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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd April 2010 at 13:58:19 BST
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With the release date for
Transformers War For Cybertron getting closer the
official War For Cybertron site has been updated with previews of Ironhide and Skywarp. Want more character images? Well drop by
Gamestop's website as they have a video of their exclusive (to the US) pre-order bonus character Shockwave.
Category: Transformers Merchandise
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd April 2010 at 08:08:37 BST
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Just a quick reminder that this coming Sunday - April 25th - Transformers scriptwriter
Simon Furman will be in Fordingbridge in Hampshire, at
All The Cool Things. They're staging a one-off Transformers open day and he'll be there to meet, greet, sign and sell stuff. So if you're in the area or can make it along, it'd be great to see you. The event runs from 11AM to 3PM and entrance is free. For more details, contact the store on 01425 650696.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 22nd April 2010 at 07:37:15 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 21st April 2010 at 19:44:04 BST
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Transformers Comic 2.12 - On Sale Tomorrow!
The newest issue of Transformers comic is full of action-packed features, games, puzzles, competitions and much, much more! Don't miss "Rules of Engagement", a fantastic 8-page comic story written by Transformers legend Simon Furman and featuring art from Jon Davis-Hunt. Check out the sneak peaks below and find out more on the story from the synopsis below!
SPRINGER, one of Optimus Prime's most trusted and battle savvy warriors, Springer is drafted in to whip the new unit into shape ahead of their first full mission. Springer likes things done a certain way, which immediately puts him at odds with Jolt, who doesn't follow anyone's rulebook. But Springer's Cybertronian-honed skills don't gel on Earth and he's forced to learn from his students.
You can order the comic online at
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 21st April 2010 at 09:43:42 BST
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Hasbro .Inc have reported their first-quarter sales with revenue rising 8.2% to $672.4m, above analysts' average
estimates. Their net profit nearly trebled to from $19.7 million to $58.9m when comparing Q1 2009 to Q1 2010. Sales have risen in all major
product segments and territories, according to Hasbro. International sales rose by a healthy 17%. The Hasbro board have also authorised the repurchasing of an additional
$625m worth of common stock. In the first quarter, it repurchased 2.2
million shares for $97.7m at an average price of $35.35 each.
sales in its products for boys rose three per cent, with Nerf and Tonka
performing well, it was girls and pre-school that boosted Hasbro's
first-quarter sales the most, with increases of 16 per cent and 18 per
cent respectively. Games and puzzles were up seven per cent.
Category: Toy Industry News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 21st April 2010 at 08:40:21 BST
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Kapow Toys have updated their blog with some images of upcoming Japanese Transformers figure including the highly anticipated Rodimus figure. They have also published release dates for various toys, some of which have been seen before on Japanese sites.
1) Animated Leader Class Megatron - July
2) Animated Swindle - July
3) Animated Jazz - July
4) Animated Sentinel Prime - July
5) Animated Wreck Gar - July
6) Animated Blurr - August
7) Animated Ultra Magnus - August
8) Animated Samurai Prowl - August
9) Animated Cybertron Ratchet - August
10) Animated Rodimus - August
11) Animated Jetpack Bumblebee - September
12) Animated Wingblade Optimus Prime - September
13) Revenge Human Alliance Jazz - July
14) Revenge Insecticon - September
15) Revenge Battle Blade Bumblebee - September
16) Revenge Battle Blade Optimus Prime - September
17) Revenge Deluxe Ironhide - September
18) Disney Label Buzz Lightyear - July
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2010 at 20:05:24 BST
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| Discuss: Read on have interviewed Lorenzo
di Bonaventura regarding the movie-making process of Transformers in which he makes a comment that John Malkovich will
be interacting with Shia LaBeouf quite a bit. Where as IGN have interviewed John Malkovich himself.
Credit to The for the news.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2010 at 13:17:31 BST
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The Auto Assembly website has been updated with the addtinion of the Auto Assembly Shop where you can buy
fanzines, comics and the official theme song for Auto Assembly, Transform by Next of Kin.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2010 at 13:13:19 BST
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We are pleased to announced that we have received word from Hasbro UK that the Transformers Power Core Combiner line
will be released here within the UK.
Previously it had been reported that Transformers Revenge of the Fallen N.E.S.T delxue figures as well as Masterpiece Grimlock would be released within the UK.
Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 19:23:34 BST
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As you may have noticed it's been a while since we bought you the UK Sales charts courtesy of the NPD, well we can rectify that by bringing you the official charts for January 2010.
Top 5 Properties
1. Ben 10
2. Star Wars
3. Transformers
4. Thomas and Friends
5. In The Night Garden
Jan 2010 £ Sales - Value
1. Ben 10 Alien Force 14CM DNA Figures - Bandai
2. Bakugan Starter Pack - Spin Master UK
3. Ben 10 Alient Force 10CM Figures - Bandai
4. Transformers Movie Deluxe Figures - Hasbro
5. Kidizoom Camera - VTech
6. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
7. SW Clone Wars Basic Figure 3.75 Inches - Hasbro
8. Transformers Movie Legends Assortment - Hasbro
9. Bakugan Booster Pack - Spin Master UK
10. Star Wars CLone Walker And Driod - Lego
Jan 2010 Unit Sales - Volume
1. Match Attax Cards - Topps
2. Hot Wheels Basic Car Assortment - Mattel
3. Transformers Movie Legends Assortment - Hasbro
4. Ben 10 Alien Force 10CM Figures - Bandai
5. Ben 10 Alien Force 15CM DNA Figures - Bandai
6. Play Doh Single Tub Assortment - Hasbro
7. Gogo's Crazy Bones Evolution Booster - Magic Box
8. Littlest Pet Shop Collectable Pet Assortment - Hasbro
9. Plasticine 8 Pack - Flair
10. Bakugan Booster Pack - Spin Master UK
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 19:14:40 BST
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Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 14:23:22 BST
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Hasbro have filed for 1 new Transformers related trademarks with the USPTO. You can view all of the details in our
Transformers Trademark area which is updated constantly throughout the day by our dedicated news-bots, but here is the list of all of the new applications:
Category: Transformers Trademark News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 12:15:48 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated with an official image of
Autobot Spark in Robot mode. Autobot Spark is the Pyro (Spark) based recolour of Transformers Universe Inferno
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 10:05:02 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated today with the official 2010 convention brochure! In addition to already-announced
Spark and
Breakdown, the Generation Two-themed convention set will feature the Protectobot
Streetwise and Decepticon
And also a surprise inclusion, the Robots in Disguise Predacon and
perhaps the most well-known poet in all of Transformers lore,
If I may compose a haiku in honor of this news:
Poor frustrated shark
Has never had an homage
How could I refuse?
Check out all the details in the brochure, available
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 10:00:21 BST
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