and is set to pass E.T into 22nd within the next few days (if it has not already done so as collating worldwide ticket sales is always slower than US sales). Its quiet possible that the film will find it self taking the number 20 slot by the time it stops being screening in cinemas. It is currently reported as having grossed $791.6 million worldwide