The Hub has been updated showing off a new image of Transformers Prime Ratchet (robot mode) and Transformers Prime Decepticon Drone (car mode).
Thanks to Seibertron.com for the original report on the update.
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The Hub has been updated showing off a new image of Transformers Prime Ratchet (robot mode) and Transformers Prime Decepticon Drone (car mode).
Thanks to Seibertron.com for the original report on the update.
Thanks to Seibertron.com for reporting this rather shocking news but it turns out that a gunman called James Lee has taken the Discovery Channels headquarters hostage. Its been reported that he has taken hostages it armed and has an explosive device. Discovery are of course part of the joint-venture with Hasbro Inc on the new TV channel called The Hub that will be taking over from Discovery Kids next month within the United States. You can read more on this story at the following news sites
CNN: Officials: Suspect holding hostages at Discovery Channel
SyFy: Gunman takes one hostage in US
Washington Post: Suspect was barred from Discovery Bldg.
Entertainment Weekly: Armed man holding a hostage at Discovery Channel's headquarters
Crepinc.com: Gunman's list of demands
Google News: Discovery in Google News
"Tell us about your role in the upcoming “Transformers 3??
Lester Speight : I am not sure if you know but “Transformers 3? has just eclipsed “Titanic” as the largest budgeted film ever. $400 million and still going north! We are totally taking over downtown Chicago. The city is buzzing and it is crazy around here. I play Hardcore Eddie. Tyrese’s character Robert Epps calls me in. I was in a war with his father. I always told his dad I would look out for him and watch his back. I am doing all the heavy shooting, rocket launchers and kicking ass. Hardcore Eddie is old school soldier who has seen it all and done it all. I am just kicking ass and blowing up shit. Michael (Bay) just created such a great character."
KOToys.com have gotten their hands on some of the TakaraTomy Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Gold Deluxe Optimus Prime figures and have posted a mini gallery over on their message board. The toy is 100% legit and will be given out to 1000 winners at the end of this month, though a 12 of the toys (they are packed 12 to a case) have found their way to KOtoys. Oh and yes, you read that right 12 to a case, so that means that there will certainly not be 1000 of the items since its not a multiple of 12.
Multichannel News are reporting that Hasbro Studios have named Mike Eisner as their senior vice president of legal and business affairs.
Hasbro Studios Names Top Business Affairs Executive
Agent Mike Eisner has been named senior vice president, legal and
business affairs for Hasbro Studios in Los Angeles.
Eisner -- not
to be confused with ex-Disney executive Michael Eisner -- had been vice
president at William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, where among other
things, he packaged TV shows and advised on brand integration.
resume also includes almost a decade negotiating deals at International
Creative Management.
Eisner is no stranger to Hasbro, having
helped negotiate Hasbro's multi-picture deal with Universal while at
Hasbro is currently producing a number of kids TV shows,
including Transformers,My Little Pony and GI Joe,
and will be supplying those and other programs to The Hub, its joint
venture with Discovery to remake Discovery Kids Channel. The new net is
scheduled to launch Oct. 10.
Could these be related to the third live action Transformers Film? Quiet likely. "Spark You Summer" sounds very much like an advertising theme similar to Transform Your Summer. "Autobot Alliance" is the Japanese name for the "Hunt For The Decepticons" subline (thanks to King Grimlock for pointing that out) whilst "Destination Earth" remains uncertain.
Transformers At The Moon - The world's leading Transformers trademark resource since 2005.
The list of crystal coloured Optimus Prime toys continues to grow with the announcement of the Family Mart contest campaign that will be taking place within Japan. You enter the lottery by spending 5000yen with the prizes being:
Crystal Clear Transformers Revenge Leader Class Optimus Prime
Transformers Animated "No Battle Damage" Deluxe Class Optimus Prime
Transformers Animated Activator Skywarp
Transformers Animated Clear EZ Collection Figures
Transformers Animated Super-Deformed items.
Transformers Animated Keychains
Transformers Animated Mugs
You can view images of the prizes below courtesy of Alfes 2010
Another Transformers Animated campaign figure has been announced, this time running in the Japanese Transformers Animated comic known as The Cool. The campaign will be for a crystal (clear coloured) Transformers Animated Activators Optimus Prime. The details will be in next months issue though we are working on translating the text from the images.
Credit to Masabon for the news for posting the news on the TFW2005 boards.
Following up from the earlier news report about the coloured Masterpiece Rodimus toy being revealed in Japan this weekend as the C3X event, several other Japanese blogs have new, clearer and larger images from the event including the presentation. You can find them using the links below.
YouTuber Mazainjapan2008 has posted some images and videos from Chara-Hobby (Character Hobby) which is currently taking place within Japan. This event saw the first showing of the coloured Masterpiece Rodimus as well as showing the just released Transformers Animated Hydrodive Bumblebee and Wingblade Optimus Prime. The event also showed the new Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Silver Bumblebee figure which will be given away to 40 winners split between two chains of stores within Japan. You can find the videos and images below.
GENgoraw has posted several images on the file and video sharing website YFrog from the C3 Hobby Show (Character Hobby) that is currently taking place within Japan. The images include a first look at the painted Masterpiece Rodimus Prime figure and include proof that the toy does indeed Transform into Hot Rod as well. Previously it had been speculated and the recent image showing that the toy has two faces added to that speculation, but the final proof is in these images which show the toy in Hot Rods vehicle mode.
Credit to TFW2005.com for the news
Thanks to Phill for posting the following toy sightings on our message board.
"Edinburgh Forbidden Planet had the Deluxe and Leader classes of the Hunt
for the Decepticons in. Leaders were £44.99 and Deluxes were £12.99.
Starscream looks a lot better than the Voyager one.
On another
note I spoke to someone in Tesco, and they said that if there's no
Generations in the catalogue, then they're unlikely to get them in the
store. Also was told that they're likely to only have 3 HftD Voyagers in
between now and Christmas as the catalogue only says 3 to collect. So
that's Seaspray, Payload and the redeco Ratchet."
An ebay auction has appeared for the Lucky Draw Gold Optimus Prime toy from Transformers Animated.
The figure is limited to 1000 pieces and the seller has 4 for sale.
You can see the auction for the first Transformers Animated Lucky Drawfigure here.