I have spotted ROTF wave 3 Legends in Tesco Macclesfield @ £3.97 each.
The Fallen,Mudflap,Enforcer Ironhide and Grindor.
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I have spotted ROTF wave 3 Legends in Tesco Macclesfield @ £3.97 each.
The Fallen,Mudflap,Enforcer Ironhide and Grindor.
Hasbro have issued the following press release regarding Hasbro Studios which makes mention to new programming being planned for many of their brands including Transfomers right at the end of the release. Of course it could just be that they wanted to throw in some of their biggest properties into the press release and, therefore, does not mean that its a 100% certainty that Hasbro Studio will be behind the next animated incarnation of the Transformers brand.
Hasbro, Inc. Announces Key Executive Appointments for Hasbro Studios
PAWTUCKET, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS - News) announced today the appointment of key executives at the company’s newly formed Hasbro Studios, which is based in Los Angeles. Industry veteran Stephen J. Davis, President of Hasbro Studios, will lead the “virtual” studio, which will produce shows based on Hasbro’s world class brands, deliver new branded content and produce programs from top third party content creators. Many of these shows will run on the new television network created by the joint venture between Hasbro and Discovery Communications (NASDAQ: DISCA - News, DISCB - News, DISCK - News), that is planned to debut Fall 2010, as well as on multiple channels in international markets.
Davis has named the following individuals to take on key roles as part of the Hasbro Studios management team: Bob Boden currently Senior Vice President, Programming and Production Fox Reality Channel and former SVP of programming for the Game Show Network, will be Head of Reality and Game Show Development and Production. Michael J. Vogel, currently Director, Animated Programming, Sony Pictures Television, will serve as Head of Boys Animation. Brian Charles Lenard, Director, Scripted Development, RDF Media Group, Pangea Management Group and RDF USA, will take on the role of Head of Story Development. Mary Beth Bambridge, Head of Strategic Planning, William Morris Endeavour Entertainment, will be the company’s Head of Finance, and Kevin Healy, Head of Business and Legal Affairs, Hasbro Entertainment and Licensing will serve as Hasbro Studios’ Head of Legal and Business Affairs.
“There are a number of factors that makes heading up Hasbro Studios such an exciting opportunity,” Davis said. “First, great programming requires great content, and we have the unique opportunity to take an amazing portfolio of iconic brands into all new and creative places. Second, I have been given the green light to hire the best in the business, and the appointments we are announcing today demonstrates that Hasbro Studios will have the creative and intellectual firepower necessary to do great things. I am delighted with the team we are putting in place,” Davis concluded.
As previously announced, Hasbro Studios’ productions will feed all platforms, domestically and globally, including television, the Internet and mobile. New programming is planned based on brands such as ROMPER ROOM, TRIVIAL PURSUIT, SCRABBLE, CRANIUM, MY LITTLE PONY, G.I. JOE, GAME OF LIFE, TONKA and TRANSFORMERS, among many others.
TFW2005.com board member bla has posted an image of a new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen legends class multi-pack giftset which he spotted in Toy Kingdom in the Philippines. The set is dubbed War For the Skies and contains four repaints of existing Legends
class toys Autobot Blades, Spinister ,Thundercracker and Jetfire.
Thanks to Mr Neurie for letting us know that Tesco appear to have a new £29.97 price point for the Human Alliance figures. Tesco compare the price to the £29.99 Argos price point with a note saying "Price from Argos on 13/09/2009. Comparison is on sinlge pack purchase." You can view a photo below.
eBay seller 911Gabriel-g1 has put up an auction for a Transformers Movie Scorponok Hardcopy for sale.
The figure is all white, and if it is actually a hardcopy then it shall be made out of resin. The figure includes some molding differences including 2 exrta eyes (with this version featuring 6 rather than 4).
There have been two new sights of Transformers toys in the UK today, one reported on Seibetron.com and the other on TFW2005.com.
First up is news that the Transformers Universe Mini-Con 10 pac k is now for sale in Tesco's for £20.00
The second is that Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Skids has been spotted in ASDA in both Poole and Manchester, also for £20.00
Thanks to an anonymous poster for submiting this picture of Human Alliance Skids
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen concept artist Steve Jung has updated his website with a new piece of concept artwork which reveals his design for what the merged form of the motorcycle gang Arcee, Chromia and Elita-1 may have looked like.
You may recall that back on the 12th September we reported a news story titled Crew Members Respond to Megan Fox's Insults, in which we published the "Open Letter" that three members of the Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen crew had written about Megan Fox in response to comments made by her regarding Michael Bay.
We we rightly predicted Michael Bay came out in her defence and had the original post removed from his message board.
Well now Miss Fox, via her publicist has issued the following short statement.
"I have spoken with the parties involved privately, I am very fortunate to be involved in
this amazing franchise and look forward to Transformers 3."
Credit to Digital Spy for the quote.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen concept artist Ben Proctor has posted some of his work with Concept Art World. The images include alternative designs for Devastator, Sideswipe, a model T Ford Transformers and various other images.
Credit to Ras for posting the link on TFW2005.com
I thought we'd start today with a news story of a different kind. Our thanks go out to Jason Vernon for kindly sending through a photograph of a cake his girlfriend Jules spent three days working on for a friend's birthday. The cake is of Transformers Movie Bumblebee and can be seen in the image below. Click on the thumbnail to view the image full sized.
S250 was able to obtain and share some of the unused Transformers Animated designs for Season 3.
The designs features the unused Reflector along with Ultra Magnus Cybertron alternate mode as High Brow alternate mode, both used in flash back sequences.
Seibertron.com was the first site to mirror the images.
Cybergundamblog have posted some photos from the 2009 East Japan toy trade fair, at which TakaraTomy showed off their upcoming Donald Duck Disney Label, Transformers Alternity Bumblebee and Cliffjumper and Transformers: Revenge Human-Alliance toys.