TFClub.com� has been updated with images of �Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wideload, a recoloured version of Rollbar.
The images include the packaging as well as Wideload's bio.
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TFClub.com� has been updated with images of �Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Wideload, a recoloured version of Rollbar.
The images include the packaging as well as Wideload's bio.
Since its been a slow news day and today is the day that all Freeview boxes within the UK need to be retuned in order to pick up Channel 5 and a few other stations its appropriate the Mr Neurie has sent us an reminder that all Freesat customers, that the free-to-air satellite service within the UK, who like the original Transformers cartoon (Generation One) that it is still airing everyday at 6pm on Kix (channel 606). Sky customers can also pick up the station on Sky Channel 627.
Kix is a channel from the CSC Media group that is aimed at 8-15 year olds. Their official spiel reads "Kix is the first UK digital channel to be
devoted entirely to boys who love action, music and extreme sports. The
channel will appeal to all young boys with a desire to be cool.". Of course 80's retro is still seen as cool, so us older fans have an excuse to watch ... like we need it.
Jim Sorenson has updated his blog with a new entry called The Ark Addendum: Darkwings' Weapons which features the animation models for Transformers Masterforce's Buster and Hydra (aka Dreadwind and Darkwing). The animation models were originally produced for the various "bibles" that are sent to animation and marketing houses during the production of a series If you are interested in seeing more you can find some Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo scans from our own collection within the prototype and concept art section of this website
Chinese fansite, The-Arker, has posted some new images of Electrostatic Soundwave and Freeway Jazz in packaging. The images also include their bio's which read as:
Electrostatic Soundwave
After a couple of years working alongside Laserbeak, Soundwave
realized it was time for a change. His new partner, Ratbat, lets him
lay down multiple tracks of sound at a time, creating frequencies that
can do more than just control other robots. Now, Soundwave is into
straight-up mind control. Using complex synch beats he can make people
- and even the Autobots - do whatever he wants.
Freeway Jazz
With Decepticon activity at its peak near the galaxy rim, rumors
begin to circulate that Earth may be getting more evil visitors as
well. In anticipation of incoming Decepticons, Autobot Jazz goes
undercover, inmersing himself in Earth culture where he hides in plain
site. He can enjoy the sights and sound of Earth while planning the
perfect moment to strike.
Two never-seen-before Transformers Mighty Muggs have appeared for sale on the Chinese auction site Taobao. The figures are based on Generation 1 Ironhide and Prowl
Credit to TFW2005.com for the news
Its that time of the month when we are glad to report the UK retail sales charts for August 2009.
Top Properties
August 2009 - Sales (Value)
August 2009 - Sales (Unit)
Here is the information regarding the comic. "The story behind this book is almost as unlikely as the book itself. It began with a late night phone call with the gracious and friendly seller of a small group of 80 original owner comics in Litchfield County, Connecticut. The young man was selling the books for his uncle, who purchased all of them on the newsstand in the same general area. Sitting untouched, unbagged, and unboarded for almost 70 years this freak of nature somehow managed to survive in Newsstand fresh shape for decades!!"
The auction has to be seen to be believed, if nothing else just to see how much it finally sells for. Currently its selling at over $55,000!
ModXToys have scanned some images from the latest issue of Figure Oh magazine. The images shown were of the same items that we reported were in Figure King a few days ago. you can view mirrors of the scans below.
Snakas has a round-up of the latest Transformers News to be featured in Figure King. The news includes:-
ToysNews, the UK toy news magazine, is reporting that Hasbro has opened an office in Russia with hopes that it will lead to a growing market for them.
Hasbro is targeting the Eastern European market with the opening of an office in Russia.
firm has opened a Moscow office in order to improve brand awareness and
distribution in its fastest-growing market in Eastern Europe.
is the most attractive market for us... definitely we are coming here
to increase our market share," Tomasz Micek, Hasbro's Russian head,
It estimates it has a three percent share of Russia's $1.5
billion toy market where it currently sells toys via two distributors.
It has run 12 television commercials this spring in Russia and plans another 20 by the end of the year, according to Micek.
Besides television, the company also plans to push magazine and Internet promotions.
good thing about the toy and game business is that it does not tend to
be as bumpy as the economy. It seems that parents want to continue to
spend money on their children. I'd rather be in my business than in
cars, or houses, and that's where the swings are very very big," said
John Harper, Hasbro's general manager for Europe.
Below is a summary of various new images that hit the internet yesterday for several upcoming figures.
First up S250 has posted some news images of the upc�oming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Bludgeon figure.
Next up KOToy.com have posted some images of the upcoming Revenge of the Fallen: Jungle Attack Ironhide figure which you can see here.
KO Toys have also published images of the upcoming Revenge of the Fallen Fast Action Battler Arcee figure which you can view here.