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The MillionHero website has been updated with details regarding the shipping of their Generations Book 2009 Vol1 exclusive figure Electro-disrupter Mirage. The toy will start to ship from the 26th August and should have reached Japanese customers by the 10th September.
Thanks to Snakas for the news.
Well after showing off the toy exclusively at Auto Assembly 2009, you can now find full size images of the incredible Car Robots Black God Magnus (Black Ultra Magnus) along with the first ever images of Black God Fire Convoy (Black Omega Prime).
The gallery also contains image of Sams Club Optimus Prime combined with Black God Magnus.
You will need to check back later for images of Black God Magnus in vehicle mode and more images of this extremely rate Transformers figure.
If you are a fan of Transformers Animated and can get to Burbank California on Saturday the 22nd August then you'll be very pleased to hear that a Allspark Almanac signing will be taking place between 2 and 3pm at the Emeral Knights, 4116 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505. You can ring then on (818) 588-3631. The authors of the book Jim Sorenson and Bill Foster will be on hand along with Derrick Wyatt himself.
You can check out the official flyer here.
According to figures released by the NPD Group, toy sales within the United States were down 2% for the first 6 months of 2009. Sales were at $7.8 billion compared to $7.95 billion for hte same period in 2008. For the 12 months ending on the same date, sales fell from $22.06 billion to $21.6 billion. NPD toy industry analyst Anita Frazier is quoted as saying “Even as the economy worsened earlier this year...there wasn't evidence of greater declines post-holiday." Its not all bad news though as some areas of the toy industry did see an increase including the Action Figure are of the market where sales rose by 13 per cent for the first half and four per cent for the 12-month period.
You can read more here.
You will now find 184 images from Auto Assembly 2009, Europe's largest Transformers convention and the first Transformers convention in Europe to break the 500 attendees mark.
The pictures include the dealers, guests, displays and of cause the attendees.
It truly was a fantastic event, so take a look to see if you can spot yourself in there.
BBC Birmingham have published their coverage of Auto Assembly 2009 which includes a feature article as well as an image gallery.
The feature includes some quotes from Auto Assembly Organiser Simon Plumbe regarding how the event went, as well as making mention to the Lucky Draw display that was shown by the owners of this very website.
The image gallery includes photos of some of the female cosplayers, guest, dealers, staff, attendees as well as various items that were on display in our cabinets on the Saturday.
Greetings from Auto Assembly 2009. The doors have been opened for about three hours now, though we have been in the hall since 7 setting up the display cabinets with todays Lucky Draw display. We have all but 12 Lucky Draws on display today along with a Beast Machines Cheetor hardcopy, testshot and final release piece which is kindly on load from The Space-Bridge.
During the official opening ceremony a video was shown with a greeting from the voice actor Scott McNeil who will be the guest of honour at next years show (should it go ahead).
It was also announced that todays attendance was 498 which is a new record for a European Transformers convention
Thanks to TFW2005 board member Scourge_151 for posting a sighting of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Jetfire in Argos priced at £44.99. His producgt code is 3880090
To wet your appetites even further, we thougth we'd giv you a run down of the Lucky Draw toys you can expect to see at Auto Assembly 2009
Beast Wars
Gold Megatron
Blue Convoy
Beast Wars II
Gold Lio Convoy
Galva Lio Convoy
Silver Galvatron
White Moon
Beast Wars Neo
Blue Big Convoy
Gold Big Convoy
Black Magmatron
Gold Magmatron
Beast Wars Metals
Silver Convoy
Gold Convoy
Silver Megatron
Beast Wars Returns
Perfect Choice Cheetas
Collectors Edition
Secret Starscream
Black Sixshot
Clear Sixshot
Car Robots
Black Super Fire Convoy
Black God Magnus
Micron Legend
Gold Super Convoy
Gold Jetfire
Black Megatron
Green Unicron
Gold Grand Convoy
Custom Colour Grand Convoy
Gold Std Convoy
Gold Rodimus
Silver Rodimus
Black Megatron
Fire Kicker
Gold Omega Supreme
Galaxy Force
Gold Galaxy Convoy
Gold Master Galvatron
Gold Megalo Convoy
Custom Colour G1 Convoy
Gold Leader Optimus Prime statue
Gold Voyager Optimus Prime (loose and boxed)
Gold Protoform Starscream
Gold Convoy
Gold Galvatron
Hopefully I've not missed anyone off the list. If there is space we may also display a few "Fake Lucky Draws" to help you know which toys are not official.
I thought this might be of interest. There is a long-running UK fanzine (in print, yes!) called Hubris. The latest issue has just come out, and has a specially commissioned cover done by Marvel UK artist Stephen Baskerville. That's got to be his first Transformers work in quite some time!
There's more details on the site here: http://www.the-hub.co.uk/hubris/hubris-10/
Greetings Transformers Fans!
Auto Assembly 2009 is already the biggest Eurpean Transformers convention ever – but we’re striving to break that glass ceiling of 500 fans, so please, pre-register today before it’s too late!
For full details on
Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009
With Auto Assembly 2009 starting Friday evening here within the UK we thought we'd give you another incentive to come along if you have not already made up your mind. As you probably know by now at the event we will be showcasing our Lucky Draw collection the majority of which can be photographed for this website. However there are two Lucky Draw items that we own that we have not yet photographed for the website.
One of the items is the 2004 TV Magazine Colouring Contest figure Robotmaster G1 Convoy. The only images of this figure that have previously been seen were from a Yahoo Japan auction and a few images taken by Ultra Convoy who won that auction. Of the 10 figures that were produced, only Ultra Convoy's and our own are the only ones known to be in collectors hands.
The second item is even rarer and we believe only four photographs of this toy exist as well as a scan of the magazine from which it was originally offered. We have only seen this figure for sale once since it was produced. Who is the figure? None other than the second half of Black Super God Fire Convoy ... Black God Magnus!
We will not be publishing images of the toy on the internet until after Auto Assembly 2009, so if you want to see the figure you will have to come along to the event and have a look at the display. The figure will be shown on both days, but remember that only Sunday visitors will be able to see our entire Lucky Draw collection.
For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk