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posted preorders for the first wave of the Japanese Transformers
Animated figures, giving us the first images of these figures. These
are promotional images, and thus may be enhanced with photoshop;
however it seems that the figures may hav a metallic paint finish
applied, and Ironhide (US Bulkhead) seems to be a different shade of
US Toy seller Big Bag Toy Store has posted listings, including images, of the Japanese Transformers Animated toys which include new metallic paint schemes. Ironhide (Bulkhead) also now sports a more teal shade as well,
Bumblebee (he'll probably be called Bumble)
Optimus Prime
The second Auto Assembly guest of honour has been announced and its connected to this very website .... well you'll have to watch the official announcement video below (or scroll past it)
That's right folks we, the twins behind Transformers At The Moon, Transformers Animated.com and Lucky Draw Transformers are proud to confirm what Kalel Prime announced in the official AA video above, that we will be paying for the Transformers Animated character designer and art director Derrick J Wyatt to come over to the UK for Auto Assembly 2010. This is a great honour for us to be able to get Derrick over to the UK as we are huge fans of the Transformers Animated series, and its also our way to say a big big "thank you" to everyone that has visited www.transformertoys.co.uk over the last decade years, as well as those who have visited TransformersAnimated.com over the best part of the last three years. We are proud to be a part of a global fan community that welcomes everyone no matter your background, race, religion, political affiliation or nationality using a common interest as a bridge across all difference.
We'd also like to thank Derrick for his interest in attending the event and we very much look forward to speaking to him at the event about all thing Transformers Animated related and also look forward to seeing you all there.
087-06-1950 - Transformers Cyber Ops Bumblebee ~$60
087-06-0109 - Transformers Movie 2 Battle pk ~$20
087-06-1556 - Transformers 5pk combiner ~$20
087-06-1889 - Transformers DLX movie collection ~$13
087-06-1890 - Transformers DLX Collection 2 ~$13
087-06-1892 - Transformers Combiners 2 pk ~ $10
087-06-0019 - Transformers movie 2 legends 2pk ~$7
087-06-2048 - Transformers Animation Laptop ~ $20
S250 has posted an image over on the TFW2005 message boards for a fifth Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Leader-class figure. Which character has the scaled-up treatment? Why Bumblebee of course. The toy features a battle mask, blaster and shoulder mounted cannons.
S250 has posted two more in packaging images of the Transformers Revenge of the FallenBrawn figure. The images include a look at his bio, which you can read below, and have been added to our Transformers Toy Resource area.
There's nothing Brawn loves more than a challenge. Luckily, working with the N.E.S.T. Global Alliance gives him plenty of opportunities to show his strength. He has a new assignment: take down the decepticon strong-bot Rampage. The Decepticon warrior's strength is legendary, but Brawn intends to crush him and his legend with a couple blows of his indestructible fists.
\thanks to BluseShift for letting us know that Titan Magazine have finished reprinting All Hail Megatron, whilst both cutting the story and changing the ending!
Titan Magazine have 'finished' reprinting All Hail Megatron, and have decided to both cut the story short and change the ending! I've made a thread detailing the changes (including dialogue and panels!) on the Allspark.
What was the worst movie of the year? What was the year's best
action movie? Based on Moviefone's poll, which received 238,000 votes,
the answer to both of those questions was the same—Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
was the year's sexiest female star? Which actress gave the worst
performance? If you guessed that the winner in both of those categories
was also the same, you'd be right. Transformers 2 star Megan Fox proved to be as divisive as her film, which somehow grossed $834 million in worldwide ticket sales even so.
The Feb 2010 issue of Dengeki Hobby magazine has now been released within Japan and thoguh there was not as much coverage as Figure King, you can find a summary below.
The latest issue of Figure King, issue 143, was recently released within Japan. The issued contained pictures of Transformers Revenge Human Alliance Barricade who will be released within Japan in Feb 2010. On the 23rd January, Toysa R Us stores in Japan will be holding a special "NEST enlistment campaign". This campaign will see the first 4,000 pepole that spend 2000 yen or more on Transformers Revenge of the Fallen items received a specially-made NEST badge.
The magazine announced that a short NEST movie will be released on the TakaraToym Generation One website in January.
A sihouette of The Fallen was shown as part of the advertisement for the upcoming Winter Wonderfest.
The Transformers Camaro will be released within Japan next year costing 4.42 million yen for the LT spec and 5.47 million yen for the SS spec. Sales for the car begin on the 6th Feb, and you get a free Human Alliance Bumblebee with Sam for your troubles.
The 12th and final article covering the 25th years of Transformers was published, which featured developments since the 2007 movie.
There is a two page feature of the Japanese release of Transformers Animated in 2010 including a note that the story and characters will be changed to try to make them tie-in to the live action Transformers films which should be interesting to see how that works out.
Finally it seems that the next issue of Figure King, on sale at the end of Jan, will have a large feature on Transformers in 2010, so should be the first look at what Takara are plannig for next year.